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WELCOME FROM BANGLADESH. Project Name : Resilient through Economic empowerment, climate adaptation, leadership and learning (REE-CALL). Project goal: Women and Men most at risk of disaster and climate change in Bangladesh are able to thrive in spite of shocks and change
Project Name : Resilient through Economic empowerment, climate adaptation, leadership and learning (REE-CALL) Project goal: Women and Men most at risk of disaster and climate change in Bangladesh are able to thrive in spite of shocks and change Objective of the project: To develop replicable model of resilient community in three agro-ecological zones and linking with urban settings. To enhance and strengthen the livelihoods of targeted communities in changing climate. Develop community leadership specially of women ensuring access to and control over resources, services and opportunities.
Context: Bangladesh is geographically prone to Flood, every year flood hit during monsoon, in catastrophe flood people loss their livestock, houses, crops and some times lives River erosion, drought and cold wave Poor communication and infrastructure Inadequate employment and income opportunities in the area prompted members from 26% HH to migrate seasonally to outside areas. Average annual income of HH was GBP 220 and average family size 5 Employment opportunity in River Island areas is very low (32%) Disparity in male and female employment 62% male 10% female. Inadequate employment and income opportunities Restricted women mobility ; only 20% women have freedom to go outside from home Only 13% HH produced any food that lasted on average for three months. Thus the HH were deficit in food for nine months a year, indicating high vulnerability. .Average HH size 5 among them 28% are women –headed; average literacy rate 24, men-31.6 %, women 16.5 In general women do 90% of household work; 50% of productive work done by women
90% women are involved in chili production and processing • Scopes of engaging women in chili marketing functions • More scope for employment and increase additional income for women • Women have previous experiences on chili cultivation • Strong market demand in local , regional, national and export market. • Potential for value addition through grading, sorting and packaging • Potential for increase in productivity • Good opportunities for market linkage • Scope of addressing gender roles in all level (HH and Community level) • Scope of adapting climate changes and DRR Why community selected Chili value Chain?
HH Carrying work • (Women 90% men 10%) • - Taking care of children and older • - Cooking food • - Cleaning house • - Washing of cloths • - Entertainment • - Cleaning utensils and furniture • Shift HH materials during soil erosion and floods • - Collecting water • Cash Market (men 90% and women 10%) • Cloths • Foods • Housing materials • Educational Materials • Medicine • Ag. Inputs • Utensil • ornaments State • - Education • Health • Sanitation • Safety net supports • Social security • - Credit support • - Extension services Income Average annual income GBP 220/HH Average income from chili GBP 750/ acre of land HOUSEHOLDS IN GAIBANDHA, BANGLADESH HH productive works ( women 75% and men 25%) • - Rearing of livestock • - Homestead gardening • - Tree plantation • - Sewing • - Post harvest activities • Seed extraction and preservation • Weeding and irrigation of land • New Opportunity • Using of improved cooking stove • Using of improved chili dryer, dust cleaner, and tarpaulin sheet • Role sharing by men for taking care of children, collecting water and washing cloths • Role sharing by men for rearing of livestock and homestead gardening, tree plantation • Private sector can introduce improve cooking stove and chili harvesting technologies • Making awareness of women and men on family planning, women literacy Social Networks Natural Resources • - Participate in CBO meeting • Membership of local committee • Representation in local political system • Membership of the market committee • Membership of change maker network • - Foods • - Housing materials • Water • Agriculture inputs
Where do these come from? How are these goods and services provided? Purchase in the cash market Natural Resources - the environment The state Goods Exchange, barter, social/family networks (unpaid) Household work (unpaid) Services Hire - pay someone for services
Women’s work in the HH, community and the (new) business Taking care of children and older 2.5 hrs/day Purchase goods and services ½ hrs/day Cooking food 3 hrs/day Unpaid productive work for the cash market Home gardening and poultry rearing 1.5 hrs Unpaid caring work in the household Water fetching and Cleanliness 1.5 hrs/day Unpaid productive work for household consumption Women ♀ Paid productive work for the chilli cultivation Community work Community work ¼ hrs/week Unpaid paid productive work for the chilli cultivation In production period 3 hrs/day In harvesting period 5-6 hrs Total working hours per day 12.15
All throughout the chili harvesting period women are to do additional work 5-6 hours per day that increase their workload significantly but there are some opportunity to negotiate the work load: HH productive work Using of improved chili dryer, dust cleaner, and tarpaulin sheet that will reduce the time for chili drying and processing HH carrying work Using of improved cooking stove that will reduce the time for cooking and will reduce the carbon emission HH Carrying work Role sharing by men for taking care of children, older and prepare children for going to school, collecting water and washing cloths Women want to re-negotiate HH carrying work Making awareness of women and men on family planning that will reduce the time for carrying baby and taking care of more children, increasing women literacy - HH productive work Role sharing by men for rearing of livestock and homestead gardening, tree plantation Role of state and Private Sector Public and Private sector can introduce improve cooking stove and chili harvesting technologies • - Foods • - Housing materials • Water • Agriculture inputs
Women ‘s control over income; relative contribution to family support Access to and control of resources (land, catttle) Recognize women’s as producers by the state Minimizing wage discrimination between men and women Factors that enable women to have increased negotiation power at HH level Women’s freedom of choices and movement Knowledge of legal rights; HH support for exercising rights Knowledge of political system and HH support for political engagement; exercising the right to vote Participation in HH decision-making; ability to make childbearing decisions, use contraception, control over spouse selection and marriage timing High self-esteem
Stories, please . . . Women Leadership in Technology Dissemination Gained knowledge and skills on chili cultivation and disseminate to 100 producers. Many producers came to her to know about chili cultivation techniques. Everybody knows her as a service provider. • A women agency of change- Hazera • She is well known to everyone as chili traders. And is leading the enterprise group as well as CBO. She is contributing a lot in her family to maintain the livelihoods and is influencing the decision making process in HH, community and society level. • Anna Knows How to Produce? • Anna said that her chili was very good quality and she got a higher price for it (12.50 Tk. per kg) than the previous year