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This course explores the use of technology in education, focusing on assessing personal technology skills and attitudes. Seminar groups will discuss academic literature, and assignments will include personal assessments.
EDUC 4000/3-254/255 2E40 (MWF) 1E05 (T, Th) Andrew Volk Special Topics: Technology in the Classroom
Agenda: • Introductions • Icebreaker (www.surveymonkey.com) • Syllabus/Wiki (http://pbworks.com) • Seminar Groups and Articles (Google Drive) • Assignment #1: Personal Assessment of Technology Skills and Attitudes (www.edmodo.com)
Introductions • What is your name? • What made you decide to take this course? • What do you hope to take away from this course? • Do you have any experience with Ed. Tech. that you hope to share in this course?
Icebreaker • “4 Corners” activity: • Survey on website… • Consider what this would have looked like as an actual 4 corners activity • What did we gain/lose by doing the activity as an online survey? • What conclusions can we draw from this?
Just for fun… • http://www.collegehumor.com/video/3601664/digital-conversion-psa • http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7br54_digital-conversion-tips_fun
Syllabus/Wiki • Syllabus – Assignments and grades • Wiki – Who knows what a wiki is? Who has used one before? How will we use a wiki in this course?
Seminar Groups and Articles • “Books will soon be obsolete in the schools… It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with [technology]. Our school system will be completely changed in ten years.” • Thomas Edison • 1913
Seminar Groups and Articles • Seminar groups will provide an opportunity to engage with academic literature in smaller focus groups. On each seminar day a different group leader will guide a discussion of an article. After the focus group discussion we will debrief as a whole class. • Articles can be found on the ‘texts’ page of the wiki. Please see me if you would like an article printed in hard copy.
Suggested Discussion Framework: • Provide a summary of the main points in the article • Describe the setting/context of the study • Decide on a theoretical/critical lens that can be applied to the article • Create a set of discussion questions/prompts for your group • Try to read/skim the articles that others in your group are presenting
Article Review: • After your turn as seminar leader you will need to write a brief review of the article (.5 – 1 page), including some of the main points of your group discussion. • On the seminar days when you are not presenting, please give the presenter brief feedback in the form of “2 stars and a wish/wondering”. • On the next day, please hand in your review and the feedback from your group.
Today’s Work… • Please take some time to explore the wiki. Especially, look at the articles and be prepared with 2 or 3 choices of articles you’d be interested in presenting. • You will be asked to sign up to present an article by tomorrow using the google document. • Begin work on your “Personal Assessment of Technology Skills and Attitudes” assignment.
What you’ll need for tomorrow… • 2-3 choices of articles you like to present for seminar groups • An email address you can access from the classroom (gmail preferable) • “Personal Assessment of Technology Skills and Attitudes” to hand in via edmodo.