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Tom Jones Employers Resource Group

Tom Jones Employers Resource Group. Associated Industries of Massachusetts Employee Handbooks 2015/2016 South Coast Resource Council November 18, 2015. Facilitated by:. …..………………………………………………………………. www.aimnet.org | 800.470.6277. Getting Your Handbook Ready for Today and Tomorrow.

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Tom Jones Employers Resource Group

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  1. Tom Jones Employers Resource Group Associated Industries of Massachusetts Employee Handbooks 2015/2016 South Coast Resource Council November 18, 2015 Facilitated by: …..……………………………………………………………… www.aimnet.org | 800.470.6277

  2. Getting Your Handbook Ready for Today and Tomorrow • Document designed to inform, educate, welcome employees • Drafted by the employer • Reviews policies, practice rights responsibilities for the workplace

  3. Recent Developments • Areas where handbook policies must be reviewed and/or updated • Employment at will • Social media • Company email • Leaves of Absence • Earned Sick Time (EST) • Domestic Violence (DV) • MA Parental Leave Act (MPLA) • CORI • FLSA

  4. Key Players in Any Handbook Discussion • NLRB –National Labor Relations Board • Section 7, ULP • U.S. DOL - Department of Labor • FMLA, FLSA

  5. Key Players in Any Handbook Discussion • AGO - Massachusetts Attorney Generals Office • EST, DV, W&H • MCAD – Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination • MPLA

  6. Where to Begin National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) New player in handbooks At-will policy Social Media Company email Confidentiality

  7. NLRB and Handbooks • Employment At-will • NLRB & Section 7 • A rule will be found unlawful if employees would reasonably construe the rule’s language to prohibit Section 7 activity

  8. Section 7 of the NLRA means: Employees have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all such activities

  9. At-Will Clause • Typical At-will clause says: Your employment with ABC is voluntary and is subject to termination by you or ABC at will, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time. Nothing in these policies shall be interpreted to be in conflict with or to eliminate or modify in any way the employment-at-will status of ABC employees

  10. At-Will Clause (Redux) • The … at-will policy may not be modified by any officer or employee and shall not be modified in any publication or document. The only exception to this policy is a written employment agreement approved at the discretion of the President or the Board of Directors, and the employee.

  11. Social Media Policies • A policy establishing standards for employees who post content on the Internet either as part of their job or as a private person.

  12. Social Media Policies • For instance • Employer policies should not be so sweeping that they prohibit the kinds of activity protected by federal labor law, such as the discussion of wages or working conditions among employees. • An employee’s comments on social media are generally not protected if they are mere gripes not made in relation to group activity among employees.

  13. Company Email • Purple Communications • Employees who have already been granted access to an employer’s e-mail system for work purposes have a presumptive right to use the e-mail system to engage in Section 7-protected communications about their terms and conditions of employment during non-working time.  • An employer may rebut this presumption only by demonstrating special circumstances that make a ban on non-business use of the system necessary to maintain production or discipline among its employees

  14. Confidentiality • Limits on employee conversations are suspect • Example of unlawful policy • Do not discuss “customer or employee information” outside of work including “phone numbers and addresses”

  15. Confidentiality • Example of a lawful policy • “You must not disclose proprietary or confidential information about (Employer) if the proprietary or confidential information relating to the (Employers) associates was obtained in violation of law or lawful company policy.

  16. MA Earned Sick Time • Adopted by voters in 2014 • Applies to all employers • <11 employees, unpaid • >10 employees , paid • Up to 40 hours per year • Employees covered

  17. EST (cont.) • Safe Harbor Policy (2015) • Employers must adopt a policy as of 1-1-16 • Employer Decisions • Use existing policy • Notification • Accrual • Documentation

  18. Other Leaves of Absence • MA Parental Leave • Up to 8 weeks of job protected leave

  19. Domestic Violence Leave • Up to 15 days job protected leave • Intermittent or at once • UI benefit for DV

  20. Overlapping Leaves • Employers should decide how to handle overlapping leaves • Example – EST can run concurrently with other leaves • FMLA may run with WC, Sick, MPLA, possibly DV

  21. CORI • Criminal records policy reminder • 5 or more CORI, must have a policy • Correct application

  22. FLSA Classification Update • White collar regulations amendments • 2016 release date • Should have an employee classification policy • Exempt • Nonexempt

  23. Handbook Policy Questions • At-will disclaimer • Avoid unnecessary promises • Make sure you have all policies for that size employer • Multi-lingual

  24. Handbook Policy Questions • Anti harassment • AAP (if a federal contractor) • Discretionary leaves (vacation, holidays, bereavement, etc) • Smoking, drugs, alcohol

  25. Handbook Policy Questions • Discipline policy • Termination • Nepotism, fraternization • Violence • Monitoring

  26. Sign-Offs • Sexual Harassment • Conflict of Interest • Ethics • Non compete • Non disclosure

  27. Thank You Associated Industries of Massachusetts One Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-262-1180 or 800-470-6277 www.aimnet.org

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