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Does alcohol consumption effect vein health?

Varicose veins may have a variety of appearances, but generally, they appear swollen, twisted and discoloured, along with pain and discomfort. Our vein health can take a severe to worse condition in several ways. The major causative factors which we have control over that negatively affect our vein health are:<br><br>Sedentary Lifestyle<br>Unhealthy Eating habits

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Does alcohol consumption effect vein health?

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  1. Does alcohol consumption effect veinhealth? Varicose veins may have a variety of appearances, but generally, they appear swollen, twisted and dis-coloured, along with pain and discomfort. Our vein health can take asevere to worse condition in several ways. The major causative factors which we have control over that negatively affect our vein healthare: Sedentary Lifestyle Unhealthy Eatinghabits The other causative factors that lead to varicose veins problems include genetics, hormones, and age. However, these factors are beyond our control, so we can just hope for the luck when it comes to genetics and hormones, and age does not cause our veins too many problems. But, the things that are within our control, such as leading a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits and it is crucial that we should start sooner on getting our eating and physical activity on a healthytrack. Alcohol consumption is another causative factor which we should want to take into consideration that likely exists in our life that is wreaking havoc on our circulatorysystem. Though it is not a serious factor that put us at risk for varicose veins but it is certainly onthe list of causative factors for varicoseveins. Let’s take a look, how bad is alcohol consumption for ourveins?

  2. How Badly Alcohol Affects Our CirculatorySystem The whole circulatory system works to make sure that our heart continues to pump blood through our veins and arteries. Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart and theveins in our body are a major part of our circulatorysystem. We mighthavereadarticlesandresearchstudies claimingthatalcoholcanbegoodforour circulatory system. To a certain extent, this is correct. However, the key is how much and how often we consumeit. If alcohol consumption is more, then our body becomes stressed and any positive results that alcohol provided are nowvanished. How is this possible? Well, the studies show that one glass of alcohol causes our blood vessels to relax, which makes it easier for our body to pump blood through them.This is a great break for our circulatorysystem. But, when consumption is more it may increase our heart rate which causes our circulatory system to workharder. Thismeansourbodymechanismisbackondutyi.e.,double-duty,tobringbacktoanormal level. Veins are included in that double-duty shift and doing double-duty means more strain on veins, which greatly increase our chances of damagingthem. Veins Condition – During AlcoholConsumption It cannot be said that alcohol consumption leads directly to varicose veins. However, it can be said that it causes issues for our circulatory system, as discussed. And, at some point it seems inevitable that they will become affected by our drinkinghabit. Sincedrinkingdoesnotleadto varicoseveins,but,beaware of thepossibleeffectsandone must know that the problems will be more severe for those who already have a predisposition to veinissues. If you are concerned about your vein health, related to varicose veins, it is a good idea to consult Dr. Abhilash Sandhyala, who is one of the best vascular surgeon for laser treatment for varicose veins in hyderabad, Telangana. He is a well-known vascular specialist for varicose veins treatment. He has successfully treated varicose veins for more than 5,500 patients. He has been performing the EVLT procedure for the past four years with excellent results. Visit Flow Vascular clinic todayat H.No:2-22-298/2/A, Sree Krishna Diagnostic Center Building, 2nd Floor, Beside Kalamandir, KPHB MainRoad, Kukatpally,Hyderabad.

  3. You can also book an appointment on Varicose veins specialist in hyderabador call on (+91) 99896 49498, 9959033037. Visit Varicose veins doctors in Hyderabadto know more aboutthe available options for varicose veinstreatment.

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