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Walsall: a brief overview. Liz Connolly Managing Information Officer Walsall Partnership connollye@walsall.gov.uk. Topics to be covered…. Geography Population Ethnicity & Religion Deprivation Child Poverty Additional information sources. Geography. Walsall’s Geography. 20 Wards.
Walsall:a brief overview Liz Connolly Managing Information Officer Walsall Partnership connollye@walsall.gov.uk
Topics to be covered… • Geography • Population • Ethnicity & Religion • Deprivation • Child Poverty • Additional information sources
Walsall’s Geography 20 Wards
Walsall’s Geography 20 Wards 9 Local Neighbourhood Partnership Areas
Walsall’s Geography 20 Wards 9 Local Neighbourhood Partnership Areas 169 Lower-layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs)
Source: 2007 Mid-Year Estimates, Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Source: 2007 Mid-Year Estimates, Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Ethnicity • Black & Minority Ethnic Population • England: 9.08% • Walsall: 13.6% • Almost 1 in 6 people in Walsall are from a minority ethnic group Source:Census 2001
Religion Source:Census 2001
Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 • Income • Employment • Health and disability • Education, skills and training • Barriers to housing and services • Crime • Living environment
Deprivation in Walsall • Walsall is ranked as the 45th most deprived local authority (out of 354) • 10 LSOAs are among the 5% most deprived in England. • Significant variation across the borough: east/west divide
Measures of Child Poverty • Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI): a sub-set of the Income Deprivation Domain of the IMD 2007. • National Indicator 116: current preferred government measure. • Both a measure of the number of children aged 0-15 living in low-income households, based on receipt of benefits. • So closely correlated to one another.
Child poverty within Walsall, 2007 • NI116: number of 0-15 year olds in households receiving workless benefits
Child poverty in Walsall, 2007 • IDACI: number of 0-15 year olds in households suffering income deprivation • Worst performing areas are also very poor compared to national levels of deprivation
Child poverty change in Walsall • IDACI 2004 compared to IDACI 2007 gives indication of change. • Map based on change in absolute numbers of children in poverty. • Some areas have increasing numbers of children, combined with high levels of poverty
Child poverty: key findings • IDACI 2007 shows 29.7% of children in Walsall live in income deprived households; this represents around 15,900 children under 16. This is an increase from 27.1% in 2004. • Similarly, over a quarter of all Walsall’s children, 25.7%, live in households dependent on workless benefits; the figure for the under 5s is higher, at 29.5% (April 2007). • Compared nationally, Walsall has an above average level of child poverty, and a below average level of improvement. • Income deprivation shows strong correlation with teenage pregnancies, low educational attainment (at all levels) and the number of 16-19 year olds not in education, employment or training. • Tackling child poverty is therefore a priority in Walsall.
Sources of Information • Neighbourhood Statistics www.statistics.gov.uk Detailed statistics on census, health, education, crime, housing, work… • Nomis www.nomisweb.co.uk Latest labour market statistics • Walsall Partnership www.walsallpartnership.org.uk Shared Intelligence section Links to partner organisations connollye@walsall.gov.uk(01922 654708)