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CSEA 293 Interview Panel Training Jan. 26 th , 2012. California School Employees Association AFL-CIO Our mission: To improve the lives of our members, students and community. CSEA Right to Participate with PYLUSD. Master Classified Employment Agreement Between the
CSEA 293 Interview Panel TrainingJan. 26th, 2012 California School Employees Association AFL-CIO Our mission: To improve the lives of our members, students and community.
CSEA Right to Participate with PYLUSD Master Classified Employment Agreement Between the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District And the California School Employees Association Chapter 293 July 1, 2009 Through June 30, 2011
Your contact says: pg. 1 ARTICLE II: RECOGNITION The District hereby acknowledges the Association as the exclusive bargaining representative for all classified employees, full-time and part-time, except those employees who are designated by the District as noon supervisors, substitute and short-term employees, professional experts employed on a temporary basis, classified management, classified confidential, and classified supervisory employees.
Interviews are held for: • Clerical, Child Care, Custodian, Fiscal, Foods, Grounds, Instructional Aides, Library, Maintenance, Reprographics, Secretarial, Security, Technology, Transportation, Warehouse Series • How many permanent classified employees do you think PYLUSD has for 2011/12 ? • 1280 Dedicated Workers
What kind of interview panels will you be involved in? Any posted vacancy for classified employment via Edjoin. Some will be “within the district ” and some outside district allowed. Instructional Aide II (Mabel Paine) - Open to PYLUSD Employees ONLY Posted: 8/26/2011 - Deadline: 9/6/2011 5:00 PM PST Classified Staff 8/26/2011 Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified, Placentia$14.73 - $17.95 per hour (Range 18)* Academy Tutor - Rio Vista- Open to PYLUSD Employees ONLY Posted: 8/25/2011 - Deadline: 9/2/2011 5:00 PM PST Classified Staff 8/25/2011 Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified, Placentia$14.02 - $17.08 per hour (Range 16)* Campus Supervisor - Travis Ranch Middle School - Open to District Employees ONLY Posted: 8/24/2011 - Deadline: 9/2/2011 5:00 PM PST Classified Staff 8/24/2011 Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified, Placentia$2,491 - $3,035 (Range 17)*
What type of employees can apply? Permanent district employees; subs; non bargaining unit employees (?).
Definitions of types of employees Permanent Unit Member – A unit member who has satisfactorily completed a probationary period. Substitute – Is any person employed to replace any unit member who is temporarily absent from duty. (Not Permanent member) Short-Term Employee – Any person who is employed to perform a service for the District, upon the completion of which, the service required or similar services will not be extended or needed on a continuing basis.
Which type of employee would be sitting on an interview panel for? A) Permanent B) Non Bargaining Unit member (new to district) C) Substitute D) Short -Term
What does language support? CBA – (Classified Bargaining Agreement) ARTICLE XIII: PROMOTIONS Section 13.1 Application Applicants who are unit members and possess the necessary qualifications shall be given first consideration for any vacant classified position which can be considered a promotion by submitting written application to the Personnel Office within the time period specified on the vacancy announcement. 13.1.1 – All permanent bargaining unit members applying for promotional opportunities selected for an interview shall be interviewed at least five (5) days before non-bargaining unit employees and substitute employees are interviewed for the promotional opportunity.
Now what’s your role? 13.1.4 Interview Panel – Unit members who file for vacancies during the posting period shall be interviewed by a panel of District employees referred to as the Interview Panel. The District shall involve the Chapter President and/or her/his designee to designate a mutually agreed upon CSEA member in the interview process for all classified vacancies of a promotional nature or any vacancy for which a current unit member applies. In addition, a representative and/or designee from the Personnel Office will also serve on the interview panel.
That’s You! “ designate a mutually agreed upon CSEA member in the interview process for all classified vacancies of a promotional nature or any vacancy for which a current unit member applies.”
Appointed by the President Your CSEA president will designate one of you who can serve on the this Panel. • Availability • Knowledge of Job that was flown • Location of interview – West; Eastside of district.
You’re invited Communication will come via email and might look like this: Who can do this ??? Do you need release time? The following interviews are scheduled for: Rio Vista Bilingual Clerk II Date: 8/30/11 Time: 9:30 – 12:00 Place: Personnel Conference Room (PCR)
Location of Interviews PCR = Personnel Conference Room at DO CWCR = Child Welfare Conference Room at DO School /Site location – show up to school site and check in the front office
Time 9:30am – 12:00pm You need to be there 15 minute early, if possible. Travel time from your site/home. Remember the Orangethorpe Train!!!!
Attire Wear appropriate daily work clothes. If your department has uniforms, that is fine to wear. No need for shopping for a new outfit. Just be comfortable!!!
Release Time Release Time is defined as time you will be paid to leave your current shift and serve on a CSEA project. Your site can/will hire a sub to take your responsibilities over while you are gone. Please make sure you add travel time when advising the President of time you will need. Ex. 9:00am – 12pm (release from 8:30am – 12:15pm)
What if I’m not on clock? If you aren’t on the clock during the scheduled panel time, then you are volunteering your time. And we really appreciated your dedication. ??? Can I be on the clock for 1 hour of my shift, but not the remaining 2 hours? YES – 1 hour of release given.
Time Exceptions Your site will fill out a Time Exception. O = Other School Business / CSEA # of hours Subs can cover your assignment!!!!!!!!
“Hi, I’m here for Interview Panel representing CSEA today.” 7.6 – Unit members who serve on the Interview Panel will receive a schedule of the unit members being interviewed, copies of candidate applications, current job posting, job descriptions, interview questions, and rating sheets. When do you get this?
Day of Interview Your packet will (should) include: • Schedule of the unit members being interviewed • Copies of candidate application • Current job posting • Job description • Rules for Interview Questions • Interview questions / rating sheets
Schedule of Applicants Interviews are scheduled every 20 minutes 9:00am – 12pm. Sample schedule 9:00am Sally Smith 9:20am Brian Hunt 9:40am Joan Carol 10:00am Jim Bob 10:20am Larry Hi Break 10:40am …………….. Candidate dropped 11:00am Laura Bell 11:20am Lisa Ball 11:40am Mark Hand
Applications Complete Edjoin applications of all applicants will be provide in your packets. Upload attachments like • Resume • Letter of References • Certificates (Licenses, CPR cards)
Job Posting ELEMENTARY LIBRARY/MEDIA TECHNICIAN Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (Open to District Employees Only) *Salary will be prorated to reflect temporary adjustments created by furlough days for 2011/12. SALARY: $15.10 - $18.40 (Range 19)* LOCATION: Glenknoll Elementary School WORK YEAR: 9.75 months per year, 5 days per week, 3.75 hours per day CLOSING DATE: Friday, September 2, 2011 DEFINITION: To perform library clerical duties involving the circulation of book and non-book media SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Receive general supervision from supervisory staff. May exercise technical and functional supervision over student assistants. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF THE POSITION: 1. Knowledge of EOS Program System. 2. Maintain positive supervision during library time. 3. Computer literacy. 4. Create and maintain an enriching learning environment.
Rules for Interview Questions Per the Equal Pay Act of 1983, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972, The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Education Code 45293……. NO Questions relating to political or religious opinions or affiliations; martial status and social or living arrangements; spouse's profession, race, color or national origin; age; sex; financial information; arrests; height and weight; pregnancy status and childbearing plans; number and ages of children; daycare provisions for children; foreign citizenship; military service and discharge information; social activities and handicaps shall be asked of any applicant; or any candidate whose name has been certified for appointment, nor shall any discrimination be exercised thereof.
Interview Questions and Rating Sheet • Interviewee: __________ Interviewer: ___________ • Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District • Interview Questions for Attendance Clerk • Are you related to any employee who works at Bernardo Yorba Middle School or El Camino High School? • ___________________________________ • Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 high • What computer programs do you know? Are you familiar with Aeries? • ___________________________________ • Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 high
Answers and Rating Sheets No answer / Average / Good / Great Answers 1-2 / 3- 4 / 5 – 7 / 8 – 10 Example 8 -10 Answer “Yes I am completely competent using Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet accessing programs and I am very versatile in Aeries. Over the course of last year I used Aeries to input students attendance on a daily bases, displayed contact information, order grades and uploaded class lists, for a student body of 900 students.”
Record the answer • What computer programs do you know? Are you familiar with Aeries? Word; Excel; Outlook; Internet; Aeries strong, used all last year 900 students. Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 high
Do’s and Don’ts of recording an answer Everything you are recording can be read by others later!!! • Be non judgmental • Use positive hints to recall candidate • Record actual answers in key words • No Negative comments Make list Don’ts
Process to follow after all candidates are interviewed Administrator or Personnel designee will normally ask for your top 3 candidates. Discussions what you saw as strengths these individuals can bring to job. Order of Ranking ?? Discuss with group.
Report back to CSEA President Topics to Report Was the interview process followed fairly for all? Was there any inconsistency? Were there candidates that you felt didn’t meet the minimum qualifications and should not of been screen in? Were they in the top 3? Did someone on the panel try to persuade the group to chose an individual who wasn’t qualified? How was the interviews left? Administrator calling references? Final decision made?
What IF’s? Give examples:
Your job is done Time to have Fun !!!! Role Play Scenario 1 _______________ Scenario 2 _______________ Scenario 3 _______________
Questions / Comments __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________________
Congratulations Please fill out the contact card before you leave. Your Chapter #293 Thanks you for taking the time to help your fellow employees!