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Interoperability between people, organisations, regions and equipment

Interoperability between people, organisations, regions and equipment. Middle East TETRA Conference Dubai May 2004 Risto Toikkanen Nokia. 11.05.2004. Various dimensions of Interoperability. Global issues in Public Safety & Security Organisational interoperability

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Interoperability between people, organisations, regions and equipment

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  1. Interoperability between people, organisations, regions and equipment Middle East TETRA Conference Dubai May 2004 Risto Toikkanen Nokia 11.05.2004

  2. Various dimensions of Interoperability • Global issues in Public Safety & Security Organisational interoperability • Between agencies/organisations • Between people Regional interoperability • Between regions • Across national borders Technical interoperability • Between equipment

  3. Organisational dimension Organisational interoperability: “Capability for agencies to communicate with each other” • On a daily basis • In emergency situations Hurdles • Legislation and/or regulation • Operating procedures & practices • Information security • Radio spectrum • Incompatible equipment

  4. Inter-regional dimension Inter-regional interoperability: “Capability for peer agencies to communicate across borders” • Between regions • Across national borders • New dimension: cross-agency & cross border Hurdles • Legislation and/or regulation • Politics • Operating procedures & practices • Information security • Radio spectrum • Incompatible technologies/equipment In Europe the cross-border interoperability is high on the EU/Schengen agenda.

  5. Technology dimension Technical interoperability: “Process to ensure that equipment from multiple vendors are compatible” • Problem-free operation • Wanted functionality • In practice it is about protocol conformance Hurdles • Standardisation • Standard conformance • Verification and certification • Competitive environment • Customer preferences • Backward compatibility

  6. Organisational interoperability: solutions Operating procedures • Agreements • Training Dedicated radio channels • Common technical specification • Agreed procedures Radio spectrum harmonisation • In some form this is a must Technology harmonisation – standards • Necessary to gain radio compatibility Shared networks • By far the most efficient tool • Requires high-tech system to ensure privacy • Both operational benefit and cost benefit BEST RESULT

  7. Regional interoperability: solutions 1. Political & organisational readiness 2A. Conventional technical measures • Extra equipment like cellphones • Extended coverage across border or repeaters • Control room interconnect by wireline • Radio swap between control rooms e.g. Belgium & France • Radio swap between users 2B. Network interconnect • TETRA Inter-System Interface (ISI) • Three-country pilot Belgium – Germany – The Netherlands • Cross-network PMR functionality, first time • True cross-agency & cross-border opportunity

  8. Three-Country Pilot (1) • Agreement between the governments of Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands • Based on the requirements of the Schengen Agreement on cooperation of police forces and customs across the national borders • To pilot cross-border functionality with TETRA ISI • To create operational scenarios

  9. Three-Country Pilot (2) • Phase 1 pilot testing completed in 2003 by use of pre-ISI solutions • Operational scenarios built and tested in practice • final report published at www.3countrypilot.com • Phase 2 ongoing now with operational requirements specification for the TETRA ISI produced in 2004 • Winner of Outstanding contribution to TETRA award in TWC 2003 • please see www.3countrypilot.com

  10. Technical interoperability: solutions Solutions are deeply technical Decisions are done in early development phase Cross-technology interoperability • Specific operating modes like analog FM radio channels TETRA Interoperability • The TETRA Interoperability (IOP) concentrates on technical interoperability certification of multi-vendor TETRA equipment. • Successful IOP certification is fundamental in creation of open multi-vendor market. • Open multi-vendor market is fundamental for the success of TETRA - and it has happened

  11. Benefits of open multi-vendor market User benefits • wide choice of compatible certified terminals • specialised product for special needs • continuous and genuine competition • less dependency - lower risk of market disturbances Industry benefits • wider market, bigger volumes • more possibility to invest – faster product creation • longer lifetime of market TETRA MoU Association runs the IOP certification process to guarantee open multi-vendor market

  12. TETRA IOP Certification process ACCEPTED into OPERATION (Also need CE mark or TA) STANDARDS CERTIFICATE TMO AI group DMO AI group ISI group (PEI group) MoU MoU Operator/User Association Technical Forum Members’ Enquiry Certification Body ISCTI *) – Rome/Italy approx 12 suppliers TEST PLANS TIP SPECS *) Instituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e tecnologie dell'Informazione

  13. TETRA IOP deliverables • TETRA Interoperability Profile (TIP) documents available to members • V + D Air Interface TIP’s Parts 1 to 17 are published or agreed • DMO TIP’s Parts 1 to 3 are published or agreed • TETRA ISI TIP’s Parts 1 to 6 are published • TETRA Interoperability Test Plan documents available to members • V + D Air interface Test Plans Parts 1-5, 7, 9-11 are published and used in certification • DMO Test Plan Part 1 is published and used in certification • Certification test sessions arranged at manufacturer’s premises to run the test cases specified in the Test Plans • TETRA IOP Certificates are public documents and published at the TETRA MoU website • A process is ongoing to improve the layout of the certification document to be more easily readable • Most customers today require their equipment supplier to provide IOP certificates on the features they purchase

  14. TETRA IOP achievements • Tested and certified functionality • V + D Air Interface TIP’s: • Part 1: Core (incl MS-ISDN dialling) • Part 2: Short Data Service • Part 3: Dynamic Group Number Assignment • Part 4: Authentication • Part 5: Packet Data • Part 7: Fleet Specific Short Number Dialling • Part 9: Ambience Listening • Part 10: End-to-end encryption with CVO • Part 11: Air Interface Encryption Direct Mode Operation TIP’s: • Part 1: Core Tested products from: • Cleartone • DeTeWe • Frequentis • IFR (tester) • Marconi/OTE • Motorola • Niros • Nokia • Rohde & Schwarz • Rohill • Simoco/Sepura • Teltronic • Thales Certificates at: www.tetramou.com THE AMOUNT OF CERTIFICATES VARIES BETWEEN COMPANIES – AND IS GROWING

  15. Conclusions Organisational interoperability • Best cooperation is achieved by a shared network • Current TETRA technology allows privacy and sharing • Not to forget the cost savings by sharing Regional interoperability • Becoming more & more important • TETRA ISI is the tool for network interconnect Technical interoperability • TETRA created a true multi-vendor market • Benefits to both users and industry • TETRA IOP Certificate is the paper to ask for

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