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Integrated Disaster Risk: From Research to Practice

Integrated Disaster Risk: From Research to Practice. Dr. Jane Rovins, CEM Executive Director IRDR International Programme Office Beijing, China . Wind speed. Religion. Wave action. Ethnicity. Key question:

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Integrated Disaster Risk: From Research to Practice

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  1. Integrated Disaster Risk: From Research to Practice Dr. Jane Rovins, CEM Executive Director IRDR International Programme Office Beijing, China

  2. Wind speed Religion Wave action Ethnicity Key question: Why, despite advances in the natural and social science of hazards and disasters, do losses continue to increase? Risk Reduction rainfall Age gender Ground motion

  3. The Science Plan Addressing the challenge of natural and human-induced environmental hazards An integrated approach to research on disaster risk through: an international, multidisciplinary (natural, health, engineering and social sciences, including socio-economic analysis) collaborative research programme. IRDR Science Plan at: http://www.irdrinternational.org/

  4. Research Objectives • Characterization of hazard, vulnerability and risk • Effective Decision-Making in Complex and Changing Risk Context • Reducing Risk and Curbing Losses Through Knowledge-Based Actions

  5. Cross Cutting Themes • Capacity building • Case studies and demonstration projects • Assessment, data management and monitoring

  6. ICSU • Regional Programs • IUGG-ENHANS • CODATA • WDS WMO - World Weather Research Program Socio-Economic Research Activities IRDR • UNISDR • Regional Offices • UNESCO Capacity Building Partners ICSU-WMO-IOC- World Climate Research Program ISSC – National Committees & Unions IRDR National Committee IRDR Int. Center of Excellence GEM Munich Re …. FORIN

  7. Forensic Disaster Investigations (FORIN) • In depth investigations into complex and underlying causes of growing disaster loss • Fundamental cause of disasters • Trace out and assign causal explanation of losses • Intervening conditions that increased or reduce losses • Series of case studies • Common template and methodology

  8. ICSU • Regional Programs • IUGG-ENHANS • CODATA • WDS WMO - World Weather Research Program Socio-Economic Research Activities IRDR • UNISDR • Regional Offices • UNESCO Capacity Building Partners ICSU-WMO-IOC- World Climate Research Program ISSC – National Committees & Unions IRDR National Committee IRDR Int. Center of Excellence GEM Munich Re …. FORIN RIA

  9. Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA) • How actors attempt to make sense of experience and information from various sources as a basis for decision. • Estimation of the likelihood, magnitude of event & vulnerability of physical infrastructure • Social and behavioural factors leading to greater or lesser risk

  10. Mega Disaster in a Resilient Society The Great East Japan (Tohoku Kanto) Earthquake and Tsunami of 11th March 2011 Earthquake Tsunami Nuclear Power Stations RIA The role of risk interpretation-responses?? FORIN Complex disaster – technological interface?? International Environment and Disaster Management Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University, 25th March 2011

  11. ICSU • Regional Programs • IUGG-ENHANS • CODATA • WDS WMO - World Weather Research Program Socio-Economic Research Activities IRDR • UNISDR • Regional Offices • UNESCO Capacity Building Partners ICSU-WMO-IOC- World Climate Research Program ISSC – National Committees & Unions IRDR National Committee IRDR Int. Center of Excellence GEM Munich Re …. FORIN RIA Disaster Loss Data Disaster Assessment

  12. Projects of Disaster Loss Data WG • Identify what data & quality are needed to improve integrated disaster data management • Bring together loss data stakeholders and utilize synergies • Have recognized standards, minimize uncertainty

  13. Projects, con’t • Educate users on data interpretation and biases • Ensure increased downscaling of loss data to sub-national geographies for policy makers • Definition of “losses” and creation of methodology for assessing it

  14. Outcomes • Useful for DRR measurement • Transparent methodology • Clear definitions • Comparible/standardized • Credible / High quality • Database ownermoneyindependent • Overviewand high granularity • Accessible

  15. Global databases National and regional databases Localdatabases International Event Number Fundingorganisations LocalDecisionMakers Governments Insurance industry Financeindustry NGOs Next steps: Expert workinggroup on assessinglosses (Geneva, October 7, 2011)

  16. Assessment of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (AIRDR) Purpose: to undertake the first systematic and critical global assessment of published research on disaster risk under the auspices of the IRDR—new knowledge • Provide a baseline of the current state-of-the-science in integrated research on disaster risk to measure effectiveness of multiple research programs • Use to identify and support longer-term science agenda for the research community and funding entities • Provide scientific evidentiary basis in support of policy and practice

  17. AIRDR SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses What is known well? What is known less well? Opportunities Threats What can we learn from the co-production of knowledge? What is not known, but should be?

  18. Speakers/Conveners • MichaëlleJEAN, former Governor General of Canada, Special Envoy to Haiti for UNESCO • Margareta WAHLSTRÖM,United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction • YT LEE - ICSU President Elect • CODATA • UNU

  19. Themes • Integrated Disaster Risk • Cases for Integrated Research • Reading International Events in the IRDR Perspective • Capacity Building for Integrated Research • Integrated Disaster Data in Support of Integrated Disaster Research • Poverty, Economics and Disasters • Integration of Research Methodologies in Disaster Research • Disaster Risk and Climate Change Adaptation • Bridges and Barriers

  20. IRDR Legacy • An enhanced capacity around the world to address hazards and make informed decisions on actions to reduce their impacts. • Societies to shift focus from response-recovery towards prevention-mitigation, building resilience and reducing risks, learning from experience and avoiding past mistakes.

  21. Thank you www.irdrinternational.org jane.rovins@irdrinternational.org

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