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Implementation of e-Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST

Implementation of e-Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST. MIT LINC CONFERENCE MAY 23-26, 2010. ROBERT KABUTEY OKINE & JOHN SERBE MARFO . Abstract. Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning to KNUST Types of e-Learning systems considered

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Implementation of e-Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST

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  1. Implementation of e-Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST MIT LINC CONFERENCEMAY 23-26, 2010 ROBERT KABUTEY OKINE & JOHN SERBE MARFO

  2. Abstract • Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning to KNUST • Types of e-Learning systems considered • Strategies involved in e-Learning implementations in KNUST • Challenges faced • Recommendations on critical issues to consider

  3. Background of Study • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) • A public university in Ghana, Africa • 21285 undergraduate Students & 2306 pg students • http://www.knust.edu.gh • Leading Science & Technology University in West Africa

  4. Background of Study • Initial Implementation of e-Learning in KNUST 2005/06 • Advantages and Disadvantages of e-learning • Types of e-learning systems considered: • Commercial, Open Source, Course Management, Learning management systems • 2nd semester of 2005/06 • UITS setup an open source and course management e-learning system called MOODLE • Fine-tuned to suit the needs of the university

  5. Background of Study • Pilot in 2006/07 academic year • Two courses using two classes • Fine-tuned from the inputs given by users • Expected large scale implementation in 2nd Semester of 2006/07 • However: Due to Human Resources and other challenges, it did not happen

  6. Problem Statements • Inadequate ICT staffs to support • Low motivation for lecturers to blend e-learning into their face to face lectures • Inadequate bandwidth • Poor financing of ICT infrastructure • Poor educational awareness • Unreliable power supply

  7. Methodology • Descriptive study with a cross-sectional design • Employed qualitative and quantitative variables • Sample Size • Students • Lectures • ICT Staff • University Administrators

  8. Results • 97% response rate out of the 125 questionnaires • It comprise of: • 100 Students • 5 lecturers • 15 ICT personnel • 5 University Administrators

  9. Will e-learning enhance teaching & Learning • 98.35% of YES response • Courses will be accessible 24/7 • Online learning will not require physical attendance of student or lecturer • Learning is self-paced • Geographical barriers will be removed • Online course materials can be reused or modified for a new class • For open source e-learning systems KNUST will have low cost and support will be highly available

  10. Disadvantages of eLearning • Little Internet Bandwidth • Inadequate computers and other ICT infrastructure • unreliable power supply

  11. Types of e-Learning

  12. Choice of e-Learning system • Choice of e-learning system recommended base on Management: • 68% of respondents chose Course Management System • 32% of respondents chose Learning Management System • Choice of e-Learning system based on cost, development continuity and support: • 76% of respondents chose Open Source systems • 24 of respondents chose commercial systems

  13. Choice of e-Learning system recommended

  14. Why Moodle? • Moodle is widely used by most universities (48,973 users from 212 countries)It is easily customizable • It supports several databases including MySQL, PostgrelSQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle and others • It supports different operating systems including Windows and Linux • It is free to download and use, making less costly to deploy. • It has a large user and developer community and support.

  15. Strategy for Implementation • Successful rate of 35% of respondents • Unsuccessful rate of 69.42% of respondents • Why unsuccessful? • Not much educational awareness has been done about it to students • Lack of practical effort from University Top management • Initial plan of implementing the e-learning system across the whole university campus was wrong.

  16. Strategy for e-Learning Implementation • Lack of recognition of lecturers using e-Learning • A must for the successful implementation of e-learning in KNUST • Blend the traditional face to face with the virtual learning system • Online system should be complemented with CD-ROM materials • Deadline for online materials should be set • Policy on e-Learning

  17. Challenges and Solutions • Challenges • Inadequate ICT infrastructure • Lecturers with very low ICT skills • Inadequate ICT staff to train users of the e-Learning system • Low motivation for lecturers to blend e-learning into face to face lectures • High cost of accessing e-learning by non-residential students • Inadequate finance for acquisition of ICT Infrastructure

  18. Challenges and Solutions • Solutions • Organise e-Learning training workshop for lecturers • Provide funds and a well elaborate plan for implementing e-Learning at KNUST • Expansion of the university ICT network to non-residential areas via wireless • Provision of adequate ICT staff for e-learning training and management • Provision of adequate ICT infrastructure to support e-learning implementation

  19. Conclusion & Recommendation • Conclusion • Advantages of e-learning far outweighs the disadvantages • An eLearning system that blends Course Management and an Open source system • A policy should back the implementation of e-Learning

  20. Conclusion & Recommendation • Recommendation • Wireless facilities should be extended to Non-Residential students areas to use the intranet • Workshops should be organised for Students and Lecturers regularly • E-learning policy to guide the implementation • Reward system must be developed for lecturers who blend e-learning into face to face lectures • E-learning should be adopted in Ghanaian universities due to ever increasing enrolment figures

  21. Relevant e-Learning systems in KNUST • KNUST E-learning System • Moodle platform http://web.knust.edu.gh/elearning/ • Other Digital Systems in KNUST • OER in collaboration with University of Michigan and KNUST School of Medical Sciences http://oer.knust.edu.gh, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1HQOtiotXY • KNUST Dspace Repository http://dspace.knust.edu.gh

  22. Questions & Suggestions THANK YOU

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