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Duncan Aviation Airworthiness Directives. What We’ll Accomplish. AD Compliance Review 10 Question Test. FAA Regulation Review Title 14, Chapter 1. Title 14 CFR Chapter 1 – Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
Duncan Aviation Airworthiness Directives Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
What We’ll Accomplish AD Compliance Review 10 Question Test Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation ReviewTitle 14, Chapter 1 Title 14 CFR Chapter 1 – Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation • Title 14 Chapter 1 includes 68 parts, but we’ll just discuss the one’s pertaining to Airworthiness Directives. • Part 1: Definitions • Part 3: General Requirements • Part 21: Certification Procedures for Products and Parts • Part 39: Airworthiness Directives • Part 43: Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration • Part 65: Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers • Part 91: General Operating and Flight Rules • Part 121: Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations • Part 135: Operating Requirements: Commuter and On-Demand Operations • Part 145: Repair Stations Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation ReviewAD Compliance 39 Airworthiness Directives. (a) Part 39 is directed to the owner/operator, but it also affects the maintenance provider as part 43 addresses airworthiness Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance 43.11 Content, form, and disposition of records for inspections conducted under parts 91 and 125 and §§135.411(a)(1) and 135.419 of this chapter. (5) Except for progressive inspections, if the aircraft is not approved for return to service because of needed maintenance, noncompliance with applicable specifications, airworthiness directives, or other approved data, the following or a similarly worded statement—“I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with (insert type) inspection and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items dated (date) has been provided for the aircraft owner or operator.” Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance 91.403 General. (a) The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining that aircraft in an airworthy condition, including compliance with part 39 of this chapter. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 121.380 Maintenance Recording Requirements (a) Each certificate holder shall keep… (vi) The current status of applicable airworthiness directives, including the date and methods of compliance, and, if the airworthiness directive involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required. § 121.628 Inoperable instruments and equipment (a) No person may take off an airplane with inoperable instruments or equipment installed unless the following conditions are met: (b)(2) Instruments and equipment required by an airworthiness directive to be in operable condition unless the airworthiness directive provides otherwise. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 121.1105 Aging airplane inspections and records reviews. (8) Current status of applicable airworthiness directives, including the date and methods of compliance, and if the airworthiness directive involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required; Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 135.179 Inoperable instruments and equipment. (b)(2) Instruments and equipment required by an airworthiness directive to be in operable condition unless the airworthiness directive provides otherwise. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 135.439 Maintenance recording requirements. (a) Each certificate holder shall keep (using the system specified in the manual required in §135.427) the following records for the periods specified in paragraph (b) of this section: (2) Records containing the following information: (v) The current status of applicable airworthiness directives, including the date and methods of compliance, and, if the airworthiness directive involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 135.422 Aging airplane inspections and records reviews for multiengine airplanes certificated with nine or fewer passenger seats. (d)(7) Current status of applicable airworthiness directives, including the date and methods of compliance, and, if the airworthiness directive involves recurring action, the time and date when the next action is required; Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 145.109 Equipment, materials, and data requirements. (a) Except as otherwise prescribed by the FAA, a certificated repair station must have the equipment, tools, and materials necessary to perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations under its repair station certificate and operations specifications in accordance with part 43. The equipment, tools, and material must be located on the premises and under the repair station's control when the work is being done. (b) A certificated repair station must ensure all test and inspection equipment and tools used to make airworthiness determinations on articles are calibrated to a standard acceptable to the FAA. (c) The equipment, tools, and material must be those recommended by the manufacturer of the article or must be at least equivalent to those recommended by the manufacturer and acceptable to the FAA. (d) A certificated repair station must maintain, in a format acceptable to the FAA, the documents and data required for the performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations under its repair station certificate and operations specifications in accordance with part 43.The following documents and data must be current and accessible when the relevant work is being done:(1) Airworthiness directives,(2) Instructions for continued airworthiness,(3) Maintenance manuals,(4) Overhaul manuals,(5) Standard practice manuals,(6) Service bulletins, and(7) Other applicable data acceptable to or approved by the FAA. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.1 Purpose of this regulation. The regulations in this part provide a legal framework for FAA's system of Airworthiness Directives. § 39.3 Definition of airworthiness directives. FAA's airworthiness directives are legally enforceable rules that apply to the following products: aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.5 When does FAA issue airworthiness directives? FAA issues an airworthiness directive addressing a product when we find that: (a) An unsafe condition exists in the product; and (b) The condition is likely to exist or develop in other products of the same type design. § 39.7 What is the legal effect of failing to comply with an airworthiness directive? Anyone who operates a product that does not meet the requirements of an applicable airworthiness directive is in violation of this section. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.9 What if I operate an aircraft or use a product that does not meet the requirements of an airworthiness directive? If the requirements of an airworthiness directive have not been met, you violate §39.7 each time you operate the aircraft or use the product. § 39.11 What actions do airworthiness directives require? Airworthiness directives specify inspections you must carry out, conditions and limitations you must comply with, and any actions you must take to resolve an unsafe condition. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.13 Are airworthiness directives part of the Code of Federal Regulations? Yes, airworthiness directives are part of the Code of Federal Regulations, but they are not codified in the annual edition. FAA publishes airworthiness directives in full in theFederal Registeras amendments to §39.13. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.15 Does an airworthiness directive apply if the product has been changed? Yes, an airworthiness directive applies to each product identified in the airworthiness directive, even if an individual product has been changed by modifying, altering, or repairing it in the area addressed by the airworthiness directive. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.17 What must I do if a change in a product affects my ability to accomplish the actions required in an airworthiness directive? If a change in a product affects your ability to accomplish the actions required by the airworthiness directive in any way, you must request FAA approval of an alternative method of compliance. Unless you can show the change eliminated the unsafe condition, your request should include the specific actions that you propose to address the unsafe condition. Submit your request in the manner described in §39.19. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.19 May I address the unsafe condition in a way other than that set out in the airworthiness directive? Yes, anyone may propose to FAA an alternative method of compliance or a change in the compliance time, if the proposal provides an acceptable level of safety. Unless FAA authorizes otherwise, send your proposal to your principal inspector. Include the specific actions you are proposing to address the unsafe condition. The principal inspector may add comments and will send your request to the manager of the office identified in the airworthiness directive (manager). You may send a copy to the manager at the same time you send it to the principal inspector. If you do not have a principal inspector send your proposal directly to the manager. You may use the alternative you propose only if the manager approves it. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.21 Where can I get information about FAA-approved alternative methods of compliance? Each airworthiness directive identifies the office responsible for approving alternative methods of compliance. That office can provide information about alternatives it has already approved. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.23 May I fly my aircraft to a repair facility to do the work required by an airworthiness directive? Yes, the operations specifications giving some operators authority to operate include a provision that allow them to fly their aircraft to a repair facility to do the work required by an airworthiness directive. If you do not have this authority, the local Flight Standards District Office of FAA may issue you a special flight permit unless the airworthiness directive states otherwise. To ensure aviation safety, FAA may add special requirements for operating your aircraft to a place where the repairs or modifications can be accomplished. FAA may also decline to issue a special flight permit in particular cases if we determine you cannot move the aircraft safely. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.25 How do I get a special flight permit? Apply to FAA for a special flight permit following the procedures in 14 CFR 21.199. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance § 39.27 What do I do if the airworthiness directive conflicts with the service document on which it is based? In some cases an airworthiness directive incorporates by reference a manufacturer's service document. In these cases, the service document becomes part of the airworthiness directive. In some cases the directions in the service document may be modified by the airworthiness directive. If there is a conflict between the service document and the airworthiness directive, you must follow the requirements of the airworthiness directive. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
AD Format Year-Biweekly Period-# issued in that period 2008-26-06 Prior to the year 2000 the first number was only two digits. i.e. 94-09-08 Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Duncan Aviation’s (RSGOM) AD Compliance AD Compliance information is on page 01-33-01/02. RESPONSIBILITY: Federal Aviation Regulations place the primary responsibility of airworthiness of an aircraft on the registered owner/operator. This person is responsible for compliance with AD’s applicable to the airframe, engine, propeller, appliance, and parts and components for all aircraft it owns or operates. Maintenance personnel at Duncan Aviation are responsible for researching and/or complying with airworthiness directives as contracted by the owner/operator or as mandated by the inspection being approved for return to service.The owner/operator may decline this AD research at their discretion. When a type certificated product is being inspected in accordance with a Continuous Inspection Program or any small or limited inspection under 91.409, Duncan Aviation is only responsible to comply with airworthiness directives directly applicable to the inspection being performed. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Duncan Aviation’s (RSGOM) AD Compliance RSGOMpage 01-33-01/02 Cont’d: All non type certificated components repaired or overhauled by Duncan Aviation require an AD research to be performed before approval for return to service. Components removed from the aircraft for access only do not require AD research unless it is part of an inspection described above. AD research is not required for Static system and transponder certifications under Parts 91.411 and 91.413 unless a component or part thereof is removed for maintenance. PROCEDURE: AD research can be accomplished using the following means: • Research via the Internet, primarily the FAA’s own website, www.faa.gov. The person performing the research accesses the AD section of the website and follows the instructions for AD research provided. • Research using a subscription service, either in paper format or via the Internet. This may include the products OEM manual subscription service or on-line AD’s compiled by the OEM for their products. • Duncan Aviation Procedure TRK-2000 titled Research Process, Tracker Department, latest revision, and TRK-3000 entitled Master Database Entry, Tracker, latest revision, describe a means of AD research utilized by the Records and Research department. Records and Research technicians utilize this program to perform AD research on type certificated products maintained at Duncan Aviation’s Lincoln and Battle Creek facilities. and Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Duncan Aviation’s (RSGOM) AD Compliance RSGOMpage 01-33-01/02 Cont’d: 4. Any other on-line, paper format or subscription service acceptable to the Chief Inspector. If an AD is complied with, record the AD compliance in accordance with Title 14 CFR Part 91.417. If no AD is applicable, note in the work order that AD research was accomplished and indicate that no U.S. airworthiness directives apply. 8130-3’s should indicate in block 13 whether AD’s were complied with using the following text: 1. No current U.S. airworthiness directives apply. 2. All applicable U.S. airworthiness directives have been complied with. 3. Complied with airworthiness directive(s) XXXX-XX-XX, dated day/month/year. NOTE: If the AD is recurring, include this information in the statement above. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Duncan Aviation’s (RSGOM) AD Compliance RSGOMPage No: 03-01-01: OBJECTIVE: Describe the double inspection system used to control the quality and airworthiness of products and services provided by Duncan Aviation. Used parts or components that have not been approved for return to service and will be installed by Duncan Aviation shall be inspected for airworthiness by researching AD’s, life limits and required inspections. Additionally, Duncan Aviation shall perform visual inspection and any necessary functional tests to establish airworthiness. When a part or component is removed in serviceable condition for inventory or another aircraft prior to installation, Duncan Aviation shall research AD’s, life limits and required inspections. These actions shall be documented by either a log book entry, an entry into the work order or an appropriate Duncan Aviation tag. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Duncan Aviation’s (RSGOM) AD Compliance REPAIR STATION – APPENDIXES If working on a Foreign registered aircraft and/or product: Make sure the RSGOM Appendixes are reviewed for specific requirements that may be applicable – this is to include ADs. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Work Order Forms Completion ProcessGPP-0102 Rev. 8 Minimum work order documentation for ADs: • Under paragraph 1 of GPP-0102: Airworthiness Directives shall contain the Airworthiness Directive number including revision level as applicable, effective date, and brief description of the method of compliance. If the AD is recurring, the corrective action shall contain the next due information. Reference FAR 91.417(a) (2) (v). If compliance requires an inspection, state whether or not defects were noted. If performing only partial completion, the specific paragraphs performed shall be documented. Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
Customer Preference • What if a customer declines to comply with an AD? • Can we give them a Tracker report? • Can we utilize their tracking system report? Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance
FAA Regulation Review AD Compliance Test • Which federal aviation regulation covers Airworthiness Directives? • Which page in the RSGOM covers Duncan’s AD Compliance Procedures? • What two reasons initiate AD issuance? • Who is responsible for AD compliance on an article? • According to Duncan Aviation policy, do I need to complete an AD research when performing 91.411/413 certification if I do not remove any equipment? • Do items removed for “access only” require an AD research? • Does the installer need to verify AD status before installing an article? • AD’s are issued on aircraft, engines, propellers and appliances. T or F • Are AD’s legally enforceable rules? Yes or No • What regulation tells me I must have AD’s current and accessible when performing work? Duncan Aviation Quality Assurance AD Compliance