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Inter-Euro Technology Ltd

Inter-Euro Technology Ltd. Dr Jimmie Parkes Managing Director /founder Inter-Euro Technology Ltd. (IET) supplies cost effective & innovative solutions to environmental problems – SME Carlow Ireland

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Inter-Euro Technology Ltd

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  1. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Dr Jimmie Parkes Managing Director /founder Inter-Euro Technology Ltd. (IET) supplies cost effective & innovative solutions to environmental problems – SME Carlow Ireland Technology Transfer/ Exploitation of developed technologies PhD in electrochemistry. Research in industry Principal scientist on nine EU RTD contracts on the application of electrochemistry as a clean technology and technique for environmental improvement. Chair of Governing Body for Integrated Project on Ionic Liquids for metal finishing applications. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  2. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Our mission: Contribute to Irish and European metal finishing and chemical processing companies, short term and also longer term partnerships. Work to implement innovative processes - more competitive - cost effective - improve environmental impact. Build on our RTD expertise in EU projects - better fulfil the above aims - develop technologies suitable for licensing and exploitation. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  3. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Topic Multifunctional ceramic thin films with radically new properties - STREP Applications electronics, optical and magnetic devices, protection coatings, electrochemistry or catalysis. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  4. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Topic Multifunctional ceramic thin films with radically new properties - STREP Functionally-graded or multi-component, nano- structured films allow further flexibility in the tailoring of properties. Focus on new multi-functional ceramic thin films (nitrides, carbides, oxides, etc) Provide components with radically new electronic, optical or magnetic properties for novel industrial applications. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  5. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Proposal Smart ceramic anodes Scientific and technological objectives: Develop highly specific smart anodes based on multifunctional ceramic thin films. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  6. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Smart ceramic anodes Innovative applications in electrochemistry and photo-electrochemistry for electro-synthesis, electro-destruction of toxic chemicals production of clean water. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  7. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Smart ceramic anodes Electrochemistry Synthesis of complex organic compounds for pharmaceutical and other applications without use of toxic reagents. The electron is the ultimate green reagent. Destroying toxic organic compounds by complete oxidative destruction, electro-incineration, without any risk of producing toxic by-products such as dioxins This technique can be applied to water to remove persistent organic compounds which can build up and accumulate in the food chain. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  8. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Smart ceramic anodes Major obstacle to progress - lack of suitable anode materials. Available anodes offer Restricted choice of catalytic properties. Lack of reaction specificity High cost because based on platinum group metals Poor control in the preparative methods Little fundamental understanding of the mechanisms. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  9. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Smart ceramic anodes By applying a fundamental understanding of the processes involved highly selective smart anodes can be designed to achieve specific reactions as well as producing wide spectrum anodes for more general applications. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  10. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Partner 1: Expertise in production of mixed ceramic coatings by PVD or CVD or by other means. Work: Production of electrodes coated with electro-conducting ceramic coatings. Partner 2: Expertise in characterization of mixed ceramic coatings Work: Characterization of mixed ceramic coatings with regard to surface morphology and electrochemical and conducting properties and wear properties. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  11. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Partner 3: Expertise in industrial electrochemistry, including electro-synthesis, electro-destruction of toxic organics and photo-electrochemistry. Work: Trials of the ceramic coatings in the above applications. Partner 4: Expertise in industrial applications of electrochemistry or of special anodes. Work: Developing and testing anodes based on ceramic coatings for suitable industrial applications. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  12. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Partner 5: Expertisein fundamental mechanisms of electro-conductivity, electrochemistry and electrocatalysis in ceramic coatings. Work:Modelling and design of suitable ceramic coatings to achieve target reactions. NMP Partner Day - Poland

  13. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Contact: Dr Jimmie Parkes Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Chapelstown, Carlow, Ireland Tel: +353 59 9142795 Mobile: +353 86 2467 343 Email: jparkes@faraday-centre.ie Web: www.faraday-centre.com NMP Partner Day - Poland

  14. Inter-Euro Technology Ltd Dziękuję Dobre zdrowie Go raibh maith agaibh Slainte mhaith Thanks Good Health NMP Partner Day - Poland

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