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KEY CONCEPT Kingdom Protista is the most diverse of all the kingdoms. Protists are eukaryotes (meaning they have a nucleus and other organelles) that are not animals, plants, or fungi. Protists can be animal-like, plantlike, or funguslike . Animal-like protists consume other organisms. .
KEY CONCEPT Kingdom Protista is the most diverse of all the kingdoms.
Protists are eukaryotes (meaning they have a nucleus and other organelles) that are not animals, plants, or fungi. Protists can be animal-like, plantlike, or funguslike.
Animal-like protists consume other organisms. • They are called heterotrophs • They are often predators.
Plantlike protists are photosynthetic. • single-celled, colonial, or multicellular • no roots, stems, or leaves Diatoms Kelp
Funguslike protists decompose dead organisms. • heterotrophs • can move, whereas fungi cannot
Protists are difficult to classify. • Protista is often called one kingdom • But it may be broken down into more than one after scientists learn more about them.
Protist classification will likely change. • Some protists are not closely related. • Molecular evidence supports reclassification. Know this!!
KEY CONCEPTAnimal-like protists are single-celled heterotrophs that can move.
macronucleus contractile vacuole food vacuole oral groove micronucleus cilia Animal-like protists move in various ways. • Animal-like protists are often called protozoa.
Protozoa with flagella are zooflagellates. • flagella help zooflagellates swim • more than 2000 zooflagellates
Some protists move with pseudopods. • change shape as they move • amoebas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmWIMxW-GkQ&feature=related
Some protists move with pseudopods. • change shape as they move • amoebas and… Forams
Some protozoa move with cilia. macronucleus contractile vacuole food vacuole oral groove micronucleus cilia • cilia help protists swim and capture food • more than 8000 ciliates
Protists cause some well-known infectious diseases. human liver sporozoites liver cells developed parasites red blood cells Some animal-like protists cause disease. • Malaria is caused by Plasmodium and spread by mosquitoes. • Sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosomaand spread by flies. • A giardia infection is caused by Giardia and spread through water. Malaria Infection
colony daughter colony Plantlike protists can be single-celled or multicellular. • Photosynthetic plantlike protists are called algae. Volvox
Protists • (Diatoms) Do photosynthesis, but are protected by a silica (glass) shell
pellicle contractile vacuole nucleus flagellum chloroplast eye spot • mostly photosynthetic • some heterotrophic • single-celled • one or two flagella • Euglenoids are a large group of plantlike protists.
have two flagella • may be bioluminescent • have stiff protective plates • can cause red tide • Dinoflagellates are mostly marine plantlike protists. Dinoflagellates
Green algae contain chlorophyll a and b. • Brown algae contain chlorophyll c. • Multicellular algae are classified by their pigments. • Red algae contain chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin. thickening agents used in ice cream like agar and carrageen come from Red Algae!
Many plantlike protists can reproduce both sexually and asexually. • All algae can reproduce asexually. • Multicellular algae can fragment. • Chlamydomonas divides into zoospores.
Some species alternate generations. • Some algae produce sexually. • Sexual reproduction can be triggered by environmental stress.
Slime molds and water molds are funguslike protists. • Slime molds have both funguslike and animallike traits. • decomposers, like fungi • can move, like animals
Slime molds can be plasmodial or cellular. • Plasmodial slime molds are giant cells with many nuclei. • Cellular slime molds contain independent cells. Watch ‘em move: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SdadVrVMK4
Water molds are freshwater, funguslike protists. • one type of water mold caused Great Potato Famine of Ireland in the 1800’s • made of branching strands of cells • can be parasites of plants or fish • If you see a dead-fish with filiments on it, that’s a watermold