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Structure and Function.

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    2. Structure and Function Functions of the cardiovascular system: Transports nutrients and oxygen to the body Transports waste products from the cells to the kidneys for excretion Distributes hormones and antibodies throughout the body Helps control body temperature and maintain electrolyte balance

    3. Heart Two-sided, double pump Weighs less than a pound Slightly bigger than a fist Located between the lungs in the thoracic cavity Positioned partially to the left of the sternum

    4. Heart (Continued) Four chambers of the heart Atria Top two chambers Blood enters the heart through the atria Ventricles Lower two chambers Blood leaves the heart through the ventricles Septum Divides the right and left sides of the heart

    5. Heart (Continued) Pulmonary circulation Right side of heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs Systemic circulation Left side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to rest of the body Blood returns to the right side of the heart from the body to complete the cycle Hepatic circulation Path of the blood from the intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and spleen through the liver

    6. Figure 11-1 Blood Flow Through the Cardiovascular System

    7. Heart (Continued) Four valves of the heart Prevent blood from flowing back into heart Atrioventricular Separate the atria and ventricles Semilunar valves Separate the ventricles from the pulmonary artery and aorta

    8. Figure 11-2A Structures of the Heart

    9. Tissue Layers of the Heart Endocardium Smooth layer of cells lining the inside of the heart and forming the valves Myocardium The thickest layer, consisting of muscle tissue Pericardium Double membrane that covers the outside of the heart, providing lubrication between the heart and surrounding structures to prevent tissue damage

    10. Figure 11-2 B Layers of the Heart

    11. Heart (Continued) Activity of the heart muscle is controlled by the nervous system Also affected by action of hormones and fluid balance

    12. Heart (Continued) Heart is the only muscle that can stimulate its own contractions Sinoatrial cells (SA node) in right atrium Start the heart Atrioventricular node (AV node) Sends impulse into lower portions of the heart AV bundle or bundle of HIS Stimulate the Purkinje fibers Purkinje fibers Cause the ventricles to contract

    13. Figure 11-3 Path of Electrical Current in the Heart

    14. Blood Vessels Arteries Carry blood away from the heart Blood is oxygenated Have a muscular layer of tissue that helps pump blood out of the body Aorta is the largest artery in the body, which branches into smaller arteries Arterioles Smaller vessels Blood moves from arterioles to capillaries

    15. Blood Vessels (Continued) Capillaries Microscopic vessels that carry blood between the arterial and venous vessels Gases, nutrients, and waste exchanged Blood gives up oxygen Blood flows from capillaries into venules

    16. Blood Vessels (Continued) Veins Venues branch together to form veins Carry blood back to the heart by gravity Blood is deoxygenated except for pulmonary vein Contain values that prevent blood from flowing back Have a much thinner muscular layer Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava Largest veins

    17. Figure 11-4 Blood Vessels

    18. Figure 11-5 Principal Arteries and Veins

    19. Table 11-1 Path of the Blood Through the Heart

    20. Assessment Techniques Measuring pulse and blood pressure Listening to heart sounds Determining cardiac output

    21. Assessment Techniques (Continued) Pulse Surge of blood against the walls of the arteries Eight pulse points on the body Normal pulse rate for adults is 60 to 90 beats per minute Blood pressure Force of blood against the walls of the arteries Systolic pressure Ventricles of the heart contract Diastolic pressure Ventricles relax Normal blood pressure 120/80 Blood pressure varies greatly among people

    22. Figure 11-6 Peripheral Pulse Points

    23. Assessment Techniques (Continued) Heart sounds Heard through a stethoscope Murmurs Abnormal or extra sound Classified by timing, intensity, location, pitch, and quality of the sound May be benign or indicate a disorder Thrill Vibration felt by touch over an artery Caused by an abnormal flow of blood

    24. Assessment Techniques (Continued) Electrocardiogram Measures graphically the pattern of electrical activity in heart contractions Normal and abnormal heart activities have characteristic wave patterns Echocardiography Uses ultrasonic waves to show the structures and motions of the heart Transducer plots the sound echoes to produce a graphic picture

    25. Assessment Techniques (Continued) Cardiac catheterization Used to measure the pressure in the chambers of the heart, to take blood samples, and to view obstructions in the vessels A tube is inserted through the blood vessels into the heart Dye is then released and traced using x-ray

    26. Blood

    27. Blood Essential Life Supportive Fluid Transported in Closed System Throughout Body Through Blood Vessels Connective Tissue = Cells + Matrix

    28. Physical Characteristics Viscous pH 7.35 7.45 Temperature: 38 degrees C; 100.4 degrees F 7% - 8% of total body weight Males: 5 6 liters Females: 4 5 liters

    29. Functions of Blood Transportation Regulation Protection

    30. Formed Elements Erythrocytes: (RBCs) are produced in the red bone marrow. Leukocytes: (WBCs) they are formed in the bone marrow and lymph tissue. Platelets: (Thrombocytes) are the fragments or pieces of cells because they lack nuclei and vary in shape

    31. General Characteristics of Formed Elements Living blood cells 2 out of 3 are NOT true cells Most are short lived Most do not divide Hematopoiesis occurs in liver, spleen, thymus, & bone marrow

    32. Plasma Liquid portion: 90-92% water with fibrous proteins (fibrin) Straw colored, sticky fluid

    33. Plasma Proteins Non-protein nitrogenous substances: Nutrients Electrolytes Respiratory gases

    34. Functions of Plasma Suspends blood cells & transports blood cells Carries metabolic wastes & nutrients Circulates hormones Maintains water content and body temperature Maintains acid-base balance of blood

    35. Erythrocytes Shape: biconcave disc Spectrin (fibrous protein) ? flexibility to change shape Mature ? anucleate 4 5.5 million per cubic millimeter Lifespan: 100 120 days 97% is hemoglobin Erythropoiesis

    36. Leukocytes/WBCs Surveillance, Fighters, Protectors

    37. 5 Types of WBCs Neutrophils: granulocyte Lymphocyte: agranulocyte Monocyte: agranulocyte Eosinophil: granulocyte Basophil: granulocyte

    38. Neutrophils Phagocytize bacteria by secreting an enzyme called lysozyme

    39. Monocytes Phagocytize bacteria and foreign materials

    40. Eosinophil Remove toxins and defend the body from allergic reactions by producing antihistamines.

    41. Basophils Participate in the bodys inflammatory response Produce histamine (a vasodilator), heparin (an anticoagulant)

    42. Platelets

    43. Platelets Thrombocytes Involved in blood clotting Small cytoplasmic fragments from megakaryocyte 250,000 400,000 per microliter Lifespan: live only 10 days Aspirin inactivates the platelets

    44. Lymphocytes Provide immunity for the body by developing antibodies Protect against the formation of cancer cells

    45. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System

    46. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System Aneurysm An area of a blood vessel that bulges because of a weakness in the wall Atherosclerosis A narrowing of blood vessels caused by deposits of fatty material containing calcium and cholesterol Cardiac arrhythmia A disturbance of the hearts rhythm caused by a defect in the hearts pacemaker cells or by damage to heart tissue

    47. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System (Continued) Cardiovascular disease A general term for the combined effects of arteriosclerosis and related conditions called coronary artery disease Congenital heart disease A group of disorders that affect about 25,000 newborns each year in the united states Congestive heart failure The inability of the heart to pump blood adequately to meet the bodys needs

    48. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System (Continued) Hypertension High blood pressure Myocardial infarction Known as a heart attack Phlebitis An inflammation of a vein, often with formation of a clot

    49. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System (Continued) Rheumatic heart disease A condition in which the heart muscle and valves are damaged by a recurrent bacterial infection that usually begins in the throat Varicose veins A condition in which veins become enlarged and ineffective

    50. Health Careers

    51. Health Careers Cardiologist Cardiac Surgeon Cardiovascular Technician Echocardiographer Electrocardiographic Technician Hematologist Phlebotomist Perfusionist

    52. Medical Terms Root Word: cardi(o), cardi(a) denotes the heart. Carditis inflammation of the heart Cardiology study of the heart Cardiac pertaining to the heart Cardiograph to record the heart Cardiogram a record of the heart Cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart Cardiospasm involuntary contraction of the heart

    53. Medical Terms Root Word: cardi(o), cardi(a) denotes the heart Cardiologist specialist of the heart Bradycardia slow pace of the heart Cardiopathy disease condition of the heart Tachycardia fast pace of the heart

    54. Medical Terms Root Word: Phleb(o) - denotes the vein Phlebitis inflammation of the vein Phleborrhaphy to suture the vein Phleborrhagia excessive flow discharge in the vein Phlebotomy surgical incision of the vein

    55. Medical Terms Root Words: art, arteri(o) - denotes the artery Arterio scler osis [age/high BP] of the artery Arteriopathy disease condition of the artery Arterial pertaining to the artery Arteritis inflammation in the artery Arthero scler osis disease condition of hardening of the artery

    56. Medical Terms Root Words: thromb(o) denotes the blood clot thrombocyte cell tissue of the blood clot Thrombosis disease condition of the blood clot Thrombogen ic pertaining to the production/creation of the blood clot Thromboarter itis inflammation of the artery and blood clot Thromboectomy surgical removal of the blood clot

    57. Medical Terms Root Words: thromb(o) denotes the blood clot Thromboid ressembling or like of the blood clot Thrombolysis destruction or breaking down of the blood clot Thrombocyto penia decrease of cells of a blood clot Thrombophleb itis inflammation of the vein of the blood clot Thrombopathy disease condition of the blood clot

    58. Medical Terms Root Words: Hemo, Hema, Hemat(o) denotes blood Hemostat stop of the blood Hematocrit measure of the blood Hemolysis destruction or breaking down of the blood Hematemesis vomit of blood Hemoptysis spit of the blood Hematoma swelling or tumor of the blood Hemo phili ac pertaining to the brotherly love and blood

    59. Medical Terms Root Word: emia denotes blood Leukemia white blood (cells) Lipemia fat in the blood Hyper glyc emia excessive sugar in the blood Oligemia few blood Cyanemia blue blood (lack of oxygen) Anemia without blood (low iron)

    60. Medical Terms Root Word: erythr(o) red blood cells Erythrocyte red blood cells Erythropoiesis creation or production of red Erythroclasis fracture in the red cells Erythroblast immature red cells

    61. Medical terms Root Word: cyt(o) denotes cell Cyto bio logy study of the life of the cell Cyto diagn osis knowledge through the cell Cyto meta plasia change in the form of cell Cyto morpho logy study of form/shape of the cell Cytoma swelling or tumor of the cell

    62. Medical Terms Root Word: sphygm(o)-denotes pulse or blood pressure Sphygmogram a record of the pulse or blood vessel Sphygmoid ressembling or like pulse or blood vessel Sphygmology study of the blood or blood pressure Sphygmopalpation feeling/pulse or blood pressure Sphygmoscopy visual examination of the pulse or blood pressure

    63. Medical Terms Root word: vas(o) denotes blood vessels Vasomotor produce movement of the blood vessel Vasosection cut of the blood vessel Vasorrhaphy to suture the blood vessel Vasography to record the blood vessel Vasospasm involuntary contraction of the blood vessel

    64. Medical Terms Root word: angio denotes the blood vessel Angiectasis dilation or opening of the blood vessel Angiostomy a moth opening of the blood vessel Angiospasm involuntary contraction of the blood vessel Angiogram a record of the blood vessel Angiostenosis condition of narrowing of the blood vessel Angioplasty surgical repair of the blood vessel

    65. Abbreviations E-F E Meaning Ea Each EEG Electroencephalogram EENT Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat EKG or ECG Electrocardiogram EMS Emergency Medical Service EMT Emergency Medical Technician ENT Ear, Nose, Throat EPA Environmental Protection Agency ER Emergency Room EX Exam EXP Exploratory EXC Excision EXT Extract

    66. Abbreviations E-F F Meaning F Degrees Farenheit FBS Fasting Blood Sugar FBW Fasting Blood Work FDA Food & Drug Administration Fe Iron FHB Fetal Heart Beat Fl fluids Fx Fracture FUD fever of unknown origin

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