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Exploring American Culture: From Taboos to Traditions

Dive into the diverse elements of American culture, from taboos and folk traditions to cultural diffusion. Understand cultural traits, taboos, and the importance of cultural diffusion in shaping societies.

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Exploring American Culture: From Taboos to Traditions

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  1. December 2 • Table of Contents: 64. Culture Unit Word Wall 65. Thanksgiving Break Assignment 66. Culture Cornell Notes 67. Amish Culture 68. What is your culture? EQ- What is culture? • Agenda: • Review Thanksgiving Break Assignment (and collect) • Chapter 4 Part 1 • Cornell Notes • Amish Culture • Amish culture documentary and notes Homework: Complete the Defining Culture assignment

  2. Word Wall- culture, values, beliefs, behaviors, non-material culture, material culture, pop culture, folk culture Cornell Notes • In your own words, what is culture? • What is non-material culture (values, norms, behaviors)? • Give one example of your culture values, norms and beliefs. • What is material culture? • Give two or more examples of your own material culture. • What is folk culture? • What is popular culture? • Are you part of a folk culture or popular culture? Why? • Reminder: What is a hearth? What is diffusion?

  3. What is their culture?

  4. What is Amish culture? As we watch the documentary, take notes on different elements of Amish material and non-material culture.

  5. December 4 EQ- How do we define American culture? What are some folk cultures within the United States? Agenda: Collect and discuss HW- Create your own material/non-material self American popular Culture in groups Folk Cultures in the United States- research and poster creation Table of Contents: 69. My Culture 70. American Folk Cultures Poster HW- Finish your poster and submit to hollysterling@gmail.com; Nacirema Article and Questions

  6. Think about your culture. Place words and images related to your material culture outside of the bubble, and words and images related to your non-material culture inside the bubble.

  7. In your groups, discuss the concept of American popular culture. Come up with at least 20 components of American culture. Use your HW from last night as a guide to the different elements of culture you can discuss/pick from.

  8. American Folk Cultures • Romani • Amish • Mennonite • Ramapoug Mountain People (Jackson Whites) • Lumbee • Melungeons • Gullah/Geechee • People of Appalachia What should I do????? Pick one culture. Research it online. Answer the questions. Create the poster. Email it to Ms. Sterling

  9. December 8 Agenda: Test correction on Chapter 3 Test Groupwork- Defining American Culture Homework: Read the Nacirema Article (on website) and answer the questions.

  10. Test Corrections: Question #- Incorrect Answer- CORRECT ANSWER- Question and Answer (written out) in a correct sentence- page # or powerpoint slide # where the answer can be found

  11. December 10 EQ- What are cultural taboos? What determines culture? Agenda: Review homework Cultural Taboos What determines culture? Taboos Table of Contents: 71. Taboos 72. What determines culture? 73. Culture Project HW- Answer the questions for Chapter 4 Key Issues 3 & 4. Culture Project due next Friday!

  12. Body Rituals of the Nacirema • Get out your HW! • What did you think of this reading? • Were you shocked to find out that they were describing Americans? • What were your initial thoughts on the “Nacirema”? • What is the ‘lesson’ from this activity?

  13. Taboos A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom.

  14. Religious Taboos • Which religions do not consume: Pork? Wine? Beef? Shellfish (Crabs, shrimp, etc.)? • Social Taboos • What are some social taboos that you can think of….?

  15. World Muslim Population

  16. Swine Stock Figure 4-8

  17. World Wine Production

  18. Which groups have the following social taboos? • Use of modern technology • Mistreatment of business cards • Taking a picture with three people • Unlucky number 4 • Eating food with your left hand • Showing the bottom of your shoes to others • Giving flowers in an even number.

  19. A few taboos in American Culture • Body odor • Public touching apart from the arm • The numbers 13 or 666 • The mistreatment of holy symbols or patriotic symbols • A young woman marrying a much older man (20 yrs old and 80 yrs old).

  20. Universal Taboos? • Cannibalism • Incest • Patricide • Certain sexual taboos

  21. Traits and Diffusion • Cultural trait- a single attribute of a culture/group • Ex: Drinking wine with meals; Women wearing head coverings • Cultural hearths • A center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outward. • Cultural diffusion • the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another. • Hierarchical diffusion • where ideas and artifacts spread between larger places or prominent people and only later to smaller places of less prominent people. • Contagious diffusion • when almost all individuals and areas outward from the source region are affected. • Stimulus diffusion • in which a basic idea, though not the specific trait itself , stimulates imitative behavior within a population.

  22. Warm Up #2 • What is a Taboo? • How do you think a Taboo could hinder Diffusion?

  23. The Danger of a Single Story Watch the TED Talks presentation. What does she mean by “the danger of a single story”? Why is this important for us to keep in mind as we delve into our unit on culture?

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