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Cardiovascular System Disorders

Cardiovascular System Disorders. SBI 3UO. Blood Pressure. Systolic = highest pressure (ventricular contraction) Diastolic = lowest pressure (just before the next contraction) after relaxation Measured in mmHg and normal is 120/80. Hypertension. Chronically elevated blood pressure Factors:

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Cardiovascular System Disorders

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  1. Cardiovascular System Disorders SBI 3UO

  2. Blood Pressure • Systolic = highest pressure (ventricular contraction) • Diastolic = lowest pressure (just before the next contraction) after relaxation • Measured in mmHg and normal is 120/80

  3. Hypertension • Chronically elevated blood pressure Factors: Dietary causes: • Too much cholesterol, salt , coffee, alcohol, nicotine Other factors: - heredity, age, exercise, smoking, obesity

  4. Arteriosclerosis • Plaque deposits on the inside of the blood vessels • They block blood flow or slow it down

  5. Embolism • A clot is formed that breaks free in an artery and travel through the bloodstream • Stroke – blockage in the brain • Heart attack – blockage in coronary vessel

  6. Angioplasty • A small plastic tube is inserted into the blocked artery • A tiny balloon is inflated opening the blood vessel when the clot is formed

  7. Coronary bypass • Bypass the unhealthy segment and use another blood vessel to create a new route http://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/treatment/coronary-bypass-surgery.aspx

  8. Homework • Read pgs. 494-501 and answer questions #1-14 on page 503. • Answers to all the questions are on MySite in the Resources folder.

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