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Pilot Curriculum for EFL in Cyprus Primary Schools (years 1 – 6). Styliani Hadjikyriakou-EFL Inspectress Maria Xanthou Irene Temete. Pilot Curriculum for EFL in Cyprus Primary Schools (years 1 – 6). Contents 1. Introduction 2. Philosophy underlying the new curriculum
Pilot Curriculumfor EFL in Cyprus Primary Schools (years 1 – 6) Styliani Hadjikyriakou-EFL Inspectress Maria Xanthou Irene Temete
Pilot Curriculumfor EFL in Cyprus Primary Schools (years 1 – 6) Contents • 1. Introduction • 2. Philosophy underlying the new curriculum • Emphasis on Young Learners’ Characteristics • Communicative Language Learning and Teaching • Individual Learner Characteristics • Intercultural Awareness • Life-long Learning • Cross-curricular links • 3. General aim of the curriculum • 4. General Objectives • 5. Recommended Methodology • 6. Assessment / Evaluation • 7. Syllabus
1. Introduction • The ability to communicate in more than one language is a basic skill for all European citizens. “only through a better knowledge of European modern languages it will be possible to facilitate communication and interaction among Europeans of different mother tongues in order to promote European mobility, mutual understanding and cooperation, and overcome prejudice and discrimination». (Council of Europe, 2001)
English plays the role of Lingua Franka • Promotion of Foreign Language Learning • Introduction of English from the age of 6 -From year 1 to year 3 of primary school: 40-minute periods twice a week -From year 4 to year 6: 40-minute periods four times a week
Benefits of this early start of English Language Learning • Development of a native or near-native pronunciation • Significant improvements in all aspects of the children’s mother tongue development • The children’s language ego and self-identity are still forming, so they can be more open towards learning languages. • Development of lifelong positive attitudes to other languages and other cultures • Children form a foundation in foreign languages, which can assist for a later introduction of L3.
2 Philosophy underlying the new curriculum • Emphasis on Young Learners’ characteristics • Children are able to grasp meaning easily. • Children can creatively use their limited language recourses. • Children have a capacity for indirect learning. • Children have an instinct for play and fun. • Children have a lively imagination. • Children have an instinct for interaction and talk. • Need for teaching activities to correspond to the children’s level of cognitive and emotional development.
Communicative Language Learning and Teaching • Language is used for communication (about something, to someone, for a purpose). • The primary goal of language teaching should be to enable learners to communicate, using their abilities in the L2, in a variety of contexts and situations. • Language is considered as a system for the expression of meaning and not a system of rule-governed structures. • Emphasis is given on communication via the development of the four language skills.
Individual Learner Characteristics • Multiple Intelligences (Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Kinesthetic, Musical-Rhythmic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist) • Differentiated teaching (Guessing games, story telling, visual aids, visualization, songs, problem solving, role-play, reflection, pair and group work, projects and experiments) • Permanent activity corners (picture dictionaries, puzzles, crosswords and other language games, magazines, computer games and simplified readers)
Intercultural Awareness • Life-long learning • Development of learning skills (using a dictionary, using an index page or carrying out a basic search on the Internet, co-operating with other people -team work, negotiating and taking decisions) • Cross-Curricular links • Adding and subtracting, drawing a map, talking about weather, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
3. General aim of the curriculum • The aim of teaching English as a foreign language in primary education is to enable learners to acquire a general communicative competence, so that they can use English creatively for genuine communication in a variety of everyday situations.
4. General Objectives • Integration of the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) • First two years-listening and speaking skills • Remaining four years-integration of all four skills, however with emphasis still given on speaking and listening • Sufficient coverage of A1 level of the Common European Framework is expected.
5 . Recommended Methodology • Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) • Activities that promote real communication promote learning • Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning • Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process. • Emphasis on fluency, not accuracy
How to create opportunities for learners to develop their communicative skills: • Expose learners to genuine and authentic use of foreign language • Use demonstration, gestures and appropriate tone of voice • Engage learners in role-play interactions (at a kiosk, at a cafe, at a shop) • Use games, songs and stories • Use communicative activities which are functional and have a communicative intent and a real purpose (write a card, prepare a poster) • Use pair and group-work activities
Some of the most popular communicative activities are: • Games: Guessing games, singing games, board games, word games • Songs and rhymes: circle songs, action songs, traditional songs, modern songs • Role-play • Miming • Listen and draw, read and colour, read and match • Story-telling • New technologies: media, internet, computer
Remember: The chosen activities must be fun, interesting and creative and take place within a pleasant and friendly learning atmosphere so that students will develop and maintain a positive attitude towards the English lesson and the English language in general.
6 Assessment/Evaluation • What to assess: • Integration of the four skills • Learning how to learn • Children’s attitudes • How to assess: • Games, songs, puzzles, drama (listen/read and draw/colour, draw/colour/match) • Projects, portfolios, self assessment, peer assessment, continuous assessment)
Aims of the EFL Curriculum • Year 1: introducing oneself, parts of body, colours, classroom objects, expressing likes • Year 2: parts of body, describing animals, expressing possession (I’ve got…) • Year 3: numbers 1-20, telling the time, locating objects (Where’s/are..), expressing possession (s/he’s got…) • Year 4: talking about age (How old are you?), Present Continuous, Present Simple (s) • Year 5: I like+ing, I’m good at…, quarter past/to…, There is/are, Comparatives –er • Year 6: future – going to, Let’s…, You should.., Past simple