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Activities 7 & 8 Sustainable Trading Relationships & Effective R4D Platforms July 11, 2013

Activities 7 & 8 Sustainable Trading Relationships & Effective R4D Platforms July 11, 2013 MARK Lundy ciat. Sustainable trading relationships T3 / ST 3.1 / OP 3.1.5 / OC 3.1.2, 3.1.1. Under what conditions can business models be an effective tool for rural poverty reduction?

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Activities 7 & 8 Sustainable Trading Relationships & Effective R4D Platforms July 11, 2013

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  1. Activities 7 & 8 Sustainable Trading Relationships & Effective R4D Platforms July 11, 2013 MARK Lundy ciat

  2. Sustainable trading relationshipsT3 / ST 3.1 / OP 3.1.5 / OC 3.1.2, 3.1.1 • Under what conditions can business models be an effective tool for rural poverty reduction? • Iterative process of development, testing and documentation of approaches and tools for inclusive business models in Latin America, E. Africa and S.E. Asia • Methods: • Value chain analysis • Business model analysis / case studies • Equity / inclusivity analysis • All of the above through R4D platforms with development NGOs, CRP partners and private sector • Outputs (3.1.5): • Prototype field guide assessed in LAC, E. Africa, S.E. Asia • Comparable empirical data sets • Cross analysis and publications

  3. Sustainable trading relationshipsT3 / ST 3.1 / OP 3.1.5 / OC 3.1.2, 3.1.1 Where are we with this activity? • Prototype field guide under testing with partners • Field testing on-going in: • LAC: Peru (asparagus), Colombia (coffee), Nicaragua (dairy, beans, veggies) • E. & S. Africa: regional PABRA network, multiple countries (beans), others? – PENDING (staffing issues) • Adaptation for use in supply chains in Kenya, Indonesia & China • S.E. Asia: regional (cassava / forage-based systems), others in 2014 • On-going issues: • Testing of baseline and impact assessment tools • Testing of monitoring and evaluation tools • Inclusivity measures / New Business Model Principles / CIAT • Business –model metrics / CIAT • Trading Relationship Index / IIED , Oxfam & Unilever • Progress out of Poverty Indices / Grameen Foundation • How to use elements of LINK for larger empirical analysis of existing programs

  4. Effective R4D platformsT3 / ST 3.2 / OP 3.2.4 / OC 3.2.1 • How can we build bridges to learn more effectively across the R and D boundary and deliver outcomes? • Connect CRP 2 to existing relevant learning networks in LAC (2), Africa (2), and S.E. Asia (1) • Methods: • Facilitation / participation in multi-stakeholder learning platforms • Facilitation of specific learning cycles on CRP 2 themes • Outputs (3.2.4) • R4D platform facilitation methods • Collaboration with existing R4D platforms in LAC, Africa, S.E. Asia • Data collection on specific learning topics • Policy influence strategy

  5. Effective R4D platformsT3 / ST 3.2 / OP 3.2.4 / OC 3.2.1 Where are we with this activity? • Prototype field guide in layout • Linkages established / strengthened with: • Central American Learning Alliance • Peru Learning Alliance • First workshop with ICARDA for MENA Learning Alliance (Morocco & ?) • Connections with Humidtropics on innovation platforms • Explorations with Ford Foundation & CRS for E. & S. Africa networks • On-going issues: • Monitoring, evaluation & learning • Moving down the impact pathway in Central America • Building partner capacity in MEL • Monitoring and evaluation tools for assessing R4D platforms • Expanding PIM R4D work to other CRPs in Central America (regional hub for economies of scale across CRPs)

  6. Impact “To be considered an impact, CGIAR outputs must link to outcomes that reach at least 1 million people…” F. Rijsberman Cali, 2013

  7. (Moving towards) Impact New Business Models / LINK tool • Borderlands (CRS / HGBF, CO & EC) • PROGRESA(CRS / USDA, NI) • Learning cycle on LINK (CRS, Swisscontact, VECO, CATIE / OPEC, NI & HN) • SUNRISE 2.0 (Unilever, Oxfam / Kenya, Indonesia & India) • Productive Alliances (CIAT / Ford, World Bank, CO) R4D platforms • Learning Alliances in Central America, Peru, MENA, E. Africa, S.E. Asia (multiple partners & donors) As well as links to other CRPs on both topics….

  8. Linkages with other CRPs 1 • Humidtropics • CIAT leads SRT 2.1 on Policies, Institutions and Markets • Direct connections with PIM around VCA, business models and R4D platforms (innovation platforms) • Action Areas in Africa (W & E), S.E. Asia (Mekong) and Central America and the Caribbean

  9. STRATEGIC RESEARCH THEME 2.1: Policies, Institutions and Markets Adebayo Abass, Anne Terheggen, Hikuepi Katjiuongua, Iheanacho Okike, Jo Cadilhon, Victor Afari Sefa, Wanjiku Chiuri and Mark Lundy

  10. Identification of a broad basket of regionally specific crop and livestock options for sustainable intensification for rural women and men. Value chain analysis and business model analysis to improve market linkages and outcomes for rural women and men. Evidence-based incidence to improve public policy performance for rural women and men at the action site and action area scale. Expected Results

  11. SRT 2.1. Work flow at Action Site (proposed) Author: Lundy, 2013

  12. Geographical scope [approx. Nr of HHs] Impact pathway components Action Area [several 100,000’s of HHs] Action Area [several 100,000’s of HHs] Action Sites [10,000’s of HHs] Field Sites [1000’s of HHs] Field Sites [1000’s of HHs] Action Sites [representative of all HHs]

  13. Linkages with other CRPs 2 • Multi-CRP R4D platform in Central America (PIM, Humidtropics, CCAFS, Livestock & Fish, WLE, Forest & Trees…) • Test-bed for CIAT PIM tool on R4D platforms • Hypothesis: R4D economies of scale exist in: • Process facilitation • Monitoring, evaluation and learning • Knowledge management & incidence • Gender analysis • Can this be a model for other regions?

  14. Next steps New Business Models / LINK tool • Continued field testing of overall tools with emphasis on evaluation with BiNGOs & private sector (quantitative & qualitative). • Evaluate relationship between inclusivity and alliance performance empirical database in PAAP (N=557) R4D platforms • Piloting multi-CRP approach in CAC • Extension to MENA and Africa Activities with other CRPs on both topics….

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