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PACMAN WP1. OUTLINE Tasks & role of associated partner Plans for training. PACMAN  WP1. ESR 1.1. LSP S4 Measurement head. 0.3 µm + 1 ppm (MPEE, ISO 10360-2). ESR 1.1. Tasks : To develop a non-contact sensor in order to determine the position of the mean axis of a stretched wire

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  1. PACMAN WP1 • OUTLINE • Tasks & role of associated partner • Plans for training H. MAINAUD DURAND

  2. PACMAN  WP1

  3. ESR 1.1 LSP S4 Measurementhead 0.3 µm + 1 ppm (MPEE, ISO 10360-2)

  4. ESR 1.1 • Tasks: • To develop a non-contact sensor in order to determine the position of the mean axis of a stretched wire • Definition of requirements • Evaluation of existing optical probes • Work out concept [M18 – February 2015] M1-2 • Build up prototype [M26 – October 2015] M1-3, D1-2 • Evaluation • To upgrade the measurement head so that it can work in an environment with magnetic fields • Evaluate impact of magnetic field to existing Leitz probes • According to outcome, investigate into new solutions • Test and evaluate functional model • Calibration strategy optical-tactile: • Assist to work out a concept based on experience of existing methods • Integration and measurements on the Final Prototype Alignment Bench (FPAB) [M34 – July 2016] M1-4, D1-3 • Role of Hexagon Metrology: • Training on equipment • Give access to equipment for testing (machine, test stand, Leitz probe) • Supervise integration, project proposal and calibration strategy • Role of Cranfield University: • Training on high precision engineering • Academic supervision

  5. ESR 1.2 Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) For each distance to be measured, a measurement interferometer is built using optical components placed at each end of a line-of-sight. The optical path of each measurement interferometer is compared to the optical path in a reference interferometer, by scanning the frequency of a laser (connected to all interferometers in the system) and counting fringe cycles produced in the return signals from each interferometer.

  6. ESR 1.2 • Tasks: • To develop the fiducials allowing the centring of optical fibre in order to perform absolute measurements (fiducials measurable by 3D CMM and usable for FSI) • Definition of requirements • Evaluation of solutions and conclusions [M18 – February 2015] M1-5 • To study different configurations of FSI network through simulations in order to choose the best one for the measurements sequences, prepare the design • To upgrade the FSI method (several reflectors seen by the same measurement channel)[M25 – September 2015] D1-4 • Inter-comparison with Micro-triangulation (in collaboration with ESR1.3) • Propose a test setup for comparison • Perform measurements • Analysis of inter-comparison • Integration and measurement on the Final Prototype Alignment Bench [M36 – August 2016] M1-6, D1-5 • Extrapolation to portable solution • Role of Etalon: • Training on equipment • Supervise integration, project proposal and calibration strategy • Provide calibration test stand? • Role of ETH Zürich: • Academic supervision

  7. ESR 1.3 Micro Triangulation Fiducials for micro Triangulation

  8. ESR 1.3 • Tasks: • To apply the micro-triangulation technology to the project: • Micro-triangulation software + hardware specified [M15 – November 2014] M1-7 • Increase the frequency of acquisition • Synchronize the CCD camera • Evaluate different types of fiducials, compatible with FSI • Develop the detection algorithm for an oscillating stretched wire and fiducials[M25 – September 2015] D1-6 • To perform simulations of the different configurations and verify on the experimental models • Inter-comparison with Micro-triangulation (in collaboration with ESR1.2) • Propose a test setup for comparison • Perform measurements • Analysis of inter-comparison [M34 – June 2016] M1-9, D1-8 • Integration and measurement on the Final Prototype Alignment Bench [M36 – August 2016] M1-8, D1-7 • Extrapolation to portable solution • Role of Etalon: • Training on equipment • Role of ETH Zürich: • Supervise integration, project proposal • Academic supervision

  9. Network-wide training activities – training events

  10. Network-wide training activities – workshops & conferences

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