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Ch. 4.2 JPN Houkago. Kody. Objectives. SWBAT write/read/speak/hear Japanese in the past tense. Students will learn a Japanese folklore. Exercise. Do Q1 on the Worksheet. Independent (2 min) -> Group (2 min) Use the sheet for the next slide. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJOwHVvgR8A
Ch. 4.2 JPN Houkago Kody
Objectives • SWBAT write/read/speak/hear Japanese in the past tense. • Students will learn a Japanese folklore.
Exercise • Do Q1 on the Worksheet. Independent (2 min) -> Group (2 min) • Use the sheet for the next slide.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJOwHVvgR8A (0:00-01:27) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY0YreGkAek (0:00-1:27)
Grammar: Past tense -affirmative …ます(present tense) -> …ました • e.g. I ate kibidango at that temple. • わたしは そのおてらで きびだんごをたべました。 • e.g. There was an Oni island. • オニのしま が ありました。
Grammar: Past tense -negative …ません(present tense) -> …ませんでした • e.g. Obaasandidn’t eat this peach. • おばあさんはこのももをたべませんでした。
Grammar: X and Y, Many/Much Ojiisanand Obaasan おじいさんおばあさん Many pictures, much water の しゃしんの みず と たくさん たくさん
Exercise • Pair up. Ask and answer questions regarding the past.
Assessment • Take your mini whiteboard and pen. • Focus, since you have 30 seconds for each quiz.
Assessment Mai tweeted “おにがしま なう” • What did she do? • ツイートします。 • ツイートしません。 • ツイートしました。 • ツイートしませんでした。
Assessment Takeshi said, “@#$%**^)9!$” Then Mary said to Takeshi, “あ、わたしもかいませんでした。” • What did Takeshi say, first? • I bought momo. • I didn’t buy momo. • Did you buy momo? • You didn’t buy momo.
Assessment You try to sayin JPN “I’ll eat kibidango and onigiri.” in Oni island. You now say, “きびだんご(1 ) おにぎり(2 ) たべます。” The listener was confused by what you said. Check all that you may have said. 1 2 • は も • で へ • と を • に が
Assessment • All speech must be in JPN. • I will give you my answer. (e.g., Yes, I ate the hotdog. I went to school.) • Come up with the question. • Everyone should try to answer it (i.e., write down what you may say) = private speech
Vocab Quiz • Ch4 New words #1-15 • 7 min
Kanji Quiz • Ch4 Kanji • 10 min
NextHoukago #12 • Review what we have learned so far. • Bring a list of questions you would like to ask/share (Thursday 2/13) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AxKa_mh-Jo 次回! 復習