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Kosovo in PISA 2015 Assessments and Assessment Planning in Kosovo

Kosovo in PISA 2015 Assessments and Assessment Planning in Kosovo. KOSOVO. KOSOVA. REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO. Republic of Kosovo has an area of 10,908 km² Population 1.739,825 inhabitants; 46.3% of them are of age 6 to 26. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology - MEST.

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Kosovo in PISA 2015 Assessments and Assessment Planning in Kosovo

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  1. Kosovo in PISA 2015 Assessments and Assessment Planning in Kosovo


  3. REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO • Republic of Kosovo has an area of 10,908 km² • Population 1.739,825 inhabitants; 46.3% of them are of age 6 to 26

  4. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology - MEST • Total number of educational institutions in Kosovo: 1.154 • Preschools: 42 • Primary and lower secondary schools: 998 • Higher secondary schools: 115 • Special schools: 6

  5. Number of students in Kosovo • Preschool (age 1-6): 5.398 • Primary and lower secondary (grade 1-9): 280.596 students • Number of students in Gymnasium: 44.582 students or 43.6% • Number of students in vocational education: 59. 416 students or 56.4% • 103.998 students • Number of students in private education: 4.732 ( 2.768 Male, 1.964 Female) • Number of students in special education: 1.221 (732 Male, 489 Female) • Number of students according to gender: 418.352 (218.912 Male, 199.440 Female)

  6. Number of teachers in Kosovo education • Number of teachers: 221.108 • In primary and lower secondary schools (Grade 1-9): 17.332 • In higher secondary schools (Gymnasium and Vocational): 5.432 • Average number of students per teacher: 18.3 students • 80% of teachers have attended training





  11. Qëllimet e vlerësimit • Assessment purposes Vlerësimi për qëllim ka: • forcimin e të nxënit të të mësuarit • raportimin e përparimit të nxënësve • zotërimin e kompetencave të kurrikulës • certifikimin dhe orientimin e nxënësve • hulumtim tëproceseve nëarsim • The purpose of the assessment is to: • Strengthen learning • Report student progress • Acquire curriculum competencies • Certify and guide students • Do research in education processes

  12. CONDUCTING ASSESSMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO • EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT • Level • Grade 5 test Research • Grade 9 achievement test Certification • A S S E S S M E N T • Level • State Matura Exam Research • Level • Children with talents and children with needsDiagnostics • Advancement • 15-year-old students Research • GRADE ASSESSMENT • SCHOOL ASSESSMENT • INTERNAL ASSESSMENT

  13. VLERËSIMI • Nniveli i parë i arsimit parauniversitar • (klasa 5-të) • ASSESSMENT • First Level of Pre-university Education • (Grade 5)

  14. Realizimi • Vlerësimi i arritjeve të nxënësve të klasës së 5-të realizohetnë dy faza: • Pilotimi • Studimi kryesor • Implementation • Grade 5 student achievement assessment shall be delivered in two phases: • Piloting • Main study

  15. ACTIVITIES • Appointing the expert group • Drafting standards • Drafting the assessment concept map • Building test requirements • Selecting test requirements • Arranging test requirements • Preparing questionnaires • Piloting tests AKTIVITETET Caktimi i grupit të ekspertëve Hartimi i standardeve Hartimi i hartës së koncepteve për vlerësim Ndërtimi i kërkesave të testit Përzgjedhja e kërkesave për test Aranzhimi i kërkesave të testit Përgatitja e pyetësorëve Pilotimi i testit

  16. Checking pilot tests • Reading notes • Analyzing data • Modifying tests • Modifying questionnaires • Test administering rules • Assigning administrators • Informing MEDs • Printing tests • Correcting tests • Collecting notes • Reading notes • Analyzing and processing data Kontrollimi i testeve të pilotimit Leximii shënimeve Analiza e të dhënave Modifikimi i testit Modifikimi i pyetësorëve Rregullat e administrimit të testit Caktimi i administruesve Njoftimi i DKA-ve Printimi i testit Korrigjimi i testit Grumbullimi i shënimeve Leximi i shënimeve Analiza dhe përpunimi i të dhënave

  17. TESTI FINAL • FINAL TEST • Result publication • Preparation of a technical and public report • Presentation of results • . Publikimi i rezultateve • Përgatitja e Raportit Teknik dhe Publik • Prezantimi i rezultateve

  18. Studimi ka karakter hulumtuesdheparaqet të dhënat në nivel vendi për arritjet e nxënësvesipas përkatësisë nacionale, gjinore, sociale dhe urbane. Rezultatet dhe analizimi i përmbajtjes së kërkesave të testit s bëjnë të mundshme të gjitha palëve të interesit për të gjykuar për nivelin e arritjes, aftësive dhe dijes që e zotërojnë nxënësit të cilët janë në përfundim të klasës së pestë si klasë përfundimtare e nivelit të parë të arsimit parauniversitar për lëndët bazike gjuhë amtare dhe matematikë. The study has a research character and presents data at the national level on student achievement according to national, gender, social and urban/rural belonging. The results and analysing the content of test requirements make it possible for all stakeholders to judge the level of achievement, skills and knowledge possessed by students who are completing grade five, as a final grade of the first pre-university education level for basic subjects, mother tongue and mathematics.

  19. Table: Blocks and package • Package 1 • Package 2 • Package 3 • Package 4 • Time • Block 1 • Block 2 • Block 3 • Block 4 • Gj – Language, M – Mathematics • Student questionnaire • Teacher questionnaire • Principal questionnaire Pyetësori i nxënësit Pyetësori i mësuesit Pyetësori i drejtorit të shkollës

  20. Distribution of points in Albanian language test according to gender • Male Female • Achievement • Achievement • Distribution of points in Mathematics test according to gender • Male Female • Frequency Frequency • Achievement • Mathematics • Frequency Frequency

  21. Progresi në vlerësimet e klasë së 5-të • Progress in grade 5 assessment • ASSESSMENT • Grade 5 • Year • Mother tongue (%) • Mathematics (%) • Total (%)

  22. ACHIEVEMENT TEST TESTI I ARRITSHMËRIS • Assessment is delivered through measuring instruments. • Tests are the student achievement assessment instruments. • Request (questions) is the measuring unit.

  23. Purpose: • Student achievement level and guidance for further education. • Being conducted every year since 2004. • Test requirements shall be prepared by the group of experts and professional associates for every subject. • Test contains 100 queries, every correct query is awarded with one point. The results will be published per student, satellite classroom, and school. • The student does not repeat the grade in the Achievement Test.

  24. Specification Table • OBJECTIVES • LEVEL • Recognition • Understanding • Application • Critical thinking • Percentage • Total • Recognizing specific facts • Recognizing principles • Understanding facts and principles • Translation of the material • Assumption identification and assessment • Identification of relevant information • Analyzing given conclusions • Recognition of terms • Recognizing methods and procedures • Recognizing concepts • Understanding the cause – effect relation • Interpretation of graphs, tables and maps • Reasoning the method and procedure • Application of facts and principles to new situations • Application of the law and theories in practical situations • Application of methods and procedures • Solving mathematical problems • Identification of judgment and conclusion • Contents • Total • Percentage

  25. Achievement results in Grade 9 test - 2012 • Albanian language • English language • Physical Education • Biology • History • Geography • Mathematics • IT • Physics • Chemistry • Total • Turkish language 67 • Bosnian language 63.5 • Albanian • Turkish • Bosnian • Total

  26. Achievement Results • In 2009, achievement 53.4% • In 2010, achievement 54.8% • In 2011, achievement 57.1% • In 2012, achievement 56.9% • In 2013, achievement 61.3%

  27. Grade 9 assessment results table

  28. 2012 Study, Student results in 2012 • Grade 9 • External assessment • Internal assessment


  30. Matura exam is organized in two days: • Day one: General subjects • Day two: Subjects as per profile

  31. Day one: General subjects • All students who have successfully completed final grade shall undergo the test from general subjects • Mother tongue • English language • Mathematics

  32. Day two: Subjects as per profile • Students who underwent the first part of the test shall be entitled to undergo the second part of the test too. • Second part of the test contains specific subjects as per school profile. • With the number of score points from both parts of the test, students shall be provided with: • STATE MATURA DIPLOMA • This document shall serve for application to university admission.

  33. Test • Repro/Pro: Behavior levels • Recognition • Memorization • Memory retention • Reproduction • Reproduction • Divergent production • Convergent production • Assessment • Production

  34. Table: Specifics Table in Mathematics (according to type of queries/tasks) Math, General Sciences


  36. ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE • DEMONSTRATION • ACHIEVEMENT • COMPETENCIES • CONDUCTING THE LEARNING PROCESS • Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Habits, Capacity, Attitude, Values • Learning area characteristics and features • COMPLETION

  37. PISA (Programi për Vlerësimin Ndërkombëtar të Nxënësve) • PISA • (International Students Assessment Program)

  38. PISA Assessment • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology – Republic of Kosovo has made a bid to participate to the OECD PISA Project for 15-year-olds. • The Project was promoted by the International Consortium: • ACER – Australian Council for Educational Research / Australia • CITO – Dutch National Institute for Educational Evaluation / Netherlands • ETS – Educational Test Service / USA • WESTAT / USA

  39. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has authorized the Division for Evaluation, Standards and Monitoring to conduct all activities related to PISA assessment.

  40. Where are we now? • Success • Where we want to be? • PISA Assessment • How will we measure the progress?

  41. PISA assessment objectives • Inform policy drafters on student achievement (age 15) • Enable setting learning standards and establish proper student assessment system. • Produce different variables that affect student achievement (geographical position, social and economic situation, teacher’s work, teaching aids etc). • Encourages responsibility and accountability (the government becomes more responsible for education, more functional leadership, advanced syllabuses, more practical textbooks, effective teaching etc).

  42. PISA assessment results and their use • PISA assessment results may be used for: • Determining the direction of students’ skills and abilities • Reforming syllabuses • Defining learning competencies • Defining the level of continuous student achievement • Teacher professional training • Determining key demographic, social, economic and educational indicators • Global functioning and development of OECD policy for improving international indicators on educational activities

  43. What after PISA assessment • We will get the answers to the following questions from PISA: • How much are children learning in schools? • What teaching are we providing? • What leadership do we have in schools? • How functional are textbooks? • How much are syllabuses meeting skills attainment for the 21st century? • How much we are preparing students for successful citizens in the future? • What is the level of education in Kosovo compared to the education of other countries?

  44. Support • World Bank • Etc


  46. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” • Mother Theresa • THANK YOU • Comments • Questions

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