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Language Arts Curriculum for Advanced Learners

Language Arts Curriculum for Advanced Learners. Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska Brunei Workshops November, 2009. Session outcomes. Participants will be able to: Apply selected models for differentiating curriculum in the language arts,

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Language Arts Curriculum for Advanced Learners

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  1. Language Arts Curriculum for Advanced Learners Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska Brunei Workshops November, 2009

  2. Session outcomes Participants will be able to: Apply selected models for differentiating curriculum in the language arts, Design differentiated activities, using a model study guide, and Reflect on broad applications of the differentiation ideas to the humanities and social science curriculum.

  3. Learner Characteristics and Corresponding Emphases in the Curriculum THE LEARNER Precocity (Advanced development in some curricular area) Intensity (Capacity to focus and concentrate for long periods of time) Complexity (Can engage in high level and abstract thinking) THE CURRICULUM Advanced content (Provides opportunities for new learning) Process/product depth considerations (Enhances engagement and creative production; allows utilization of information in a generative way ) Issues/concepts/themes/ideas across domains of learning (Allows students to make connections across areas of study and to work at a level of deep understanding) 3

  4. The Integrated Curriculum Model Process-Product Dimension Advanced Content Dimension Issues/Themes Dimension - VanTassel-Baska, 1986

  5. Language Arts Curriculum Goals • To develop analytical and interpretive skills in literature • To develop persuasive writing skills • To develop linguistic competency • To develop listening/oral communication skills • To develop reasoning skills in LA • To understand the concept of change in the LA

  6. Language Arts Curriculum Framework The Literature Concept Process Understanding Change Using the Reasoning Process Content Literary Analysis and Interpretation Learning Language Arts Content and Skills Linguistic Competency Oral Communication Persuasive Writing

  7. Language Arts Secondary Units • Autobiographies (gr. 5-6) • Persuasion (gr. 5-7) • The 1940s: A Decade of Change (gr. 6-10) • Utopia: Man’s Changing Ideas of the Ideal (gr. 7-10) • Threads of Change in 19th Century American Literature (gr. 7-11) • Change through Choices (gr. 11-12)

  8. Research-BasedLanguage Arts Teaching Models • Concept Development Model • Literature Web • Hamburger Model • Dagwood Model • Reasoning Model • Research Model • Vocabulary Web

  9. Concept Development

  10. Concept of Change • Cite examples. • Categorize. • Cite non-examples. • Generalize.

  11. Generalizations About Change • Change is everywhere. • Change is linked to time. • Change may be positive or negative. • Change may be perceived as orderly or random. • Change may happen naturally or be caused by people.

  12. Change Generalizations and Outcomes

  13. Change may happen naturally or be caused by people. Change may be perceived as orderly or random. Change may be positive or negative. Change is linked to time. Change is everywhere. Change Model CHANGE

  14. Change: Beyond WordsWrite or draw pictures to show examples of change.

  15. Constructing Meaning Through Literature

  16. Criteria for Selecting Unit Literature • Challenging for high-ability learners • Appropriate multicultural literature • Concept of change

  17. Criteria for Selecting Literature for Gifted Readers • Rich, varied, precise, complex, exciting language • Open-ended, with capacity to inspire contemplative behavior • Complex, leading to interpretive and evaluative behaviors • Help build problem-solving skills • Role models • Broad-based in form Baskin & Harris, 1980

  18. Considerations for Multicultural Literature • General accuracy • Avoidance of stereotypes • Authentic, up-to-date, age-appropriate language • Attention to author’s perspective • Currency of facts and interpretations • Concept of audience • Integration of cultural information • Balance and multidimensionality • Accurate and appropriate illustrations -- Miller-Lachman, 1992

  19. Images/Symbols Key Words Structure Feelings Ideas READING Literature Web - Full Form

  20. Literature Web • Key Words: What were some words and phrases that were especially interesting or important? What words were new to you? • Feelings: What feelings did you get reading the passage? What feelings did the characters have? How were those feelings expressed? • Ideas: What was the main idea? What other major ideas and concepts were important? What was the author trying to say about those ideas? • Images/Symbols: How did the author use description and imagery in the novel? What sensory images came to your mind? How did the author use symbols? • Structure: What type of writing was this? What literary and style elements did the author use? How did the structure of the writing contribute to the meaning of the novel? May identify such features as: use of unusual time sequence in narrative, use of voice, use of figurative language, etc.

  21. Wild Geese You do not have to be good You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no mater how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting – over and over announcing your place in the family of things. --M. Oliver

  22. Building Textual Understanding Underlying Assumption: Discourse that promotes understanding needs direction, focus, and movement towards goal. • Marking (focusing) • Revoicing (repeating student ideas) • Turning back (textual or student-based) • Recapping (synthesizing) • Modeling (thinking aloud) • Annotating (providing information) Beck & McKeown, 1996

  23. Persuasive Writing

  24. Reason Reason Reason Hamburger Model for Persuasive Writing(primary) Introduction (State an opinion.) Conclusion

  25. Introduction (State an opinion.) Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Reason Reason Reason Conclusion Hamburger Model for Persuasive Writing

  26. Claim/Opinion/Introduction Details Details Background Reason Other Points of View Elaboration Elaboration Reason Other Points of View Elaboration Elaboration Reason Other Points of View Elaboration Elaboration Conclusion Dagwood Model

  27. Reasoning

  28. Purpose/ Goal Point of View Assumptions Evidence/ Data Issue/ Problem Inferences Concepts/ Ideas Implications/ Consequences Elements of Reasoning -- Paul, 1992

  29. Simplifying Reasoning Terms • Assumption: beliefs, understandings, “taking for granted • Evidence: information, details, facts, experiences • Inference: conclusions, reasons to support point of view • Concept: ideas, main topics, what the assumptions are about • Implication: consequences, what might happen, what we would have to think about if…

  30. Reasoning Applications in Language Arts • Issue analysis (academic, societal, school/personal) • Analysis of reading selections • Foundation for questioning • Review of sources • Persuasive writing • Assessment of writing • Research • Reading organizer

  31. Standards of Reasoning • Are there enough reasons to make a convincing argument? • Is the evidence correct or right? • Are the reasons clear? • Are specific reasons or examples included rather than vague generalizations? • Are the arguments and reasons strong and important? • Is the thinking logical?

  32. Developing Questions Using the Standards of Reasoning • What is the issue or problem the character is facing? • How is the concept of wisdom important in the story? • What are the implications of the character’s actions? • What assumptions might we make about the story from the title and opening?

  33. Vocabulary and Word Study

  34. Vocabulary Web Synonyms: Source (sentence where you saw the word): Definition: WORD: Antonyms: Example: Part of Speech: Analysis Word Families: Stems: Origin:

  35. Recommended Dictionaries • American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.) • Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.)

  36. Assessment of Learning Outcomes • Pre- and post-assessments for literary analysis and interpretation, persuasive writing, and grammar • Portfolio of writing assignments, literature and vocabulary webs, other work • Research project and oral presentation

  37. Major Findings - Language Arts • Significant and important treatment effects for literary analysis and interpretation and for persuasive writing for students in Grades 2-8. • No significant gender effects. • Students were able to improve significantly after unit instruction regardless of the grouping model employed. • Students enhanced their learning each time they were exposed to the units and maintained their level of achievement between interventions across the years.

  38. Jacob’s LadderReading Comprehension Program: A Supplemental Reading Curriculum to Build Higher Level Thinking Skills

  39. Overview of the Program • Includes 10 reading selections of each of the following genres: • Fables/myths (level 1), short stories and Essays (level 2 and 3) • Poetry • Nonfiction NEW! • Each reading selection (except poetry in Level I) includes 2 ladders based on best fit with the reading selection

  40. Consequences and Implications Questions inserted here. Cause and Effect Questions inserted here. Sequencing Questions inserted here. Jacob’s Skill Ladders Jacob’s Ladder A A 3 A 2 n A 1

  41. Jacob’s Skill LaddersJacob’s Ladder D

  42. Navigators: Differentiated Novel Study Guides • Use of literature webs, vocabulary webs, hamburger model with activities • Higher level questions prepared • Interdisciplinary research projects delineated

  43. Walk Two Moons • Examine the Navigator entitled Walk Two Moons. • Create a set of three navigator activities for a book you currently teach. • Share your activities with the group.

  44. Questions for discussion How can you use the models of differentiation in language arts to change your current curriculum in the humanities and social sciences? How would using the differentiation approaches benefit gifted students in your class, in your school?

  45. Reflection • Which of the approaches is most workable for me? • Which one would benefit my students the most? • Which one is the easiest to apply to my existing curriculum? My plan to differentiate for the gifted in the humanities is: (Create a list of to do’s)

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