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Explore the unique assets of Southern Illinois and the importance of indigenous resources in economic development. Learn how asset mapping can drive regional growth and competitiveness.
Southern Illinois: Garden of the GodsReadiness AssessmentChapter 2: Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping December 28, 2007; revised Feb 15, 2008 CONNECT SI ViTAL Economy Alliance Frank Knott, Lead & Master Guru; Stan Halle, Senior Editor; JimHaguewood, Rob Beynon, & Neil Gamroth, Principal Economic Researchers fknottmd@earthlink.net; http://www.vitaleconomy.com
Table of Contents EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW:the Big Picture & Importance of Change in Southern Illinois READINESS ASSESSMENT (RA) 1. State, National & Global Trends 2. Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping 3. Enabling Environment Necessities 4. Climate of Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship 5. Southern Illinois Competitiveness 6. Regional Perspectives 7. Framework for Success APPENDICES 2.01 Why We Map 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
Southern Illinois — "Garden of the Gods" SI has significant & unique assets that position it to take full advantage of the trends discussed in Chapter 1 — this allows SI’s economy to grow from within rather than spending precious resources on industry attraction … “sow your own to grow your own” Chapter 2:Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping 2.01 Why We Map …………………………………. 4 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps …… 9 2.03SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources ……. 13
Southern Illinois — "Garden of the Gods" Asset Mapping is an essential step in the ViTAL Economy Process — providing key insights for a region to learn how to recognize and value what makes it unique. Chapter 2:Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping 2.01 Why We Map
Asset Mapping — Why it is Essential Know where you are See where you have been Know where you are going Find the best route Find an alternate route Determine what to avoid Make connections Determine who to visit with 2.01 Why We Map • Learn what makes us unique & that SI is something special • Discover what previously competing communities within SI have in common • Bring to light the Region’s collaborative and marketable opportunities • Discover our ability to compete without trying to become something we are not • Note: We cannot effectively compete without collaborating & connecting assets across SI “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” - Theodore Roosevelt
Asset Maps help us understand what makes SI unique! Opportunity Realized Connect the Dots Barriers Local Opportunity Global Opportunity Innovation Industry/State Who We Are Knowledge Best Practices Global Innovation The foundation of sustainable economic growth is building on what makes a region unique, NOT copying what others are doing Local Innovation Barrier Strategies Short/Long Term Wins Measures of Success Connect SI – Overall Logic Flow 2.01 Why We Map
Weaving Assets into Opportunities 2.01 Why We Map • In the ViTAL Economy approach, Indigenous Resources are “interwoven” with existing and emerging opportunities to form unique bonds • Enhances “connectivity” amongst existing businesses to strengthen the competitive position of SI — in a global economy instead of competing against each other • Enables SI to leverage unique/remote assets that offer value-added rather than low-margin commodity products & services • By weaving together SI COIs’ indigenous and sector resources, critical mass can be achieved and global opportunities captured • Prior to linking these assets together, everyone had a piece of the value-chain, but few had the whole chain • Once SI understands its collective strengths, it can then connect those strengths to global niche market opportunities, which have heretofore not been captured by SI “Most large markets evolve from niche markets” - Regis McKenna, Silicon Valley guru
Asset Maps Focus Opportunity Analysis 2.01 Why We Map • Enables SI to define how indigenous resources make it unique and special • Identifies resources at economic sub-regions to be leveraged across counties • Helps to filter, prioritize and focus competing economic strategies • Defines what industry clusters can be home grown based on local assets • Identifies industry value chain assets to be connected across SI Region Map Indigenous Assets Map Industry Assets • Natural • Human • Knowledge • Cultural • Geographic • Excellence • Infrastructure • Government • Agriculture • Healthcare • Tourism • Energy • Manufacturing • Education • KBE Firms • Logistics + Priority industry clusters with the best ability to deliver economic growth goals = See: RA Chapter 2
Southern Illinois — "Garden of the Gods" The four Regional Communities of Interest (COIs) — Greater Egypt, Greater Wabash, Southeastern, and Southern Five produced extensive Asset Maps of both their Indigenous Resources and by major Industry (both existing & emerging); these are summarized here Chapter 2:Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps
Asset Mapping Was Done by Each COI GW GE SE S5 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps Connect SI includes 4 Sub-regions: Southern Five Union, Johnson, Alexander, Pulaski, Massac Southeastern Pope, Hardin, Saline, Hamilton, Gallatin Greater Wabash White, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash Greater Egypt Randolph, Perry, Jackson, Jefferson, Franklin, Williamson — 10 — — 10 —
Asset Mapping: Indigenous Resources 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps • Double-click on the table below to open the Excel spreadsheets that detail SI Indigenous Resources from the Milestone 2 Asset Mapping Process — these maps will provide an important foundation for all Industry Cluster efforts (Phase 2) • Use the scroll bars to view additional rows & columns • Additional opportunities and resources may be added to the map as regional stakeholders use it as a dynamic tool to map the assets of your evolving economy Indigenous Resources: Natural; Human; Knowledge; Cultural; Geographic; Excellence; Infrastructure; Government Source: COI Asset Mapping Teams
Asset Mapping: By Industry 2.02 Indigenous Resources & Industry Maps • Double-click on the table below to open the Excel Spreadsheets that inventory SI resources by industry during the Milestone 2 Asset Mapping Process — these maps will provide an important foundation for specific Industry Cluster efforts (Phase 2); use the scroll bars to view additional rows & columns • Additional opportunities and resources may be added to these maps as regional stakeholders use it as a dynamic tool to map the assets of your evolving economy Industries: Agriculture; KBE; Energy; Education; Tourism; Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution; Forest Products; Manufacturing Source: COI Asset Mapping Teams
Southern Illinois — "Garden of the Gods" Chapter 2’s Summary Section takes some of the most promising Opportunities identified in Chapter 1 and couples these with the most unique and leveragable SI Assets; however, there are barriers that must be overcome (aka “Challenges”) — these will be discussed more thoroughly in Chapter’s 3, 4, 5 and 6 Chapter 2:Indigenous Resources & Industry Asset Mapping 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
What COI’s Learned from Asset Maps 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources • SIU’s 60+ year history with students from over 100 cultures positions SI to access expanding global markets which are seeking access to U.S. markets • SIU’s research centers of excellence in energy, environment, materials and neuroscience perfectly align with global priorities for market growth • SI has a more significant base of workforce development and research university assets to respond to the 10 million worker shortage than any rural economy in the U.S. • There are more innovation, incubation and entrepreneur assets in SI than anyone imagined; this positions SI to build an Innovation Ecosystem fueling KBE growth • Intermodal logistics assets and heartland location align with the redevelopment and expansion of inland waterway logistics connecting to Midwest logistic gateways • Regional tourism assets are aligned with authentic and active lifestyle tourism trends involving 50-80 million annual tourists in the U.S. • SI has the right mix of assets for attracting the financially independent active retirement demographic, which is fueling the growth of senior living opportunities • SI has a significant base of diversified alternative and traditional energy assets, which if collaboratively organized, provide a basis for a diversified energy sector Asset Mapping proves SI already has what it needs to drive its own economic destiny
Opportunities, Link to Regional Assets & Challenges(1 of 4) 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
Opportunities, Link to Regional Assets & Challenges(2 of 4) 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
Opportunities, Link to Regional Assets & Challenges(3 of 4) 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
Opportunities, Link to Regional Assets & Challenges(4 of 4) 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources
We See A Bountiful Southern Illinois Vital Economy’s View: — We have fallen in love with SI; we see it as the Land of the “Garden of the Gods” — Prime central North American location in close proximity to over 11 million people 425,000 population produces a $17.6 billion economy — equivalent to a major metro-area Multi-directional Interstate highway, waterway and rail road infrastructure Major research university, robust Community College System and workforce development assets Modern and growing healthcare facilities Large National Forest and numerous unique tourist attractions Extensive mineral, agricultural and unique natural environmental assets Rich soils, mild climate and abundant water resources Numerous innovative and leading industry companies and an entrepreneurship spirit Special, welcoming, talented & caring people who want better for their families Young & old who see SI for the treasure it is, and desire stewardship that reflects its value 2.03 SI’s Unique & Leveragable Resources ViTAL Economy Conclusion: Southern Illinois has more assets at its disposal than any other region the Team has advised in 15 years — 19 —