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The strategy of internationalization in universities. Authors: Rami M.Ayoubi & Hiba K. Massoud Year: 2007 Volume: 21 No: 4 Published by: international journal of educational management
The strategy of internationalization in universities Authors: RamiM.Ayoubi & Hiba K. Massoud Year: 2007 Volume: 21 No: 4 Published by: international journal of educational management ( Emerald Group publishing limited ) Pages: 329-349
Master of Business Administration Module: organization theory Elias Melaneh Ziad Al-Sairafi
Aims of study • The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which international achievements of UK universities match their strategic intent on internationalization. • The study is the first classification carried out amongst UK universities in terms of internationalization.
Structure 1- Keywords 2- Methodology and design 3- The design of internationalization 4- Implementation of the internationalization process 5- The evaluation of internationalization process 6- Measuring the actual internationalization 7- Measuring of declared strategic intent 8- Classifying the UK universities 9- Limitations and discussions 10- Results and implications
Keywords • United Kingdom • Universities • Mission statements • Globalization
Methodology and design Both factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied on data collected from HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency), and on data collected from the mission statements of 117 universities by the use of the content analysis technique. • Factor analysis: the observed data are expressed in a number of possible causes in order to determine which are most important • cluster analysis: analyzing group of similar things have similar features
The design of internationalization • This is mainly represented by the strategic intent, mission statement, strategic vision and strategic plan. • there are some factors that should be included to develop an international strategy like: international teaching programs, partnerships, student and staff exchange and research activities. • Karran(1998) suggests four strategies from which universities can select . These are to consolidate, collaborate, compete or quit.
Implementation of the internationalization • choose the best ways to activate the design with the real actions. • most studies focused on tow main scopes: 1- the process of selecting international partners, customers, and markets. most studies in this process refer to the regional base in selecting. 2- the process of arranging the internationalization activities. this process refers to the mechanisms carried out during and after the process of selecting the partner, customer, and market.
Evaluation of the internationalization • Obstacles for university may include: financial problems, cultural difficulties, and individual commitments. • Obstacles for students are : cultural identity, cultural shock, and language barriers. • Advantages for universities: increasing markets profile, international image, diversification, and opportunities for new income. Also enhancement of the staff experience. • Advantages for students: to gain professional knowledge and to experience other cultures and educational systems.
Measuring the actual internationalization • Overseas students in university / total number of students. • Overseas income in university / total income. • Overseas first year students in university / Overseas first year students in all universities. • The authors used the factor analysis to obtain one factor or variable that replaces the three variables. this factor called “ international student factor”.
Measuring of declared strategic intent • The mission can be represented by the mission statement of the university which determine the organization’s rules to its approach in doing business. • The vision can be represented by the university president’s statements which determine hopes and possibilities for a better future for the university. • Strategy can be represented by the content of the international strategy itself if it existed. {Authors ignored the vision since some presidents statements not available, some are old, and some are very general}. {Also the strategy was ignored since some universities for commercial sensitivity reasons, don’t declare their detailed international strategy.} Authors evaluate only the universities’ mission statements. The most representative words and concepts in the mission statement could be: (( international, global, partnerships, overseas, and other related concepts.))
Classifying the UK universities • The cluster analysis used to gather the 117 universities into four targeted groups according to tow factors: the international student factor & the international strategy intent factor. international strategy intent factor (say) highlow high international student factor (do) low
Limitations and discussions • The data was taken only for a single year which is 2001. where it’s argued that internationalization strategies take several years to develop and may have a gradual impact over time. The author made a comparison of mission statements for 10 randomly selected universities. The authors found no significant difference. • The data provide very macro views of internationalization. So more research is needed to discover the in depth aspects of each international group. • Other variables should be considered in the future to reach realistic results like: the number of international partnerships’ agreements, collaborative researches, international contacts…..
Results and implications • The paper showed that 52% of UK universities match between their declared strategic intents and their actual efforts toward internationalization. • 74% of UK universities mission statements include intents on internationalization • 48% of UK universities are internationally student active. • Multinational companies could use this model to evaluate whether their international activities go with their initial strategic intents on internationalization or not . In this respect there are many variables like: analysis of annual reports and number of countries of operation. • This model provides university directors with an indicator of their universities’ location within one of the four categories. • The model may be of use to international managers as it reveals their key competitors and their potential indirect competitors in the international market of higher education.