1. Skjaldkirtilssjkdmar Gunnar Sigursson prfessor
Kennsla 6. rs lknanema
7. janar 2004
2. Skjaldkirtilssjkdmar hersluatrii:
Klnsk mynd um van-/ofstarfsemi
Helstu orsakir
Greining tilokun
Helstu atrii meferar
Stkkaur skjaldkirtill hntar
Einfld uppvinnsla
7. Thyrotoxicosis; syndrome due to excess of circulating free T4 and/or free T3 Hyperthyroidism; thyroid gland overactivity resulting in thyrotoxicosis.
Thyrotoxicosis can occur without hyperthyroidism when stored hormone is released from a damaged thyroid (e.g. subacute thyroiditis) or when excess thyroid hormone is taken.
20. Radioiodine-therapy 131I is concentrated by the thyroid and causes cell damage and cell death.
131I works slowly; 4-6 months if still thyrotoxic a second dose may be needed.
Contraindications: pregnancy and breast feeding. Pregnancy is safe 4 months after treatment.
Complications; gradual hypohyroidism, therefore annual check of thyroid function.
43. Diffuse goitre The patient with diffuse goitre may be:
Graves disease
Thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis, silent or painless
Colloid or simple goitre
Hashimotos thyroiditis
Inborn errors of thyroid hormone metabolism
Hashimotos thyroiditis