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UK Research Reserve: The Way Ahead... Frances Boyle UKRR Manager

UK Research Reserve: The Way Ahead... Frances Boyle UKRR Manager. UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April. What I’ll be covering. What is it? Why it is? The story so far Phase 2 - Current activity Future plans Over to you. UKRR is….

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UK Research Reserve: The Way Ahead... Frances Boyle UKRR Manager

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  1. UK Research Reserve:The Way Ahead...Frances BoyleUKRR Manager UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  2. What I’ll be covering.. • What is it? • Why it is? • The story so far • Phase 2 - Current activity • Future plans • Over to you... UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  3. UKRR is… A collaborative, coordinated and sustainable approach to long-term retention, storage and access to low use print research journals. UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  4. Why it is - 1 • Timing was right • Responds to some key drivers: • space pressures • funding for additional space – low priority • move to centralise libraries • online archives – sustainable access • inclusive of many key stakeholders • joined up approach UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  5. Why it is? - 2 • Need to: • co-ordinate de-selection of low-use print journals • provides trusted storage • offer a joined-up approach • deliver services which evolve with the user base • releases space to support the research & learning communities UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  6. Why it is? - 3 • UKRR delivers: • Quick and easy access to research material • Coordinated retention of print journals • Collaborative storage of print journals • Release of space for other initiatives • Economic advantages UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  7. Story So Far - 1 • Phase 1 pilot – 1/07 – 08/08 • Funded by HEFCE c£700k • Partners • British Library • Birmingham • Cardiff • Exeter (joined later) • Liverpool • Imperial College London • Newcastle (joined later) • Southampton • St Andrews UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  8. Story So Far - 2 • Methodology: • Libraries prepare list of journals • Identification of material • British Library processing: • Automated matching against holdings already in UKRR collection at the BL • Holdings checks at the BL • c. 2% of HE selections requested by BL to fill gaps UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  9. Story So Far - 3 • Methodology: • Global holdings checks in the HE sector/ scarcity • Retentions of items required by UKRR • minimum of 3 copies in system • Catalogue changes • Disposal UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  10. Story So Far - 3 • Imperial College: a case study • De-duplication completed • Removed 3,000m of journals • Reused space for new student centric learning facilities • 39 new student study spaces UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  11. Stacks at IC Central Library Newly refurbished group study area UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  12. Story So Far - 4 • Southampton: a case study • De-duplication completed • Removed 1,400m of journals • Reused space for more study desks UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  13. Empty shelves at Hartley Library, Southampton New study spaces at Hartley Library, Southampton

  14. Story So Far - 5 • Key achievements of the pilot phase: • Over 11,000 metres of shelf space released • More than 8,000 titles held in the RR • BL collections strengthened • Established a good working relationship between HE & BL • Space released is being fully exploited • Proof of concept UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  15. Lessons learnt -1 • Phase 1 challenges: • Cross sector workings • Advocacy • with academics is crucial and unpredictable • local advocacy at the micro and macro level • Time intensive • Data challenges - consistency, quality, timeliness UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  16. Lessons learnt -2 • Phase 1 challenges (con’t): • Scheduling • Staffing • Library calendar • Logistics: • Transportation • Disposal • Different approaches to journal selection UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  17. UKRR Phase Two - 1 • How different from Phase 1? • Key aims remain: • Storage • Access • Collaborative collection management • Key partners remain • Scale -100 km shelf space to be released • Impact - cascade across the sector • Funding available • Sustainability: sector cultural shift UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  18. UKRR Phase Two - 2 • Management & governance: • HEFCE awarded £9.8m • Advisory Board representing key constituents e.g. HEFCE, BL, HE, RIN, SCONUL etc • Programme led by Imperial College London • SLAs between the main partners UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  19. UKRR Phase Two - 3 • Business model underpins core aims • Storage: UKRR Subscription • Subscription to join UKRR • Annual storage cost = £1.3m (BL 80% HE 20%) • CCM: De-duplication • £5.6m for journal de-duplication across the 5 yrs • £26.16 per linear metre • Target 100,000 metres over 5 years • Access: document supply via BL UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  20. UKRR Phase Two - 5 UKRR members have access to de-duplication funds. Subscription funds are based on JISC bands UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  21. UKRR Phase Two - 6 • Member benefits: • Access to funds for de-duplication process • Advocacy – positive story • Planning process • Part of co-ordinated national initiative UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  22. Current activity - 1 • Phase Two was officially launched in February • Currently at the planning stage • Expression of Interest forms available on the web site • Announcing invitation to join in the early summer UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  23. Current activity - 2 • Building on the toolkits and support material from the pilot phase • Advocacy • Close collaboration with BL re nuts & bolts • Talking to other players e.g.MIMAS, SUNCAT UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  24. Website – www.ukrr.ac.uk • 107 unique visitors • 595 pageviews • Joining page is second most popular after home page

  25. UKRR Ready – 1 • If you’re considering joining then: • Refer to the support material when available • Take account of local library and UKRR deadlines • UKRR as part of collection management • Obtain academic and institutional support • Demonstrate how the released space will be used • Identify a local UKRR contact

  26. UKRR Ready - 2 • Consider: • List profile: • more efficient long runs - easy wins • don’t ignore the short runs - unearthed some gems • ISSNs • Impacts on processing time • Review e holdings • may help inform selection • consider low use journals regardless of format

  27. UKRR Phase Two • Challenges – include: • People: • logistics • organisational change – ‘JIT v ‘JIC’, size matters... • ownership - access continuum • x sectoral relations e.g. libraryland, funders, partners, faculty etc. UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  28. UKRR Phase Two • Challenges – include: • Data: • quality • retrievability • accessibility • timeliness • workflows – robust & sustainable • trust – need to support decisions UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  29. UKRR Phase Two • Challenges – include: • Money: • value for money - big picture • cost benefit – opportunity costs • from funded project – sustainable service UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  30. UKRR: Long term future • By 2014 UKRR - sustainable • A positive partnership in action.. • What next? • Other sectors e.g. Learned societies.. • Monographs.. • Grey literature.. UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  31. Questions? Over to you… UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

  32. Lewin Force Field Exercise

  33. Frances BoyleUKRR Manager ukrr@ukrr.ac.uk www.ukrr.ac.uk UKSG Conference 30th March - 1st April

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