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64th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy. June 22 - 26, 2009 – Columbus, Ohio. THE GBT PRIMOS PROJECT – SCIENCE, STATUS AND SUPICIONS. Anthony J. Remijan Commissioning Liaison, NAASC Mike Hollis (NASA), Frank Lovas (NIST), & Phil Jewell (NRAO) ‏. The GBT PRIMOS Project:

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  1. 64th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy June 22 - 26, 2009 – Columbus, Ohio THE GBT PRIMOS PROJECT – SCIENCE, STATUS AND SUPICIONS • Anthony J. Remijan • Commissioning Liaison, NAASC • Mike Hollis (NASA), Frank Lovas (NIST), & Phil Jewell (NRAO)‏

  2. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • Presentation Outline: • The GBT and the initial justification • Obtaining the Data • Current Status of the Project • Examples of PRIMOS Science • Probabilities for New Molecule • Searches • PRIMOS Webpage: • www.cv.nrao.edu/~aremijan/PRIMOS • contact me: aremijan@nrao.edu 2

  3. The Green Bank Telescope • B = 740”/ [GHz] • Investigating spatial scales from 12 arcmin to 15 arcsec! • 7854 m2 - ~2 ACRES! • At 17 million pounds, it is one of the largest moving structures on land! • OFF(2 min)-ON(2 min)‏

  4. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • There are many specific reasons why • a deep spectral line survey is • important and timely: • 1) In practical terms, a sensitive • and methodical survey is one of the • most efficient ways to detect new • species (WI03, RG01, RG02). • 2) Large databases of laboratory • spectroscopic transition frequencies • exist already. A thorough, sensitive survey would allow astrochemists to utilize these databases to make firm, multi-transition identifications of species. • 3) This survey will produce a complete inventory of known interstellar molecules and their transitions and is potentially one of the most important outcomes of this survey. • 4) The results will guide further instrumentation development on the GBT. Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI and Harry Morton

  5. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • Obtaining the Data • Any/all of these data are available NOW and available in many forms 5

  6. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • Obtaining the Data • Ascii Format • “SLiSE” it 6

  7. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins NRAO Archive Search - archive.cv.nrao.edu Project ID # 9

  8. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • Current Status of the Project: (Available via Google Docs...)‏ • 300 MHz PF1 – COMPLETE • 600 MHz PF1 – COMPLETE • 800 MHz PF1 – COMPLETE • L-Band (1-2 GHz) – 60% • S-Band (2-3 GHz) – Low Spectral Resolution – COMPLETE • - High Spectral Resolution - 60% • C-Band (4-6 GHz) – COMPLETE (May extend to higher Frequencies)‏ • X-Band (8-10 GHz) – COMPLETE (possible to extend to 11.6 GHz)‏ • Ku-Band (12-15 GHz) – COMPLETE • K-Band (17-26 GHz) - 80% • Ka-Band (26-40 GHz) – Low Spectral Resolution (Quick Look) – COMPLETE • - High Spectral Resolution - 26% • Q-Band (40-50 GHz) – Low Spectral Resolution – 90% • - High Spectral Resolution – 10% (optimistic!)‏ 10

  9. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins PRIMOS Science Projects: 11

  10. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins PRIMOS Science Projects: Continuum antenna temperatures observed with the GBT spectrometer toward SgrB2 (N-LMH). 12

  11. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins PRIMOS Science Projects: 13

  12. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins PROBABILITY OF NEW DETECTIONS: At the two plots on the right, we show a 200 MHz wide piece of the GBT spectrum at 14 GHz and a similar 200 MHz wide piece of the 12m spectrum at 140 GHz toward Sgr B2(N-LMH). In the mm-wave spectrum, nearly every feature that is above the baseline is a spectral line from either a known or unknown molecular species. Thus, when searching for new molecules, low frequency observations not only provide a wider range of physical and chemical environments to explore, but much less spectral line confusion. 14

  13. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins Investigating old Detections: At the two plots on the right, we show the original detection of ethylene oxide done with the Haystack Observatory with a 57” beam and the GBT observations of that same transition with an 18” beam. 15

  14. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins Investigating old Detections: Here are the original detection of methyl cyanide with the NRAO 43m (right) and the same transition made with the GBT (bottom). 16

  15. The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins • Summary: • There is great importance in conducting this survey w/the GBT • The data are available NOW in multiple formats • The Project is ~60% complete over all • frequencies and ~85% complete from 1-26 GHz • There are many types of science available with this survey • beyond new molecule detections. And while there is less line • confusion, you will have to deal with a stronger background continuum and multiple velocity components. • PRIMOS Webpage: • www.cv.nrao.edu/~aremijan/PRIMOS • contact me: aremijan@nrao.edu 17

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