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Gwinnett County Research Process

Gwinnett County Research Process. Lilburn Elementary by Lisa Campbell Media Specialist. Five Basic Steps. The “Well, Duh!” approach. obvious. logical. Step 1. Planning. Pick a topic!. (“Well, Duh!). Your topic is no doubt too large, so you must narrow it down . so you don’t go crazy.

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Gwinnett County Research Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gwinnett County Research Process Lilburn Elementary by Lisa Campbell Media Specialist

  2. Five Basic Steps The “Well, Duh!” approach.

  3. obvious

  4. logical

  5. Step 1. Planning

  6. Pick a topic! (“Well, Duh!)

  7. Your topic is no doubt too large, so you must narrow it down

  8. so you don’t go crazy

  9. Trying to write a report on a huge topic is like trying to take a sip from a fire hose

  10. Information Overload The internet doubles every three months!

  11. Let’s say you want to do research on the Revolutionary War.

  12. You check our catalog and see that we have 137 books on the Revolutionary War.

  13. The county databases have hundreds and hundreds of articles

  14. Too much! Where do you start?

  15. How to narrow the fire hose

  16. What small part of the revolutionary war really, really interests you?

  17. Uniforms?

  18. Weapons?

  19. Hospitals?

  20. One battle?

  21. One person?

  22. You get the idea

  23. Now you’re ready to pull your materials. It’s no longer a fire hose of information, but a digestible amount of information.

  24. That's it! Step 1 of the Research Process is simply this: • Pick a topic • Narrow topic • Select your materials

  25. Step 2. Drafting

  26. Take notes! (“Well, Duh!”)

  27. You’ll never remember all the things you are reading.

  28. Every time you pull something from a website, book or magazine, write down the source. This will make step 4 much easier.

  29. Ok, you’ve got notes.

  30. great stuff, but it is kind of a mess

  31. Organize your cards and papers so it sounds good

  32. and makes your point

  33. Now you can write your first draft.

  34. So, Step 2 is this: • Take notes (with source information) • Organize notes • Write draft

  35. Step 3. Revising

  36. Read it to your parents, friends or teacher

  37. They might have suggestions for you

  38. Revise your report. Make it better.

  39. Step 3 again: • Share it. • Get feedback. • Revise it.

  40. Step 4: Final Editing

  41. Prepare the final version of your research.

  42. Double check

  43. grammar

  44. spelling

  45. Make sure the bibliography is complete and in the correct format.

  46. Ask Ms. Campbell for example sheet

  47. Step 4 is: • Finalize • Double check grammar and spelling • Check Bibliography

  48. Step 5. Publishing/Presenting

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