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Performance Overview for 2015-2016: Achievements and Targets

This presentation outlines the performance information, key achievements, and challenges faced by different programmes for the 2015-2016 period. It covers details such as human resources management, financial performance, achievements in various programmes, and the status of targets. The presentation showcases successes like clean audit opinions, staff training, monitoring frameworks, and the launch of the National Youth Policy 2020. Challenges including capacity constraints, vacancy rates, and delays in recruitment processes are also addressed. Overall, the presentation provides a comprehensive review of the organization's performance during the specified period.

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Performance Overview for 2015-2016: Achievements and Targets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESENTATION QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE FOR 2015-2016 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Meeting Acting DG-Nolwazi Gasa Date: 09 September 2015

  2. Outline of the Presentation • Performance information for Programmes 1 to 5 • Human Resources: Filling of vacancies • Financial Performance


  4. Summary of Performance Information Most of partially achieved targets have since been achieved

  5. Key Achievements Programme 1 • Clean Audit Opinion for 2014-15 • All valid invoices (1 410) paid within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice • 65 of 65 designated employees submitted their financial interest within time frame • Trained 26% of staff against the target of 10% Programme 2 • Monitoring of the implementation of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework - all quarterly reports submitted to the Executive – displayed in the POA system • Operation Phakisa Programme – ocean economy and health • Siyahlola Presidential Monitoring Programme • Monitoring of Distressed Mining Towns Programme 3 • Scaling up of the Community Based Monitoring programme • Management Performance Assessments

  6. Key Achievements (2) Programme 3… • 34 new facilities monitored by 30 June 2015 • Presidential Hotline Quarterly update produced and published on DPME website Programme 4 • Alignment of Strategic and APPs with the NDP • Communicating the NDP via stakeholder engagements . A total of 14 engagements Programme 5 • The development and launch of National youth Policy 2020

  7. Addressing partially achieved targets • Capacity constraints – budget and people • Vacancy rate – moved to fill vacancies, with high level appointments made recently • Appointment of service providers for the evaluations • Improvements monitoring of facilities is being addressed • The Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) and Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring (FSDM) reports have since been tabled at Cabinet • Communication Plan approved in second quarter • Youth quarterly reports to be produced regularly

  8. PROG 1: Administration-Summary of Performance

  9. PROG 1: Achieved Targets…..

  10. PROG 1: Achieved Targets (2)

  11. PROG 1: Achieved Targets (3)

  12. PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved (1)

  13. PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved (2)

  14. PROG 1: Targets Not achieved ….

  15. PROG 1: Targets Not achieved (2)

  16. PROG. 2: Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluations (OME)

  17. PROG 2: Achieved Targets

  18. PROG 2: Achieved Targets (2)

  19. PROG 2: Partially Achieved Targets


  21. PROG 3: Achieved Targets…….

  22. PROG 3: Achieved Targets (2)

  23. PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets…….

  24. PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets…….

  25. PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets (2)

  26. PROG 3: Partially Achieved targets (3)


  28. PROG 4: Achieved Targets

  29. PROG 4: Achieved Targets (2)

  30. PROG 5: National Youth Development

  31. PROG 5: Partially Achieved Targets


  33. Filling of posts • As at end August 2015, 262 posts were filled out of 312 funded posts (84% filled) • To date, date 264 posts are filled out of 312 funded posts (85%) • Movement in the department for the three months is reflected below:

  34. Filling of posts continued…. • 50 posts were vacant as at 31 August 2015 • 12 of the 50 posts are positions that have been previously filled in the department. However, due to staff turnover and internal promotions/transfers these posts became vacant • 25 of the 50 vacant posts were new posts • All new posts had been advertised, however the high vacancy rate is as a result of the following: • Due to the merger of the NPC and DPME there was a need to re-scope positions as they became vacant and these posts had to be evaluated before advertised • New positions in corporate services were created to ensure adequate support to address the transfer of the NPC, Ministry and Deputy Ministry • Delays in the JE process for posts in corporate services that require DPSA approval (salary level 9/10/11/12) • Delays in pre-employment security screening by the SSA • Difficulty in finding suitable candidates for specialist posts resulting in head-hunting processes after the normal recruitment process was unsuccessful which causes a delay in the filling of such posts


  36. 2015/16: Quarter 1 Expenditure

  37. 2015/16 Quarter 1 Expenditure • Reasons for under-expenditure of R37.9m: • R19m payment for the National Income Dynamic Study (NIDS – Programme 4) – Invoice was received in Quarter 2 and paid • Normal staff turnover. DG post and 2 DDG posts vacant (2 DDG posts have since been filled) • Expenditure in Programme 4 affected by end of term of National Planning Commission – New Commissioners likely to be appointed in September 2015 • Some ICT and Evaluation projects behind schedule

  38. 2015/16 Quarters 1+2 Expenditure

  39. 2015/16 Budget Monitoring

  40. 2015/16 Expenditure Summary • Department spent 99.5% of budget in 2013/14 and 96.6 % in 2014/15 • Expenditure in Programme 4 (National Planning) will increase once new commissioners have been appointed • Some ICT projects planned for 2016/17 will be brought forward to absorb savings

  41. THANK YOU!

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