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Animal Farm George Orwell

Animal Farm George Orwell. Characters. Mr. Jones – farmer, cruel, drunk , doesn't ’t take care of animals Major – the leader of pigs, encouraged them to revolution and died Snowball – pig, inventor of windmill, Napoleon has done with him Squealer – Napoleon ’s servant

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Animal Farm George Orwell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Animal FarmGeorge Orwell

  2. Characters • Mr. Jones – farmer, cruel, drunk, doesn't’t take care ofanimals • Major– the leader of pigs, encouraged them to revolution and died • Snowball – pig, inventor of windmill, Napoleon has done with him • Squealer – Napoleon’s servant • Napoleon – pig, the new leader of the farm • Boxer & Benjamin – horse and donkey, best friends, they were hard working

  3. The story (I. part) • Animal farm • Owned by Mr. Jones (cruel, drunk) • Animals are not satisfied • Rebellion (Major)

  4. Rules • 1.  Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. • 2.  Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. • 3.  No animal shall wear clothes. • 4.  No animal shall sleep in a bed. • 5.  No animal shall drink alcohol. • 6.  No animal shall kill any other animal • 7.  All animals are equal.

  5. The story (II. part) • Working together • Prosperity of the farm • Domination of pigs • Changing the rules • Rebellion

  6. New rules • 1. Four legs good, two legs better! • 2. No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. • 3. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. • 4. No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. • 5. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

  7. Thank you for your attention Johana A. Štekerová, Vendula Machů, Jana Vránová, 7EB

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