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Smarter City Example - Monitoring a the city is a complex task…. Smarter Planet Challenge – Systems of Systems. Transportation. Public health. Non-emergency call centres. Firefighting. Buildings. Emergency medical services. Regional, national and international collaboration. Scattered
Smarter City Example - Monitoring a the city is a complex task… Smarter Planet Challenge – Systems of Systems Transportation Public health Non-emergency call centres Firefighting Buildings Emergency medical services Regional, national and international collaboration Scattered information, huge potential for linkages Policing Homeland security Justice National intelligence Corrections Welfare Critical infrastructure (energy, water…) Education Borders 1
IBM Smarter Cities Challenge – Announce 9th Nov 2010 IBM Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs Program $50m over 3 years targeted at 100 Cities worldwide Grants of IBM talent for short term specific engagements Annual Selection process Over 200 Cities submitted bids in 2010 for 2011 Grants Glasgow was only UK City to receive a grant, 1 of 4 in Europe For 3 weeks in June, 5 IBM consultants worked with Glasgow City & Stakeholders on Reducing Fuel Poverty Final report delivered in September 2011 33 Smarter Cities Grants announced on 16th March 2012 Birmingham received an award to develop a strategic City ‘Simulator’ to support future investment decisions http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/uk/en/sustainable_cities/ideas/index.html
IBM approached the complex problem of fuel poverty by meeting with nearly 100 individuals and collaborating to bring affordable warmth to Glasgow Individuals Alembic Research
Fuel Poverty Households are considered by the Government to be in 'fuel poverty' if they would have to spend more than 10% of their household income on fuel to keep their home in a 'satisfactory' condition. Affordable Warmth EveryoneWants and Needs Affordable Warmth
Lack of affordable warmth and energy illiteracy are a serious threat to prosperity and sustainability in Glasgow and its standing in Europe Lack of affordable warmth is a community problem Affordable warmth People Place Process Policy New Economy Energy Literacy is a community project Energy Literacy 6
Glasgow can become the most energy literate city in Europe, stimulating the local economy and attracting relevant industry and investment
Glasgow organisations can do same great work for more citizens, faster PEOPLE • Encourage long-term policy considerations such as tariff simplification, retirement tariffs, meter placements, cost of privacy • Good practicessharing between utilities, advisors, council staff, housing associations, credit unions, etc… • Empower local council persons with ward-specific data • Amplify good work of local organisations • YouTube, Local Access Television, Smartphone Apps • Educate – Devices, Energy Saving, Tariffs, Programmes • Empowerthe clients – easy to use energy monitors can have a high rate of return
PROCESS (Energy Assistance Package) Finding assistance is a complex matter for those looking for affordable warmth Finding Assistance for Affordable Warmth Sources of Funding Legislation and Policy (CESP) (CESP) (Code of Vulnerability) Energy Suppliers’ Social Initiatives (CERT) The Fuel Poor Support Organisations Sources of Referral Private Rented Housing Occupier Social Housing Occupier Owner Occupier (To G.HEAT and from Employability to Sustainability) (Welfare Benefit & Housing Officers) (To G.HEAT and from Employability to Sustainability) (To G.HEAT) (Welfare Benefit & Housing Officers) 9 (To G.HEAT)
PROCESS & OWNERSHIP The first step to simplification Sustainable Glasgow the Brand for Affordable Warmth Appoint Affordable Warmth Champion Become The Trusted Advisor Integrator and Enabler of Collaboration Provide City Wide Governance of Progress
The process to achieve community energy literacy also enablesgrowth of the economy PROCESS Energy literacy is a process and steps will need to be reinforced along the way Predict Predictive Analytics roles in the new knowledge economy Measure Process of Literacy Microgrid and microgeneration SMEs Collect University Progress Community meter readers, crowdsourcing city-wide surveys, sensors installers Assist Local gov’t / business Local Energy Assistance Advisors sub-contracted by Utilities, social networking specialists Insulate Community New Jobs In Glasgow Radiator shelf builders, curtain makers, shower installers; building retrofitters for “Hard to Treat” properties Cottage industry 2016…. 2011 Affordable Warmth Maturity
Inflection Points mark life changes where pre-emptive or proactive responses can make more impact through early intervention PROCESS • Life changes (social status, physical, mental…) for those living payday-to-payday can mean a quick change from “financial comfort zone” to poverty • People do not realise that fuel poverty is a trap Pensioner Fuel Poverty Reaching Age of 65 OUT IN Time Fuel Poverty Low Income Price Change OUT • Changes in life events are known to some organisations. Real-time, quality referrals need to be enabled IN • Life change related data can be captured, analysed, and used by affordable warmth advisors to help clients earlier Time
Inflection Points mark life changes where pre-emptive or proactive responses can make more impact through early intervention
Translating policy to measurements around key fuel poverty issues POLICY Policy Reserved to Westminster (UK) • High Price of • Domestic Fuel • Available Data • - Energy Tariffs • difficult to compare • and understand • - Standing Charges • Unavailable Data • (privacy) • Amount paid for fuel • by a household • Low Disposable • Household Income • Available Data • - Index of Multiple Deprivation • -> Employment Depravation • Areas • -> Income Deprivation Areas • Unavailable Data (privacy) • - Income per household Policy Devolved to Holyrood (Scotland) • Poor Energy Efficiency at the Home • Available Data • - Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) • up to 28 months out-of-date • - >Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) • (dampness, condensation, % meeting SHQS) • - Scottish Household Survey (SHS) • up to 2 years out-of-date • - Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) • limited data, not enforced change in private Policy Devolved to Local Authority (Glasgow) • Work around the Policy – short term strategy • Glasgow specific policy • New meters to be installed only in accessible places • Prepayment meters should be lowest tariff paid upfront • A “safe” level of heating introduced to all Social Housing properties • New innovative ways to use various available data (3D, structured and unstructured data mining) • New venues to collect more data (open data platform, social network, university–driven activities) • Work on “affordable warmth” Policy – long term strategy • Utilities to share consumption data with Local Authorities • Energy standards enforced upon Private Landlords • Enforcement of smart meters targets (by 2015) • Tariff simplification • Cap on the number of tariffs • Minimum 2 years before user can be asked by utility to move to a new tariff (if it is higher) • Lowest tariff for people over 65 years old (retroactive) • No estimated reads over 5 months 14
PLACE Finding the most difficult places for Affordable Warmth is a vital part of understanding how people fit into place A New way of looking at existing Data Area has 3 indicators Top 100 most deprived areas Top 100 highest Job Seekers Allowance claims Top 100 dependants per working adult Area has 2 indicator
PLACE SAP Ratings (Standard Assessment Procedure) measure Housing Energy Efficiency Use Potential SAP minus Current SAP to identify target areas Room for improvement How Good it is • Rating made up from: • Thermal insulation • Efficiency and control of the space and water heating system • Fuel used for space and water heating • Ventilation • Solar gain of glazing
IBM Smarter Cities Challenge – Glasgow – June 2011 SAP Potential - SAP Actual = SAP Improvement Hotspots; Imagery can be used to see where to efficiently direct resources Source: Energy Health Check April 2008 to March 2011
Data can be captured using an App New Economy - Energy Literacy Example of using technology to capture information in a new way Community Meter readers (trusted visitors) can speed data collection Willing Consumers providing their own data bypasses Utilities Data Sharing Limits
Focus on five key competencies can enable the City of Glasgow to deliver affordable warmth to its citizens, create and attract new economy, and be a model for Europe The Journey to Affordable Warmth Place focus will identify areas at risk and improvement good practices supported with technology Policy will ensure complex system can be navigated by the masses Energy Literacy ensures Glaswegians are using energy efficiently with assistance from community and new economy businesses and technologies Processwill create efficiencies gained through structured collaboration People will become empowered through bi-directional, timely connections New Economy intelligent Policy to advance smarter systems to empower the community process/behavioral change interconnected Collaboration will ensure healthier community housing Improved Information Exchange – Integrated information instrumented Grassroots trusted advisor movement, social networking, and apps drive more focused efforts Ensuring people can understand, measure and control energy products –information capture on larger coordinated scale Data collection maturity over time 19
GCC can better target resources by identifying fuel problem earlier and amplifying solutions 1 2 3 4 People Place Process Policy Community efforts dedicated to energy literacy and affordable warmth Assistance when and where its needed, quickly Making spaces energy efficient and targeting resources for best ROI Supportive legislation that benefits the impacted Completed handoffs from one org to another, with results shared. Tariffs - 5% discount for pre-payment; best for over 65 Appoint Affordable Warmth Champion / Team / Budget Environmental Sensors in the home An innovation found to address economical solutions for “Hard to Treat” homes Surveys sent with the council tax Tariff simplification City-scale Energy Literacy through amplification Community meter readers for people at risk for arrears Utilities handover “in home” assistance activities to local orgs providing remuneration Understanding improvement potential and ROI investment Provide assistance to Private Landlords and Tenants to understand entitlement Intra-organisation case management Predictive Analytics of structured and non-structured Inflection data to provide more appropriate intervention A “safe” level of heating introduced to all Social Housing properties Sustainable Glasgow – trusted advisor, collaboration, governance Smarter Glasgow SMS Service to warn of high consumption Crowdsourcing with an “App” to allow Glaswegians to volunteer their data No estimated reads over 5 months Assistance for the elderly to move home Engage local politician–provide data by ward Urban Information Engineering Multi-channel message delivery Measure prevention not treatment Energy standards enforced upon Private Landlords Ambient orbs Affordable Warmth Capture, and react to, the Inflection Points in Glaswegians’ lives Build model to calculate the true cost of FP Appropriate housing for people over 65 Personal referral service Systems of systems ROI measurements Reinvigorate the community; run warm clubs Data segmentation Maximize the assets of Glasgow eg. Universities, brownfield Consider “Cost of Privacy” Scottish Opera Partnership for children Invert FP metrics: measure prevention not treatment Meters located in easy to reach areas Work around the system 2014 2012 2013 2015 2016
BASE Glasgow Conference Nov 2011 Glasgow Council Leader announces £100 Winter Warmth Dividend for all over 80’s on Pension Credit Funded by income generated from Cathkin Braes Wind Turbine Owned by Glasgow City Council Operated by Scottish & Southern Energy Expanded to all over 80s in Feb 2012
Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) - Architecture Intelligent Interconnected Instrumented Sensors 22
Choose a single issue Don’t boil the ocean Engage all interested parties No-one has all the answers - gather information Encourage Sharing Good Ideas Willing Collaboration achieves more Build a plan from simple to more challenging Do the Simple things first to get buy in – quick wins Feedback good news to all parties Celebrate success and update ideas from learning