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First Aid. What is First Aid?. First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. First aid is usually given in an emergency situation (e.g., driving up on a wreck, being the first witness). C-C-C. CHECK.
What is First Aid? First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. First aid is usually given in an emergency situation (e.g., driving up on a wreck, being the first witness)
C-C-C CHECK Check the situation. Make sure you’re safe. If you’re not sure you’re safe, leave the area. Don’t panic, stay calm. WHAT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT??? CALL Point at someone in particular and tell them to call for help (e.g., YOU in the red shirt, CALL 911!! CARE During some emergencies, someone may be hurt. Give first aid until help arrives.
Basic First Aid • Remember your ABC’s!!!!!!!!!!! • A- Airway (check for obstruction) • B- Breathing (look, listen, and feel) • C- Circulation (keep blood circulating)
What is the person is unconscious? • After you call 911, ABC’s!!!! • Airway, Breathing, Circulation
Rescue Breathing • 1 breath every 5 seconds • Check for pulse and breathing after every minute (or about 12 breaths) • Continue this until medical help arrives or there is no pulse. What happens if there is no pulse? If a person has a pulse, but is not breathing, you should perform Rescue Breathing!
CPR Remember your ABC’s!!! A- Airway B- Breathing C- Circulation When a person has no pulse and is not breathing, we perform CPR!!! CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
CPR Give 20 compressions (about two inches) Tilt the head back and lift the chin Give victim 2 breaths Repeat until medical help arrives
911 • When you call 911, you should be ready to give this information: • Your name and location • The type of emergency • The condition of anyone who is hurt • What you’ve done to help the victim
What if somebody is choking? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE45ks9miIw&feature=relmfu Abdominal thrusts are actions that apply pressure to the stomach to force an object out. It is also called the Heimlich Maneuver.
Choking How do you know if someone is choking?
…Choking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEIiEAn7b-U What if you are alone and choking? You will perform self-abdominal thrusts.
Emergency Contact List 911 or local emergency number Fire department Police Department Family Doctor Parents at work Relatives Neighbors
Bleeding • Apply a sterile gauze to the cut • Apply pressure to the cut • Elevate above the heart • Add gauze if needed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2zwU2c-HZo What to do first?
Burns 1st Degree 3rd Degree 2nd Degree
1st Degree Only damages the epidermis, which is the outer layer of skin. These burns consist of redness, and take about 1 week to heal. An example of this is a sunburn.
2nd Degree Damages the epidermis and dermis. Appears red with blisters. These burns take approximately 2-3 weeks to heal. An example of a 2nd degree burn is a scalding injury, flames, or coming in contact with a hot object. MUST keep these clean and protected!!!
3rd Degree • A 3rd degree burn destroys the entire dermis. It appears stiff and white or brown. They can also appear black and charred. It also requires excision, or removal of the tissue. • An example of a third degree burn would be a scalding liquid, more contact with flames, an electrical burn, or chemical burn. • The proper response for a 3rd degree burn is to call for immediate MEDICAL HELP!!!
Poisons • Poisons can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Many poisons are accidental, and some are obvious. • If you have, or think you have been poisoned, or found somebody you think has been poisoned, call 911. Then, call your local poison control center. The operator will be able to help you provide assistance.
Frostbite Frostbite is the localized damage to skin due to exposure to extreme cold. This is why we wear gloves when we go sledding. There are different degrees of frostbite, but the universal treatment is to keep the area warm, NOT hot. The process of thawing is needed for the affected tissue. Reduce movement in the affected area to prevent ice crystals that have formed in the tissue to cause further damage.
…Frostbite If the person’s skin is numb and turning white and hard, or black, CALL 911!!! Treatment on frostbite cases will vary from case to case. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Jv9vDk8t8
Sprains A sprain happens when you twist ligaments or stretch ligaments beyond their usual workload. There is immediate pain and swelling follows. Usual recovery varies on which ligament you sprained and the degree of the sprain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlWHZNbZeK8&feature=related
This is ME!! MCL Sprain vs. WKU
Fractures • A fracture is a cracked or broken bone. There is swelling and pain immediately following. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUIf5m0bgu0
How does it recover? An injury will swell, sending extra nutrients to begin the healing process. A large hematoma, or collection of blood, surround the break of the bone.
… Recovery Stem cells, which usually divide every day or two, divide every 3 minutes to replenish tissue. Within four weeks the hematoma will harden, making the area extra strong. Over the next months, the hematoma will harden, and the injury will be repaired.
Dislocations When a bone has been forced out of its normal position in a joint. They are painful and may look unusual.