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尿 石 症 Urinary Stone Disease. 瑞金医院泌尿外科. Urinary Calculi. The 3 rd most common affliction of the urinary tract. Exceeded only by urinary tract infections and pathologic conditions of the prostate. Epidemiology. Surrouding enviroment : natural, social
尿 石 症Urinary Stone Disease 瑞金医院泌尿外科
Urinary Calculi The 3rd most common affliction of the urinary tract. Exceeded only by urinary tract infections and pathologic conditions of the prostate.
Epidemiology Surrouding enviroment:natural, social Internal agents:racial inheritance,nutrition,metabolic abnormalities(cystine,oxalate,calcium&phosphate,uric acid),acquired diseases(hyperpara-thyroidism,hypercorticosteronism,gout),medicines
Stone Formation Mechanism: Only partly identified:metabolic,infectious Most: unknown
Stone Formation Requires---supersaturated urine (1)ionic strength (2)urinary PH (3)solute concentration ---decrease of inhibitor
Stone Formation Anatomical abnormalities Urinary infection Abnormal calcium&phosphate transfer in renal epithelial cells
Stone Formation Nucleation theory: stones originate from crystals or foreign bodies immersed in supersaturated urine. Crystal inhibitor theory: calculi form owing to the absence or low concentration of natural stone inhibitors—magnesium, citrate, pyrophosphate(焦磷酸盐), acid glycoprotein
Stone Component Crystal:oxalate,phosphate,uric acid & urate,cystine,xanthine Matrix:organic principle 42%~84%, (1)致密的纤维状基质构成同心层(concentric lamina)结构;(2)不定形基质构成凝胶状结构
尿结石晶体 密度:高 低 草酸钙 磷酸钙 磷酸镁铵 胱氨酸 尿酸 硬度:高 低 磷酸钙 草酸钙 尿酸 胱氨酸 磷酸镁胺 结石愈硬越易击碎
Pathophysiology Primary pathological changes:renal tubular lesions,production of stone matrix,formation of Randall plaques (肾钙斑). Secondary pathological changes :local mechanical damage,urinary obstruction,infections,stones combining with polyps or malignancies.
Clinical Features(Stones at upper urinary tract) Pain: Renal colic– stretching of the collecting system or ureter. Noncolicky renal pain-- distension of the renal capsule.
Clinical Features(Stones at upper urinary tract) Hematuria Infection– pyonephrosis, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis Associated fever Nausea & vomiting
Diagnosis History Lab Tests:urinalysis,urine culture,serum calcium,phosphate&uric acid,BUN &creatinine Radiological investigations:KUB+IVU,ultrasound,CT,retrograde urography Endoscopy
Treatment Conservative observation:most ureteral calculi pass and do not require interventions. Conservative therapy: plenty of water intake, diet, infection control, adjustment of urine PH Cystine calculi——alkalinize urine(PH>7.8),D-pencillamine(青霉胺),-MPG(mercaptopropyonyl glycine)巯丙基甘氨酸
the traditional Chinese medicine 排石冲剂(颗粒):含关木通(caulis)成分,内有马兜铃酸(Aristolochic Acid),具备肾毒性。 复方金钱草(lysimachia)冲剂
Treatment Extracoporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, ESWL(体外冲击波碎石) Endoscopic surgery: Ureteroscopic (输尿管镜 ) stone extraction PCNL (Percutaneous nephroscopic lithotripsy) Open surgery: pyelolithotomy, nephrolithotomy, ureterolithotomy
硬性输尿管镜 软性输尿管镜
治疗 双侧上尿路结石手术原则:(相对性) (1)双侧输尿管结石:梗阻严重一侧 (2)一侧输尿管一侧肾结石:输尿管 (3)双侧肾结石:容易一侧 (4)急性梗阻无尿:立即手术或经皮肾造瘘
Intervention of Renal Colic Antispasmodic therapy: atropine, anisodamine, progesterone Analgesia: pethidine, suppository of indomethacin, procaine Combining treatment
Case Report 61yr female,recurrent obvious flank pain with high fever。Urinalysis WBC++++,relief after antibiotics therapy. Ultrasound: fluid occupation at lower pole of Rt kidney, KUB+IVP: occupation at lower pole of Rt kidney, Rt kidney not visible. Dense plaque located alongside of Rt ureter. CT: suspect of multiple renal cysts (Rt).