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How to S tart a New 4H Club

How to S tart a New 4H Club. 4H Namibia, Rundu , Kavango region. Where can a 4H club be started ?.

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How to S tart a New 4H Club

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  1. How to Start a New 4H Club 4H Namibia, Rundu, Kavangoregion

  2. Wherecan a 4H club bestarted? • A 4H club canbestarted in anycommunitywherethereare a group of boys and girls of age 6-25 years of agewhowish to becomemembers, an parentsoradultswhowish to assist in a leadershipcapacity. • Whom to contactifyouwanted to start a new 4H club? • Contact the regional 4H Coordinator in the region in whichyou live. • The coordinatorwilldiscuss the details of the 4H programme with you, determine the extent of interest, localleadershippotential, and communityneeds of the youth, and answeranyquestionsyoumayhave. • A meetingdaywouldthenbe set whenprospectivemembers and theirparents and otherinterestedpersons in the communitywouldmeet with the 4H coordinator. At thistime the 4H coordinatorwouldoutline the programme, woulddisplaymaterialsavailable and wouldlearnwhatinterests of the memberswouldhave in 4H, and learnfrom the adultspresenthowmuch the communitysupport a 4H club willreceive.

  3. Whatmaterials a new 4H club wouldrequire? • A club diary • Project booklets • 4H brochure • Anyothermaterials club needs for activities

  4. At the firstmeeting of a new 4H club, whatdecisionsshouldbe made? • Decide of the name for the club • Decide on whatprogramme the club willoffer (learning, funactivities) • Elect the club officers as follows: • Chairman, club leader • Vicechair, viceleader • Secretary • Treasurer • Club reporter • Committees as required • Decideregulartime and placeformeeting. General meetingsareusuallyheldonceortwice a month

  5. Whatprojectsareavailable for 4H clubs in Namibia • Namibia 4H hasgotprojectsavailable in the field of • Gardening • Home economics • Environment & recycling • Arts and crafts • Treeplanting & forestry • Communityprojects

  6. How manymembersareneeded to register for each club? • There is no minimumsize for a projectgroup, but a group of 3-5 is recommended • Whatcan 4H membersexpectfromtheir club leaders? • 4H memberscanexpecttheirleader to set a goodexample and a person theycanbeproud of. • If the leaderdoesn’thave a knowhow, he orsheshouldeitherbeable to finditorhavesomeoneelse to teach to the club. The leaderneeds to knowwhathe/she is teaching, butdoesntneed to beexpert in everything • A leaderneed to bepatient, learningcansometimesbeslow • A leadershouldbefair to allmembers, and person whoknowshow to control the group, sheor he earns the respectfrom the group

  7. A good 4H leader is • A leaderwhofollowstime • A leadershouldallowmembers to makedecisions and learnfromownmistakes, membersshouldfeeltheycanaskanythingfrom the leader • A leadershouldtellwhatgroup is doingright, to givepositive feedback, notonly to correctwhen the groupdothingswrong • A leadershould help the group to make the bestbetter, not to compare to othersbutrather to tellhow the grouphasimproved • Leadershouldbedistributing the workloadevenly, for exampleifthereare big eventslike beauty peagentorexhibitions, leadercanmake sure alldotheirshare of the work • A leader is a happy person whowill help the group to bemotivated and help kids in achievingtheirgoals

  8. The agenda of the typical 4H club meeting • Every club meetingshouldhave a variety. Nothingkills 4H spiritlikehaving a business part of the meeting to taketoo long time. It is important to have a recreational and educationalprogram to beincluded in everymeeting, • A suggestedtimeline is as follows: • Opening: 4H pledge, 4H songor a dance 5 min • Business meeting (roll call, reports, minutes of previous club meeting, specialtopics for decisionmaking, ifany) 15 min • Program( teaching of the project, guestspeaker, demonstration, doingsomething as a group, such as cooking, crafts, gardening) 30-45 min • Recreation (sport, games, songs, dance..) 30 min • (youcanalsostart with a game session)

  9. It is good for adults to havefuntoo. And bypracticingit is easier to bringvariety to club activities.

  10. Activities at the 4H club level • Demonstration • Public speaking • Parties • Dances • Fundraisingactivities • Sports • Communityserviceprojects • Sharing the progress of individualprojects • Takingcare of schoolgardenortreenursery

  11. How is the 4H club activitiesfunded? • One importantskill the club memberscanlearn is fundraising • The club boardmakes a planhow the club willraisefunds • The club cancollect money frommembers to specialacitivitiesoritcanapproachsponsorsoritcanhave money makingacitvities • The club canarrange a fundraisingevent, a parentevent, publiceventsuch as a sport & familyday • The club canusemembersskillssuch as choir, art & craft, organising a cookiesaleoranythingitcanimaginepossible.


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