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Educational Information System Replacement Plan Overview

Educational Information System Replacement Plan Overview. Education Information Technology Department. What is EIS?. Educational Information System will provide automation for much of our student and administrative services Replaced legacy systems will include:

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Educational Information System Replacement Plan Overview

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  1. Educational Information SystemReplacement Plan Overview Education Information Technology Department

  2. What is EIS? • Educational Information System will provide automation for much of our student and administrative services • Replaced legacy systems will include: • SunGuard’s IA Plus (HRS, FRS, SIS) • Other independent systems such as: • Resource Management System • Work Flow System • Library System • Student Tracking System • Counseling System (Early Alert) • Identity Management System • Other Legacy manual processes

  3. Background • October 2006 - Current systems assessment concluded that we should: • replace our old legacy systems and • begin procurement of an Educational Information System (EIS) • Measure C provides resources to replace our legacy systems

  4. Why Replace? • A new EIS architecture will: • improve services to students • enhance teaching and learning • Legacy systems are limited in their: • capacity to store certain records • ability to add new functionality • Legacy systems are near end of life

  5. Critical Early Goals • Design / procure a student-centered system • Upgrade / streamline services to our students • Deliver student services consistently across the district • Create a sustainable architecture

  6. Key Features of Project • Web-based tool to collect broad based input regarding the requirements of a new system. • Six year cycle to choose, procure, install, convert, configure, and train. • Four years away from going live on the new system. • Changing systems is a difficult process involving all District departments

  7. Project Overview • Phase 1 CY 2007 • Functionality and Gap Analysis Jan - Sept • Decision and Contracting Oct - Dec • Phase 2 CY 2008 -10 • Conversion and Training • Phase 3 CY 2011-12 • Stabilization

  8. Choosing a System • Criteria • Ability to meet functional requirements • Ability to meet technical requirements • Evaluation of vendor demonstrations • Evaluation during site visits • Reference Checks • Vendor-developed and open-source, collaborative solutions considered

  9. Project Leadership • Department managers • At Foothill / De Anza Colleges, Central Services • Responsible for requirements identification and validation in Phase 1 • Kathy Kyne • Consultant • Phase 1 project leader / facilitator • Chien Shih • Director of Information Systems & Operations • Overall responsibility for the project (all phases)

  10. Faculty / Staff Faculty / Staff Functional Manager Functional Manager Students Project Support Team Project Manager Purchasing All Administrators / Supervisors EIS Steering Committee ETAC Committee Foothill - De Anza Senior Staff Vice Chancellor Technology Chancellor’s Advisory Council Chancellor’s Staff Team Organization in Phase 1

  11. Phase 1 Project Schedule • March 13 Project Kickoff • April 16 Process Reviews • May 7 Requirements Gathering • July 2 Release RFP • Aug 31 Begin RFP Reviews • Oct 1 Conduct Vendor Demos • Nov 15 Release Final Report / Decision • Dec 31 Complete Contract Negotiations

  12. Decision Director Tool • Is sponsored through the Foundation for California Community Colleges • Is Web-based, easy to use, and allows wide participation • Supports identification and validation of functional / technical requirements

  13. Decision Director Tool • Supports analysis of educational work processes / procedures • Allows vendors / collaboratives to submit proposal information directly into Web database • Provides decision support information to guide decision

  14. Decision Information Sample

  15. References • University of Virginia • South Dakota Board of Regents • Citrus College • Gavilan • Taft • Cuesta

  16. Terms • Educational Information System (EIS) • FHDA specific term for this project • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) system • A comprehensive information system that automates organizational processes • Migration • The task of moving from one system to another • Conversion • The task of cleaning and reformatting data in one system and moving it to another system

  17. Questions?

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