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Minnesota Mini-Research Projects. Ms. Arvig's 5th Graders. http://digital-vector-maps.com/. Minnesota Mini-Research Projects. The following slides are a quick snapshot of various topics related to Minnesota. The purpose behind this project was two-fold.
Minnesota Mini-ResearchProjects Ms. Arvig's 5th Graders http://digital-vector-maps.com/
Minnesota Mini-Research Projects The following slides are a quick snapshot of various topics related to Minnesota. The purpose behind this project was two-fold. Our first objective was to get a broad sense of the people, places, or things with ties to our great state since Minnesota History is our Social Studies topic in fifth grade. The second objective was to get involved early with technology this year. This project involved internet research and the use of Google Apps. We hope you enjoy our Mini-Projects!
Lake Minnetonkahttp://www.minnesotafishingonline.com/lakeminnetonka2.jpg
Lake Minnetonka There are 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, and one of the lakes is Lake Minnetonka. The lake is located West, Southwest of Minneapolis St. Paul. The first Europeans known to have visited the lake were 2 teenage boys. They found the lake in 1822 by paddling up Minnehaha Creek. The Lake is an irregular shape with numerous bays and islands which make up about 125 miles of shoreline. The lake itself was discovered in 1822. It started off as a small creek, but expanded over the years, and is now on our U.S.A. map.
Lake Minnetonka Big Island • Lake Minnetonka Amusement Park opened May 30th 1925 on Decoration Day or Memorial Day now. The amusement park wasn't closed until 1973. • 20,000 people visited on the day it opened. • "Mr. Rollercoaster" Fred Pearce, the owner of Big Island Amusement park built 27 amusement parks across the country, but Big Island was his most famous one. It was known for Mountain Ride which had half a mile track and was 65 ft. at is highest peak. • Lawerence Welk, Beach Boys, Tommy Dorsey and the Rolling Stones all performed at their famous beach pavilion. • Lake Minnetonka Amusement parks scrambler and carousel are at Valley Fair.now.http://lakeminnetonka.patch.com/articles/this-week-in-lake-minnetonka-history • By Hannah
Minnehaha Falls Minnehaha Falls park covers 171 acres of land. The Falls is 53 feet tall. It is 30 miles long to the Northeast. The location is Minneapolis/St. Paul. The water source is Minnehaha Creek. by: Tim
Bob Dylan was popular for over 4 decades! He was not only a singer and songwriter but also a painter. Bob Dylan was in a motorcycle accident and withdrew from the public. He was born in Duluth at St. Mary's hospital. Bob Dylan By:Ella http://uhnavs.com/skyview-bob-dylan-at-the-flood/
Northern Pike Northern Pike can grow up to 60 inches and 62 pounds. Pike are covered in mucus. Northern Pike are found in Russia, Europe and North America. They are olive green and yellow white on the stomach. They feed on water voles, small ducks, fish, insects and leeches. By: Aaron
URL: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=northern+pike&hl=en&safe=active&biw=994&bih=550&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=OMO5_TES-l5LcM:&imgrefurl=http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2008/haslag_bria/&docid=Q-rPqa3KyAvogM&w=600&h=410&ei=qL94TungD6umsQL877HyDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=683&vpy=267&dur=177&hovh=185&hovw=272&tx=85&ty=91&page=4&tbnh=154&tbnw=204&start=32&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:32
Facts Gar are predators to other fish. It is greenish brown. It can get up to 72 inches and 52 pounds. It has a really bony mouth. It lives in rivers. It likes to eat a lot. by Nate
Mark Dayton By: Lauren H. 1. Mark Dayton is the 40th governor of Minnesota. 2. Mark Dayton graduated from Blake High School in 1965 and graduated from Yale University in 1969. 3. In April 2006 Dayton was rated one of America's worst senators. 4. Dayton financed his 2000 senate campaign with 12 million dollars of his own money. 5. Mark Dayton is a Democrat. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=mark+dayton&start=130&num=10&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1276&bih=560&tbm=isch&tbnid=lkYEu9F2B3xF9M:&imgrefurl=http://www.generalmills.com/en/Media/Inside_General_Mills/Library/2011/dayton_visit_5_24_2011.aspx&docid=mfddk3f6EemjdM&w=100&h=135&ei=JKx8Tvz0LueKsgLY46gx&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=632&vpy=286&dur=1293&hovh=108&hovw=80&tx=103&ty=66&sqi=2&page=12&tbnh=108&tbnw=80&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:130 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=mark+dayton&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&biw=1219&bih=448&tbm=isch&tbnid=hbE-56Gs2gTB_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.liquida.com/focus/2011/07/06/minnesota-government-tim-pawlenty-walter-mondale-arne-carlson/&docid=2laMhwgmdqcpUM&w=110&h=146&ei=Kct4TqXQMKaFsgKo1OmnDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=355&vpy=199&dur=5565&hovh=116&hovw=88&tx=87&ty=66&page=8&tbnh=96&tbnw=72&start=108&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:108
Itascaby Nick Itasca is 32,690 acres big. It has 496,651 annual visitors. In Latin, Itasca means true head. The Mississippi River starts in Itasca. Thousands come to Itasca each year. Naturalist programs are available year round. Trails in Itasca are shared with deer, chipmunks, and squirrels. http://www.visitusa.com/minnesota/photos/minnesota-sibley-state-park.htm
Saint Anthony Falls by Nick http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Saint_Anthony_Falls-20060617.jpg
Saint Anthony Falls -The Saint Anthony Falls was built and designed in the 1930's. -The Saint Anthony Fall was named after the Catholic Saint Anthony. -The apron was built in 1848. -The lower Saint Anthony Falls was completed in 1956. -Geologist say that the falls first appeared roughly 10,000 years ago. .
Walleye http://www.paidtofish.com/?p=17 Walleyeare also called Dore Pickerel and Jackfish. Walleye belong to the Perch family. Walleye will eat a big variety of food such as smaller fish,Crustations, Amphibians, small mammals such as mice and even small birds. Female walleye grow faster and live longer. Walleye prefer cold water. Walleye have been known to live up to 30 years. A big female can produce 400,000 eggs but on average is 50,000 eggs.
Snowshoe Rabbit The Snowshoe Rabbit's fur in the winter is white. In the spring their coats are brown. The Snowshoe Rabbit likes a thick cover of undergrowth to eat. Snowshoe Rabbit's feet help them to run from predators. Snowshoe Rabbits are forest dwellers. http://www.wildlifecallers.com/store/sounds-wildlife-technologies/rabbit-hare-sounds.html?mode=list
The Common Loon By: Divya The Common Loon has four calls: the tremolo, the wail, the hoot and the yodel. Some of the stuff they eat is fish, insects, salamanders, leaches and frogs. There are about 12,000 loons in Minnesota. The Common Loons can stay underwater for five minutes. They can fly more than seventy five miles per hour. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=active&q=the+common+loon&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=994&bih=550&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
Duluth, the City on a Hill Duluth is a tourist attraction and a busy sea port. It has lots of museums, even a floating iron ore vessel! The Duluth lift bridge is a marvel of technology. The city of Duluth is the seaport that the ill-fated ship the Edmund Fitzgerald last departed from. The lighthouses there have to be built to survive storms that are almost a step down from a hurricane.
The Lady Slipper Shannon 1.If you touch the leaf of a Lady Slipper you can get a rash. If you get a rash by touching a Lady Slipper go to a doctor A.S.A.P! 2.The Lady Slipper is a very rare flower. So don't harm it! 3.The Lady Slipper is about 1'-2' tall. 4.The Lady Slipper can live up to 15 years! 5. It blooms in June or July 6.The Lady Slipper is a very delicate, rare flower Fun Fact: It took over 16 years to produce the first flower! Wow!
Little Pine Dairy By: Julia . Little Pine Dairy is one of the biggest dairy companies in the whole state. . The Tobkin family owns 4,000 acres of land for their farm! . The Tobkin family has 1,400 cows. . Little Pine Dairy is in Perham. . In the 1900's the dairy milked 1,180 cows three times a day, I can't believe it!
Map: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=perham+little+pine+dairy+map&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1236&bih=560&tbm=isch&tbnid=0RK0vCJd7ieo1M:&imgrefurl=http://www.lakesnwoods.com/Perham.htm&docid=fFrKMRPQ8VZV7M&w=592&h=781&ei=n8J4TvykOKeLsgLHl6jkDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1443&page=1&tbnh=110&tbnw=83&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=34&ty=24 Cow: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cow&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1322&bih=560&tbm=isch&tbnid=KY8b2MCooEJTvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.rps.psu.edu/jan98/cleancows.html&docid=-O1U4lWWJnPe6M&w=300&h=414&ei=38V4TrLCIfKksQK76fDYDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=431&vpy=182&dur=7903&hovh=264&hovw=191&tx=89&ty=203&page=13&tbnh=156&tbnw=134&start=134&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:134
MALL OF AMERICA byTommy The Mall of America was built in 1996. It cost 650 million dollars to build the whole mall - I'm not sure that it is including the rides or not. The Mall of America is 42,000,000 square feet or 96.4 acres. I cannot find the architect.
Target Field by Julia Target Field is located in downtown Minneapolis. The idea for Target Field began in 1994. The builders designed it in 2007. The Twins first played in Target Field on March 27, 2010. The construction for Target Field cost $425,000,000. http://www.hall-fame.com/target_field_day.jpg
Fur Trade by LunaThe oral traditions of the Ojibwe tell of the first meeting between a wise Ojibwe man and a group of mysterious white skinned strangers. ( :o Part of the story says that when he woke up he traveled east like in the story, found the "spirits" and that's what started the fur trade. It was perfect! The Native Americans had what the English wanted, and the English had what the Native Americans wanted! The fur trade started 1650 and ended 1850.
The Giant Cherry on the Spoonby Allison Claes Oldenburg is best known for his ingenious oversized renditions of ordinary objects. Like the giant "soft" three-way plug and overturned bag of french fries in Walker's own collection. The giant spoon stretches 52 feet across a small pond shaped like a linden tree seed. A fine stream of water, just enough to make the aluminum cherry gleam, flows over the cherry from the base of the stem . m/imgres?q=facts+about+the+giant+cherry+on+the+spoon&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1152&bih=480&tbm=isch&tbnid=1upiO6LTD-4Y7M:&imgrefurl=http://woodbutscuttlebutt.blogspot.com/2010/04/twin-cities-true-facts-whats-up-with.html&docid=umyZho6cTnriDM&itg=1&w=474&h=356&ei=L6-ATouEH86JsAKBp6wJ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=103&vpy=152&dur=2825&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=163&ty=85&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 http://modern-abstract-art.blogspot.com/
Gooseberry Falls Facts 1. There are great trails from Gooseberry Falls to Split Rock lighthouse. 2.These are some of the animals from the Falls - little brown bat, tiger salamander, and bobcats. 3. It is located in Two Harbors, MN. 4. Sometimes people go swimming, and camping. 5.The falls go 15 miles per hour, so if you go in the falls you would not be able to move. By: Grant
Gooseberry Falls http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Gooseberry+falls&hl=en&safe=active&client=firefox-a&hs=xkj&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1246&bih=586&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsb&tbnid=ybV9oB_8yRxj9M:&imgrefurl=http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-20327677/stock-photo-gooseberry-falls-lower-falls-after-hard-rain-water-color-is-natural-pine-trees-in-area-release.html&docid=tYrUCZ44jMtycM&w=450&h=319&ei=48J4TsiGK-KlsQKJ5oSrDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=454&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=147&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=48&ty=84
MILL CITY MUSEUM BY NATHAN In 1974 the mill burnt to the ground but in 1980 they rebuilt the mill to be better. Also Minnesota was the flour capitol of the world. In 1985 the mill was shut down and in 1991 it was nearly destroyed by fire. http://www.minnesotabeautiful.com/twin-cities-metro-minnesota-tourism/mill-city-museum-minneapolis-minnesota.html
Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness By: Ellie Did you know that they also call BWCA canoe country? The National Geographic includes the big water canoe area wilderness in their list of top 50 places you must see in the world. BWCAW covers over 1 million acres and offers over 1,500 miles of canoe routes within more than 1,000 lakes, rivers and streams. Here is an amazing thing - over 200,000 people visit the BWCAW a year. That is really cool. I want to go there!
URL Flicker.com/ 2desktop.com Superstock.com
The History Behind The Green Giantby Reid The Green Giant was made in 1925 and he was made from large peas. The Green Giant was inspired by folktales and fairy tales. Over the years the Green Giant became a friendlier- greener-character. The Green Giant was so popular the company renamed their company The Green Giant. The Green Giant is the third most recognized advertising icon in the 20th century. The Green Giant is part of General Mills and their headquarters is in Minnesota.
Minnesota Hess Brick Factory • by Sammie • The old Hess Brick Factory is located in St. Cloud. • Henry Hess built and ran the factory. • They used two small baking kilns to make bricks. • Near the factory is a huge clay deposit. • It used to average a daily production of 30,000 bricks.
URL 1) http://www.mnbricks.com/old-brick-factory-ruins 2) http://www.mnbricks.com/st-cloud-brick
Soda Fountains from the 1960'sby: Lauren Hl. Did you know that soda fountains continued through the 1960's? They were overrun by restaurants and ice cream stores. It was common for small town and big city dwellers to stop by on their way to work, to enjoy a carbonated beverage before they had to leave for work. It's different from nowadays when we have them at home to drink whenever we want. They had to go somewhere. It was a nice once in a while treat in the morning. Did you know that the word soda was first in use in 1888, a long time after they opened soda fountains in Minnesota?
URL Flicker.com/ countryliving.com virtchawaldo.com