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Signposting your information - MEDIN Discovery Metadata

Signposting your information - MEDIN Discovery Metadata. What is metadata & what should I do with it?. Essentially, metadata is: Information about a dataset. Discovery Metadata is:

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Signposting your information - MEDIN Discovery Metadata

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  1. Signposting your information - MEDIN Discovery Metadata

  2. What is metadata & what should I do with it? Essentially, metadata is: Information about a dataset Discovery Metadata is: Information used to describe datasets (or series or services) so that a user can easily find them using a portal and determine the details of where they can be accessed A documented record of datasets managed within an organisation or an application • When • Who • Where • What • e.g. March 2017 BGS Dogger Bank geophysics survey Discovery Metadata contains: • What I'

  3. What is a dataset? • The correct level for a dataset is a cruise, survey or a set of repeat observations with a common purpose • A dataset usually constitutes a specifically-funded piece of work • The dataset should be easily extractable from a database for a 3rd party • Searchable using an online interface e.g. MEDIN portal

  4. Discovery Metadata Standard MEDIN have developed a Discovery Metadata Standard to enable online discovery of datasets 3 components make up the Standard

  5. Discovery Metadata Standard - Guidance Available on website Compliant with: • ISO19115 (Geographic information – Metadata) • INSPIRE • UK GEMINI2 • ISO 19139 schema set for encoding xml However, there is a shorter, simpler version available! Currently being updated!

  6. Discovery Metadata Standard - Vocabs The MEDIN standard specifies use of certain vocabularies (term lists) to distinguish your record as ‘marine specific’ P02

  7. Discovery Metadata Standard - Tools http://www.medin.org.uk/data-standards/medin-discovery-metadata-standard On-line metadata generation and editing tool Desktop tool. Can work in stand alone mode.

  8. Validation is critical! ► ►Validation is carried out using the MEDIN schematron ►Ease of update – one change in multiple tools rather than separate bespoke changes for each tool ► Schematron scans the structure of the XML and the requirement levels and other rules of the MEDIN standard ► Schematron and guidance available at http://www.medin.org.uk/data-standards/medin-discovery-metadata-standard ► This does not QC the content of the record – GIGO applies

  9. Summary of dataset discovery • Correct level of granularity is essential • Discovery metadata designed for display on MEDIN portal. • MEDIN tools use XML to do this. • MEDIN guidance on website plus FAQs:

  10. Updating the MEDIN discovery standard • Standards evolve! Therefore: • MEDIN has placed itself to be engaged in and contribute to any changes in national and international standards that could influence our own • MEDIN is represented by members of the MEDIN Standards Working Group on various groups linked to discovery metadata e.g. GEMINI Working Group, BSI • Sign up to the e-mail list to be kept up-to-date on changes

  11. MEDIN discovery metadata in action • Logonto the MEDIN portal • http://portal.oceannet.org/ • Look at the ‘quick links’ on the right hand side and click on the map icon. • Have a short play with the Data Discovery Portal to see how the discovery metadata gets used. • Does your organisation have records in the portal or are there data there you could use? • Practical to follow!

  12. MEDIN Metadata Editor Practical Open Internet Browser • www.dassh.ac.uk/medin_metadata • Log-in: • Username: medin.metadata@mba.ac.uka • Password: medinmetadata • Follow instructions on the handout

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