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Radio Education

Katie Miller, Maria Jose Valencia, Daniel Herrera, Javier Soto, and Alejandro Contreras. Radio Education . Our issue. Our common theme is education. Over overarching social issue that we are attempting to solve is access to education in rural communities across Ecuador.

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Radio Education

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  1. Katie Miller, Maria Jose Valencia, Daniel Herrera, Javier Soto, and Alejandro Contreras Radio Education

  2. Our issue Our common theme is education. Over overarching social issue that we are attempting to solve is access to education in rural communities across Ecuador. Katie- Illiteracy Maria Jose- Fiscal Versus Private School Daniel- School Drop Out Javier- Access in Rural Communities Alejandro- Lack of Education in Rural Areas

  3. What is it? • A lack of access to education based on geographical, economic, transportation, and qualified teachers.

  4. Data/Statistics • 90% of the children from the rural sector do not go on to secondary education compared to the national rate of 24% (2004). • An estimated 450,000 children and adolescents in these areas are still outside the system. • Among indigenous inhabitants in rural areas, illiteracy has reached about 1/3 of the population. • Social spending in Ecuador is comparatively lower than the rest of Latin America, consistently at about 6-7% of the GDP and the slight rise is attributed to pay raises for teachers. (2004)

  5. Table 3. Net enrolment by level, gender, area and ethnic group • Source: J. Ponce 2004 based on SIISE, INEC, census of population and housing.

  6. Basic Education Completion by area & region

  7. Table 5. Percentage of illiterates (population of 15 years and over) Average length of schooling (population of 24 years and over), by gender, area and ethnic group Source: J. Ponce 2004 based on SIISE, INEC, census of population and housing. 2001.

  8. Impact of issue • Individual- The innate yearning for knowledge and ability to access lifelong learning through reading. Ability to access or use common means of communication. • Community- Ability to communicate amongst individuals. Participation of citizens. • Country- Ability to proliferate on a global level. Enhance economy.

  9. Stakeholders • Those who suffer- Anyone who is illiterate. • Views/Resistance- People not be willing to put forth effort, including costs, travel, time. • Those who benefit- People who receive funds dispersed that should normally go to education. • Views/Resistance- Money is needed in other places. Not urgent. • Maintains problem- Government (i.e. Ministero de Educacion). People who do not find the value of education. • Views/Resistance- Other problems are more urgent. Rural communities many not contribute to the rest of society.

  10. Selling the issue • Visit communities. Assess levels of literacy. • Gain support of volunteers in urban communities with the use of advertisement. • Show government officials the financial benefit for the country as a whole as the general population is better educated. • Hire researchers to gather and present data.

  11. Current policies • Other programs • Government has recently increased federal spending on public education. • FundacionUvia- College online. • Other countries • Reading Across America • Reading to Learn (Australia) • Read for the Record • One Laptop Per Child (add about the policies and intervention program pros/cons as well as their deficiencies)

  12. Our solution • Overview • Our proposition is that the Ministerio de Educacion would provide radios and, ideally, textbooks to families in rural communities. • How it will address issue • Radios will provide a way for communities to have access to basic education without traveling and without spending a large amount of time or money. • Our basis • No infrastructure is reasonable in many of these areas. Similarly, staffing will be minimal. For that reason, radio is the most cost-effective and accessible option. • How will it help? • Although it will not be fully comprehensive, it will allow those who chose to put value into education to have access they want or need. • Stakeholders • Ministerio de Educacion • Government • Local, rural community leaders

  13. Social positioning • Teachers • Educated • Likely bilingual • Will expect reasonable salaries • Government • Many agendas to consider or address • Logistical thought • Well educated and would not be likely to face sufferers • Community leaders • Responsible for daily life • Have specific community agendas • Daily encounter those who suffer • Rural families • Few financial resources • Place less value on progressive education than daily life needs • Cannot compare levels of education

  14. Our positioning • We have a unique position. We have a diverse group. Our Ecuadorian group members will be able to help us access the proper people. • We all come from a background of solid education. So they may think we cannot relate. • However, our experience with education will help us to organize a successful program.

  15. Acceptance • Community • Acknowledgement by government • Free • Ability to contribute to society • Target population • Desire for knowledge • Small commitment • Cultural challenges • Convincing need for education • Language barriers • Threatened by teachers • Machismo

  16. Strengths and weaknesses • Strengths • General knowledge of population • Economical growth • Cheap solution • Broad access • Weaknesses • Easy to avoid • Required travel to remote areas • Responsibility of community members • Rural communities value immediate needs • Little face to face interaction/feedback

  17. Impact on individual problem • Katie- Will enhance statistics of illiteracy for the country as a whole. • Javier- Directly allows access for more people in rural communities. • Alejandro- Access to rural education. • Daniel- Radio education could be available to dropouts. Also access for people who may have avoided school. • Majo- Radio education could supplement deficiencies in fiscal schools.

  18. Sources INEC. (2001). VI Cense de Poblaciony V de Vivienda. Quito. UNESCO. (2012). UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from Effective Literacy Practice: www.unesco.org/uil/litbase/?menu=1 UNICEF. (2010, March 2). Ecuador. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from UNICEF www.unicef.org/infobyvountry/ecuador_statistics.html#77 United Nations Development Programme. (2012). Programa de lasNacionesUnidaspara el Desarrollo. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from United Nations Development Programme: www.undp.org.ec Vazquez, L. (2008). Ecuador: Su Realidad. Quito, Ecuador: Fundacion Jose Peralta. Nea's read across america. (2012). Retrieved from www.nea.org Reading to learn. (2012). Retrieved from www.readingtolearn.com.au Jumpstart for young children. (2011). Retrieved from www.jstart.org

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