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EGYPT NEEDS GLOBAL GRANTS. LET’S LEAD THE WAY. IF we have the will ROTAY CAN REACH ANY WHER. EHNASIA Potable Water Global Grant GG. $82K Beni Sueif. How we obtained the Grant. S ent around 50 e-mails to different clubs in Europe and U.S.A
EHNASIA Potable WaterGlobal Grant GG $82K Beni Sueif
How we obtained the Grant • Sent around 50 e-mails to different clubs in Europe and U.S.A • Luckily, a German Club reacted and transferred us to the ICC Chair of Germany and Egypt • Had first meeting in the district conference in Aqaba to explain the basis of our project and its vital effect on introducing a better lifestyle and healthier future
How we obtained the Grant • Furnished information in a professional manner regarding the experience we gained during our cooperation in last year project in BeniSueif • ICC Chair of Germany and Egypt posted a report on the ICC website and we were contacted by RC Munchen-Englischer Garten for an amount of $24,225 • Three more clubs joined, 2 from Germany and one from Budapest • Grant reached a total value of $82,000.
Current Projects District 1840 RC Munich - Munich's English Garden and other clubs along with the RC Al ShoroukHeliopolis Global Grant project "connecting houses in BeneiSueif to the drinking water supply and the sewerage Drinking water from the well in poor quality
RC Al ShoroukCairo involved along with 19 other clubs from Cairo in a project in BeneiSueif, about 110 km south of Cairo on the Nile, in which about 500 houses an older settlement are connected to drinking water and sanitation. • The per port cost will be approximately € 200 (1500 EGP).Completion is scheduled for early summer of 2013. • Every house gets a water tap and several houses together a waste tank that is emptied regularly by the municipality.
In a second stage to a global grant project from the summer of 2013 another 300 to 350 homes to be connected, The need for this action is confirmed by the local administration and meets one of the conditions for the approval of Global Grants. • The focus hygiene and health care, which serves the project, as well as the sustainability, in addition to the already paid • certification of partners involved other conditions are met. • RC Al Shoroukis preparing the application for the Global Grant project and will serve as Primäry host sponsor act apply for the project at TRF, cause the disbursement of funds and überwchen the Baumaßbahmen and • take over the final settlement and the first averaging the final report.
The RC Munich - English Garden provides as Primäry International Sponsor a contribution in the amount of $ 25,400 U.S.. Two other clubs from Munich to participate in addition to an amount exceeding $ 2,300, depending on the project. Currently, a total project volume of 82,000 is planned U.S. $. Further details can be found in the project proposal.
Frank Muller-Romans 15.03.2013Global Grant project"Connection of houses to the public water supply and todrains in a village near BeneiSueif (Egypt) "In a village near BeniSueif on the west bank of the Nile about 110 km up the Nile from CairoLocated just to built houses to the public water supply and a Drains are connected.The current hygienic and sanitary conditions are extremely easy and bad asfollowing images show:Water from the well in not perfect water quality.Toilet (septic tank underground) 2
RC Al Shorouk(Cairo) has been involved so far with another 19 RotaryClubs from Cairo - but without participation from TRF - on a first project of thisArt: 500 houses (currently at a cost of 800,000 Egyptian pounds approximately€ 95,000) connected to the drinking water and sanitation. • Completion is scheduled for April 2013 planned • The costs of connecting a house be about 1,500 EgyptianPounds (about 200 €). Here, the houses will each receive a water tap andseveral houses together a waste water tank, the contents of the community regularly or be emptied by authorized company.
The project proposal of the RC Al Shorouk(Cairo Heliopolis) for a Global Grant seesMeasures for connecting additional homes to the public water supplyand on septic tanks before. The need for these measures is the localLocal Government confirms and fulfills one of the conditions of approvalby Global Grants. Hygiene and health care, and the sustainability of the projectare in addition to a qualification of the participating partners to further conditions. Both from (07/01/2013) new District 2452 (Egypt) and the RC Al Shoroukare for global grants already qualified.
Rotarian friend Amin Sabri and Rotarian friend Fathy from RC Al Shorouk I knowFor some time now: Friend Sabri was occasionally during his business trips to Munichfor his club and has been a number of proposals for projects at the MGStates Committee Egypt approached with http://www.rotary.de/la-aegypten (- Projects - Project offers). • Fahty girlfriend was formerly a member of the RC Giza North (President2009/2010), with the RC Munich (with the financial participation of the RC MunichEnglish Garden) in the years 2009/2011 a project "Promoting the education of youngPerformed Women in Egypt "(has http://www.rotary.de/la-aegypten - Projects -) completed projects. Both I guess because of their commitment to RotaryCommunity service projects and their open, gripping very kind. With them (and otherMembers of the RC Shorouk) is a global grant was certainly good, quickly and successfully perform.
Of the said friends of RC Al Shoroukcurrently be detailedProject documents prepared and sent to us sent.The board of the RC Munich - English Garden has the sixth March 2013 decidedtogether with the RC Al Sorouk a Global Grant "connection of houses along thepublic drinking water supply and the sewerage system in a village nearBeneiSueif (Egypt) "perform. • RC Al Shoroukis considered in this global grantPrimäry host sponsor act to apply for the project at TRF, the payment ofInitiate and monitor funds and the final settlement and the creation ofFinal Report accept. The RC Munich English Garden as Primäry InternationalSponsor must be the occasion of a visit of some of his impressions of the local members Project and obtain the same from the successful implementation.
The club is already certified for global grants.At least two other Munich clubs (one of which is in accordance board resolutiondated 14.03.2013 of the RC Munich - MünchnerFreiheit) will each $ 2,300 U.S.(1,800 €) participate in the project. • Along with a visit from an TRFMG approved project of RC Munich English Garden "promote trainingyoung girls in Egypt "(MW 78 511) would be a tour of the project atabout a trip to Cairo in the spring of 2014 that I liked to organize offering possible. 3An initial proposal for the funding of a project to connect 300 to 350Houses sees an amount of 600,000 Egyptian mortgage or $ 82,000 U.S.
before Personally, I think the commitment of the 20 Egyptian Rotary Club for the describedMeasures very remarkable and I am - in my capacity asChairman of the German Section of the Federal Committee Egypt - extraordinarilyMunich, the decision of the English Garden in Munich, RC, RC - MunichFreedom as well as (hopefully) other Munich club. • With the Global Grant to be theLiving conditions for about 3000 to 5000 people in a rural settlement in Egyptenforcement area.
Glad I'm willing to help with my contacts in Egyptand also with advice and the friends of the club, which is for the project and itsRealization and feel obliged to perform this, to stand aside.Because of the first projects of Egyptian clubs BeniSueif and a speedyProject designing the application for a Global Grant could back in April / May 2013implementation in 2013/2014 are provided. In 1842, therefore, the District of RCMunich - English Garden requested a timely reservation of a grant.
How we obtained the Grant The international Clubs are; Name Share München-Englischer Garten $ 24,225 München-Münchner Freiheit $ 2,300 München-Ost $ 2,300 Budapest-City $ 1,175
Criteria to apply for a grant A- Cover one of the six areas of focus • Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution • Disease Prevention and Treatment • Water and Sanitation • Maternal and Child Health • Basic Education and Literacy • Economic and Community Development
Criteria to apply for a grant B- Areas of focus purpose and goals • Providing equitable community access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene. • Strengthening the ability of communities to develop, fund and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems. • Supporting programs that enhance communities’ awareness of the benefits of safe water, sanitation and hygiene; • Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to water and sanitation
Criteria to apply for a grant C- Parameters for Eligibility • Access to safe drinking water (i.e. supply and quality); • Access to improved sanitation; • Improved hygiene; • Community development and management of systems for sustainability;
Criteria to apply for a grant • Watershed management and food security plans that depend on adequate water supply; • Water for production (i.e. crops, livestock, etc.); • Vocational training teams supporting the above activities; • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to water and sanitation.
Criteria to apply for a grant D- It should be Sustainable 1- Community needs and strengths A thorough community needs assessment that involves the collaboration of multiple project participants to identify the needs and values of the beneficiaries.
Criteria to apply for a grant 2- Materials and technology • Employ durable materials that are accessible, ready to use, and environmentally sound • Indicate whether project materials are purchased from local sources and align with local culture and technology standards • Confirm that spare parts (if applicable) are readily available and beneficiaries are equipped to use and maintain equipment
Criteria to apply for a grant 3- Funding • Introduce or support practices that help communities generate income for ongoing project funding • Demonstrate the presence of pre-existing sources of consistent project funding
Criteria to apply for a grant 4- Knowledge • Ensure that new initiatives are coordinated with training, education, or community outreach campaigns • Demonstrate how beneficiaries will be supported in keeping new skills up-to-date
Criteria to apply for a grant 5- Motivation • Confirm that beneficiaries have a well-defined role in carrying out project goals • Confirm that incentives are in place to promote local participation in project implementation • Identify individuals in leadership positions to monitor outcomes and ensure continuity of services
Criteria to apply for a grant 6- Monitoring and Evaluation • Establish clear project goals and relevant baseline data • Identify critical project measures and the method for collecting this information
Criteria to apply for a grant E- It should be measurable • Increasing equitable community access to safe drinking water and sanitation. • Strengthening ability of communities to develop and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems. • Educating communities about safe water, sanitation and hygiene. • Supporting studies related to water and sanitation.
Our ProjectWater Supply, Awareness, Training • Water Supply Supplying 420 houses in the governorate of Beni Sueif with potable water from the main line till each house individually, including the water meter.
Our ProjectWater Supply, Awareness, Training • Awareness Prepare an awareness program (cooperation with the Local Water Companyand the Ministry of Health) stressing on the advantages of hand washing for their health and well-being . Why is preserving water a national priorities. How does polluted water affect our health
Our ProjectWater Supply, Awareness, Training • Training Prepare a vocational training of plumbing and maintenance of pipe lines for 15 people (in cooperation with The Water Company and the Ministry of Construction) Possibility that TEVET program (European Community Service) will monitor the training program to be certified
Criteria to apply for a grant • D-Sustainable The local water authority will maintain the system after completion Through vocational training ,local workers from the villages will be trained on Plumbing and pipe line maintenance
Criteria to apply for a grant E- MEASURABLE Surveys at the beginning and at the end of project assessing the suffering ,the cost saving the contamination, the satisfaction ..etc F- Reporting Progress reports will send monthly
Special Thanks to • PDG Zakaria El Shafei for inviting me to speak today • PP Collette Freige for Rotary education through RLI program. • PP SALWA El Haddad for her valuable assistance in starting our application • Amir Saba for inviting us to attend handing over of his club’s project . • District Community Service Chair Ola El Noury. • Our active club members for their dedication and hard work specially Hala Fathy.