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Analysis of Pre-Meeting Questionnaire on Measuring Health Status

This report analyzes surveys on health status measurement from 34 countries, focusing on survey implementation, duration, topics, partners, and dissemination strategies. Data presents trends from 2008-2011, including geographic coverage and target population insights.

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Analysis of Pre-Meeting Questionnaire on Measuring Health Status

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  1. Analysis of the pre meeting questionnaire Budapest Initiative on Measuring Health Status Geneva, 20-22 January 2010 UNECE

  2. Response and surveys reported 34 countries responded 73 surveys reported for 2008-09 51 surveys reported for 2010-11 80% of the countries reported at least one survey implemented in 2008-09 2 countries implemented 5 surveys (maximum reported) in 2008-2009

  3. Duration & Frequency For 2008-2009, 36% of the surveys were completed within 12 – 18 months, 25% in less than 6 mths, 14% in 6-12 mths 50 % of the surveys were done annually 28 % conducted every 2, 3, 4 or 5 years Only 12% of surveys were done on a ad hoc basis During 2010-11, 5 countries will include health questions in censuses

  4. Geographic coverage & survey types 87% of the surveys covered the whole country 45 % of the surveys were stand alone, nearly 50% were part of other surveys 72% of the surveys were part of Eurostat sponsored surveys

  5. Unit of analysis & target population Unit of analysis in 55% of the surveys is individuals only; in 30% both individuals and households level 32 % of the surveys target the general population (all ages); 36% of the surveys target adults only Surveys on “adults only” refer generally to age group 16+ (50%) or 15+ (36%)

  6. Top 10 health topics included in 2008-09 surveys

  7. Reference questions 53% of the surveys use existing reference questionnaires 50% of them (33 surveys) reference their questions from EHIS 3 surveys used Washington Group questions Slovakia used selected questions from Budapest Initiative

  8. National partners & assistance 40% of the surveys conducted with national partners Most frequent partners (27%) are health agencies 11% of the surveys had financial assistance and 12% received technical assistance 14% received both financial & technical assistance

  9. International partners & assistance 31% of the surveys had international partners 20% implemented in partnership with Eurostat Only 3% had support of international agencies 8% of the surveys received technical assistance and 6% assisted financially 15% received both financial & technical assistance

  10. 2008-09 Survey status

  11. Dissemination & Online publication

  12. Thank you

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