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Building and Grounds Committee

Building and Grounds Committee. Mike Clarey , chairman Ken Plueger Tom Reuter Tim Pick Bill Anthony Fr. Matt Hewitt. Steve’s Roofing, Sioux City, IA. Decca stone coated steel shingle, plus rubber roof on vestibule Repair of bell tower dome, facial trims, crosses

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Building and Grounds Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building and Grounds Committee • Mike Clarey, chairman • Ken Plueger • Tom Reuter • Tim Pick • Bill Anthony • Fr. Matt Hewitt

  2. Steve’s Roofing, Sioux City, IA • Decca stone coated steel shingle, plus rubber roof on vestibule • Repair of bell tower dome, facial trims, crosses • Installation of skylight • Installation of insulation

  3. John C. Kaiser Co., Dubuque, IA • repair all damaged plaster • paint the complete interior of the church body (nave, sanctuary, cry room, sacristy, side entry, balcony, and main entrance) • paint wood grain on all beams and windows • accent colors around windows • gold leaf around windows (24 kt.) • varnish all existing woodwork including base, stairwell and doors • provide padded seat cushions that coordinated to new color scheme • lay tile flooring in the traffic areas of the church: aisles, sanctuary, sacristy, and cry room.

  4. So how much is this going to cost? ?????

  5. So how much is this going to cost? $3,000,000

  6. So how much is this going to cost? $3,000,000 You’ve gotta be joking me!!!

  7. So how much is this going to cost? $3,000,000 $300,000

  8. Feedback St. James Renovation Campaign Comment Card 1. Proposed Color for the Roof _____ Like _____ Dislike Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Proposed Color Scheme for the Interior Walls _____ Like _____ Dislike Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Proposed Color Scheme and Layout for the Floor _____ Like _____ Dislike Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

  9. Time Frame • With enough initial payments to cover deposits, we want to begin the exterior work in the coming weeks and be finished by Christmas. • We want to begin the interior work in January and be finished by Easter. • We would like our initial payments and pledges to reach our $300,000 goal by the end of the year and to have everything paid for by 2013.

  10. How to Contribute St. James Renovation Campaign Pledge Card I/We pledge a total of $___________________ in support of the St. James Renovation Campaign. I/We have enclosed an initial/full payment of $________________. TIMING OF MY/OUR CONTRIBUTION $______________ Monthly $______________ Quarterly METHOD OF PAYMENT ________ Cash/Check ________ Grain ________ My company _________________________________ will match the gift in the amount of $_________. Print name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

  11. St. James Renovation Campaign Our Goal is $300,000. With 700 families at St. James Parish, we hope to quickly reach this goal, at least in pledges. While some are able to give more than others, we all, as a parish family, have something to give to keep our Church beautiful.

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