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Summary. (very) short history of public key cryptography Multivariate crypto: Initial designs Multivariate crypto: Initial attacks The revival Noisy schemes Gröbner algorithms Conclusion. Bob. 1976-1978 From PKC to RSA. 1976: Invention of PKC (Public Key Cryptography) by Diffie, Hellman
Summary • (very) short history of public key cryptography • Multivariate crypto: Initial designs • Multivariate crypto: Initial attacks • The revival • Noisy schemes • Gröbner algorithms • Conclusion
Bob 1976-1978 From PKC to RSA • 1976: Invention of PKC (Public Key Cryptography) by Diffie, Hellman • 1978: The RSA cryptosystem and signature scheme by Rivest, Shamir, Adlemany=xemod n E E D
Bob PKC yields signatures • Apply D to message m to create signature • Verify using public key only • Grants non-repudiation D E
Alternatives to RSA • El Gamal DSA (1985) • ECC Koblitz Miller(1985) • Others: • NTRU Hoffstein Pipher Silverman (1996) • Lattice-based (Goldreich Goldwasser Halevi 1996) • multivariate schemes (Shamir 1993, Matsumoto Imai 1988)
Post-Quantum Crypto • May 24, 2036: RSA 2048 BROKENMost e-commerce sites are closing down due to lack of security in the SSL protocol, according to interviews by The Times.Slide Show: Frustration over the InternetComplete Coverage: Quantum computing and the CrisisInterview: Can MQ crypto save e-commerce?
Why was RSA so successful? • It provided reasonably compact keys • It was reasonably efficient • It was related to a beautiful mathematical problem: factoring • Until the advent of Quantum Computers, the difficulty of this problem was well understood both in theory and by means of “challenges”
What is the paradigm under MQ? • Multivariate schemes stem from the basic idea of replacing univariate modular equationy=xemod n by: • either a moderate # of modular equations of low degree modulo a large number • or by a large # of modular equations of low degree modulo a small number
Bob The basic paradigm (2) • Start from a set of quadratic equations, which are “easy”, due to some specific underlying structure Y = F(X) ; Y =(y1,…,yk); X=(x1,…,xm); • “Hide” the underlying structure by using two linear (or affine) bijections T,S • Obtain public key by writing formulas for = TFS • “quadratic” comes from practicality
How does it work? • for PKC: encryption applies = TFS; decryption solves “easy” equations by means of S,T • for signature: take inverse of h(m,i) under = TFS by using T, S and solving “easy” equations
When was it invented? • It was invented several times • Some believe that MQ crypto started with Shamir 93 • Others date it back to Matsumoto-Imai 88 • A few observe that trapdoor construction goes back to the early Mc Eliece 78 scheme • Many claim it would never have survived without the work of Patarin
Shamir Birational (SB) Schemes • At CRYPTO 93, Shamir proposed two signature schemes: we look at 1st • Easy “sequentially linearized” equations: y1= x1 x2 mod n; n RSA integer;yi-1 = xii(x1,…,xi-1)+i(x1,…,xi-1);i=3,…,k+1 • i linear;i quadratic; • k equations in k+1 variables • solved step by step from chosen x1
How did it look like? • Toy example from Shamir 93 • 2 equations 3 unknowns modulus 101 • secrety1= x1 x2y2= (29x1+43x2)x3+ (71x12+53x22+89x1x2) • public after mixing y1= 78x12+37x22+6x32+ 54x1x2 +19x1x3 +11x2x3y2= 84x12+71x22+48x32+ 44x1x2+33x1x3 +83x2x3
Matsumoto Imai (MI) Scheme • AT EUROCRYPT88, M+I proposed a PK encryption scheme. • Easy equations come from quadratic polynomials in some finite binary field F(2n): Y=X with = 2i + 2j • solved by using the inverse of mod 2n -1
How did it look like? • Toy example from MI 88: 8 variables
Bob What about Cryptanalysis? • In conventional crypto: look for statistical invariants • In PK crypto look for algebraic invariants • Possible invariants: rank, invariant subspaces etc. ofmatrices
Did the schemes survive? • Shamir Scheme was broken the same year 93 by Coppersmith, Stern, Vaudenay • Rank Invariants allowed to disclose hidden structure • MI scheme succumbed to an “algebraic” attack by Patarin 95 • In 95, MQ crypto was considered dead
The Cryptanalysis of MI in short • Focus on = 1 + 2i set = 2i - 1 • Y= X • Y = X = X with = 22i - 1 • XY+1 = X+1Y • + 1 and + 1 are powers of two • This is a bilinear relation B(X,Y)=0 • Invariant by S,T:n independent B’s can be found by sampling and linear algebra
Was there a revival? • moderate # of modular equations of low degree modulo a large number: extinct • large # of modular equations of low degree modulo a small number or more generally in a finite field: many additional species and variants(work of Patarin, Goubin, Courtois, Kipnis, Ding) • … and many cryptanalysis (Shamir, Kipnis, Faugère/Joux, Stern)
for signature and encryption? • Some proposals such as HFE yield both signature and PK encryption • Others such as “oil & vinegar” - an idea pursuing Shamir’s sequentially linearized schemes-, are for signature only • Finally, Signatures allow to “discard” equations from public key : this is a way to rescue schemes as MI and turn them into new proposals (Flash)
What is HFE? • Stands for Hidden Field Equation; derives from MI by replacing Y= X by more general quadratic polynomial equation of degree d: Y= a[i,j] X[i,j] with [i,j] = 2i + 2j • Solve easy equation by Berlekamp • Requires d small
Does this provide compact keys? • Private keys are OK • Public keys are over 100 kilobytes • This is a lot; but one could (maybe) live with it if RSA is broken!
Is this efficient? • Encryption is very fast, even faster than RSA • Decryption is very slow: this would certainly hamper SSL-like environments • but one could (maybe) live with it if RSA is broken!
Is this related to beautiful maths? • yes and no: HFE looks beautiful • however (personal view): all the variants using “perturbations” are rather ugly, at least for PK encryption • They yield 2r penalty at decryption time, where r is the “size” of the perturbation • Furthermore, removing the noise is different from the core problem
How is noise added? • “minus” variants discard r equations • “plus” variants add r equations • Inner perturbations were invented by Ding at PKC 04 :replace easy F by F+H, with H quadratic over r linear functionals
How is noise removed? • We take the example of Ding’s inner permutation • We try to disclose the kernelM of the r linear functionals on which R depends • This can be done by the method of differential cryptanalysis proposed by Fouque, Granboulan & Stern at Eurocypt 05
What is Differential cryptanalysis? • Difference (x+k) - (x) is an affine map. Differential k is its linear part • rank of differential is “invariant” under S,T bijections • Can be used to remove noise provided distributions of ranks for “pure” and “noisy” systems can be distinguished • applied to break Ding’s perturbated MI: pure rank was n-8; noisy close to n
Can you protect against DC? • Once you know DC you can try to finely tune parameters to stop statistics • This is along the lines of symmetric block cipher design • However (personal view), these intricacies make schemes ugly and loose relation to core problem
Is core problem well understood? • Yes and no • For a long time proponents claimed public key indistinguishable from random • … And general problem of solving MQ equations NP complete • In 06, using DC, Granboulan, Stern, Vivien showed distinguisher for HFE • provable still mildly exponential O(n)dlog d
Is there a general attack? • All multivariate schemes yield multivariate polynomial equations • Can be solved by so called Gröbner basis algorithms • These output low degree equations and/or univariate equations • Seems very hard (exp-space complete) • However may work in some cases
Gröbner: how does it work? • uses order on monomials (e.g.lexicographic) • Combines f,g into u.f - v.g to cancel leading monomials LM of f g • Reduces f by g, when LM(g) divides LM(f), by forming f-hg, g, with < LM • closes under both operations • Terminates but no efficient bound • More efficient algorithms F4, F5 based on lin al
Was it invented by Gröbner? • It was invented by Buchberger in his 74 thesis • Gröbner was the thesis advisor! • In the early 80’s, French mathematician Lazard linked Gröbner algorithms and linear algebra (through Macaulay matrices) • XL algorithm independently found (rediscovered?) by CKPS at Eurocrypt 2000 • motivated by attack of HFE by Kipnis Shamir at Crypto 99, using low rank invariants
Did it work against HFE? • Fist HFE challenge (degree 96; 80 variables) • Has been successfully cracked using GB algorithm F5 by Faugère and Joux 2003 • 2 days and 4 hrs • 7.65 Gbytes of RAM
Was it simply “brute force”? • Hidden invariant: smallest integer m such that degree 1 (linear) combination of terms xd ( - a) for any fixed awith d sum of at most m powers of 2 • m as small as 3 works for degree 80 • m as small as 4 works for degree up to 1280
Is the complexity understood? • For a long time, complexity was unclear, e.g. in Kipnis-Shamir 99 • Work by Granboulan, Joux, Stern at Crypto 06 showed mildly exponential (heuristic) complexity O(nO(log d))
Conclusion (back in may 2006) • Many algebraic objects and invariants floating around: • bilinear relations, low degree relations; • invariant subspaces, rank; • Noise appears weaker than core system (at least for PK encryption, signature may be ) • Large dimension systems may be secure • Complexity estimates close to “predictive” • Still time until Quantum Comuters are built