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SFC2014 and Rural D evelopment P rogrammes (RDPs) management

SFC2014 and Rural D evelopment P rogrammes (RDPs) management. Petr Lapka DG Agriculture and Rural Development Unit "Financial coordination of Rural Development" 16 January 2013. Agriculture and Rural Development. Outline. Enhanced strategic approach to programming

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SFC2014 and Rural D evelopment P rogrammes (RDPs) management

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  1. SFC2014 and Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) management Petr Lapka DG Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentUnit "Financial coordination of Rural Development"16 January 2013 Agriculture and Rural Development

  2. Outline • Enhanced strategic approach to programming • Beginning the programming exercise: the analytical component • Building the strategy and using the tools • Ensuring efficient and effective policy delivery 2

  3. Enhanced strategic approach to programming Europe 2020 and CAP specific role

  4. Enhanced strategic approach to programming Shortcomings in the current programming period • Lack of clear identification of needs of the specific programming area • Weak links between strategy and operations selected (poor intervention logic) • Insufficient targeting • No specific quantified targets • No selection of best projects • Inadequate quantification of programme's outcomes (indicators) • Amount and type of information

  5. Enhanced strategic approach to programming How to address the shortcomings?=> enhanced strategic approach to programming • Continuity and evolution with respect to the present programming period: • Clearer and better structured policy priorities • Reinforced result-orientation and target setting and increased emphasis on performance • Enhanced flexibility in the use of measures

  6. Enhanced strategic approach to programming Impact on SFC2014 • SFC2014 to support this evolution: • Built-in structured approach (templates) in the application • Structured indicators tables, including the indicator plan (target setting) • Flexibility in the selection of measures to address the needs identified in light of the SWOT analysis

  7. Enhanced strategic approach to programming Impact on SFC2014 • SFC2014 = SFC2007 + the following objectives: + 2014-2020 Programming Period (new Regulations) + Improved Workflow (e.g., parallel modifications) + Structured Programme Definition (no more docs) + Hybrid approach for large documents such as ex-ante evaluation (attached to the RDP or ) + extract to:

  8. Beginning the programming exercise The SWOT analysis • Scope: providing a holistic picture of the whole programming area • Description of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats • Identification of needs to be addressed by the RDP intervention (including justification for sub-programmes) • Should cover elements related to all 6 priorities and all focus areas • For each sub-programme: specific SWOT and needs assessment.

  9. Beginning the programming exercise The SWOT analysis and SFC2014 • SWOT analysis covering the whole programming area Overall description [Text: X characters]  Overall description (quantitative and qualitative) of the situation of the programming area concerned, based on programme-specific and common context indicators (to be developed). Strengths: [Text: X characters]  Weaknesses : [Text: X characters]  Opportunities : [Text: X characters]  Threats: [Text: X characters]

  10. Beginning the programming exercise The SWOT analysis and SFC2014 • Identification of needs on the basis of the SWOT • […] • Follow logically from the SWOT analysis and should be prioritised • Needs to be analysed in relation to - and attributed to - the priorities and focus areas, and the three cross-cutting themes • Should clearly indicate whether specific needs do not emerge in relation to one or more focus areas Priority 1 Focus area 1A Focus area 1B Focus area 1C [Text: X characters] Priority 2 Focus area 2A Focus area 2B [Text: X characters] Priority 6 Focus area 2A Focus area 2B [Text: X characters]

  11. Beginning the programming exercise The SWOT analysis and SFC2014 • Cross-cutting themes • SpecificSWOT and needs assessment to be established separately for each of the thematic sub-programmes • Structure to be developed Specific needs concerning the environment, climate change mitigation and adaptation and innovation: [Text: X characters]

  12. Beginning the programming exercise The ex ante evaluation • Description of the process, e.g. timing of main events, intermediate reports, etc. • Overview of recommendations • Full ex-ante evaluation as attachment, e.g.: or Description of the process [Text: X characters]

  13. Building the strategy and using the tools Intervention logic • Combination of measures/operations to achieve the objectives set • Basis for establishing indicators to measure progress • Efficiency and effectiveness of actions/measures in relation to their objectives • MS responsible to set out the appropriate mix of measures to achieve their policy goals during programming • Measures can be used flexibly and in various ways to support different focus areas and priorities • Additional focus areas may be introduced under certain conditions (needed to achieve policy objectives under a priority + sound justification)

  14. Building the strategy and using the tools Intervention logic and SFC2014 • Combination of measures/operations to achieve the objectives set Overall description [Text: X characters]  • Combination of measures: • […] • Priority 5 (overall description): Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors • Focus area 5B (rationale for the combination of measures): Increasing efficiency in energy use in agriculture and food processing • Measure Art 18-1 Support for Investments in agricultural holdings • Measure Art 18-2 Support for investments in processing/ marketing of agricultural production • Measure Art 18-3 Support for Investment in agricultural and forestry infrastructure • […]

  15. Building the strategy and using the tools Intervention logic and SFC2014 • SFC2014 to generate automatically: • Intervention logic Diagram • Overview of the strategy table of the rural development programme • Overview of the most relevant measures/sub-measures to programme for each focus area

  16. Building the strategy and using the tools Description of the measures selected in SFC2014 • Measure fiche automatically generated for each measure selected in the intervention logic • No double encoding between • Financial information in the measure fiche and financial plan • Planned output in the measure fiche and indicators plan • SFC2014 structure under construction • Text boxes for • General conditions applying to more than one measure • Specific description by measure and transitory arrangements • Contribution to focus areas and cross-cutting objectives • Verifiability and controllability • Tables for • Types of operations table (scope, type and level of support) • Financial information • Planned output

  17. Building the strategy and using the tools Financing plan (draft) • Annual breakdown by type of region and for transferred funds • Contributions planned by measure • Discontinued measures (contribution / co-financing rate) • Co-financing rates and EU / Total public expenditure ¹An additional line on transitional measures may be needed in case of different co-financing rates

  18. Building the strategy and using the tools Description of the measures selected in SFC2014 • Measure fiche automatically generated for each measure selected in the intervention logic • No double encoding between • Financial information in the measure fiche and financial plan • Planned output in the measure fiche and indicators plan • SFC2014 structure under construction • Text boxes for • General conditions applying to more than one measure • Specific description by measure and transitory arrangements • Contribution to focus areas and cross-cutting objectives • Verifiability and controllability • Tables for • Types of operations table (scope, type and level of support) • Financial information • Planned output

  19. Building the strategy and using the tools Other RDP information to be provided in SFC2014 • SFC2014 will also implement structured sections for: • Additional financing and state aid • Information on complementarity • Programme implementing arrangements • Partnership and NRN activity • Additional information for the type of operations implemented via financial instruments

  20. Ensuring efficient and effective policy delivery Indicator plan • Reinforced result-orientation and target setting: • Quantified targets for the period 2014-2020 • New decision on RDP needed if change of more than 50% in any target indicator linked to a focus area • Planned outputs and planned expenditure by measure and focus area • "Secondary effects" should be described and reported on in a qualitative table, i.e. potential contributions of measures/sub-measures programmed under a given focus area to other focus areas / targets

  21. Ensuring efficient and effective policy delivery Example for focus area 2B From the indicator tables by focus area, an overall consolidated table with planned outputs and planned expenditure by measure will be generated automatically in SFC2014

  22. Ensuring efficient and effective policy delivery Indicator plan and SFC2014 • New compared to SFC2007: Structured indicator plan • SFC2014 to automatically calculate the RDPs' contribution to Partnership Agreement • e.g.: indicative allocation of EU contribution by thematic objective for all funds • SFC2014 to implement rules and tables for the management of indicators • New Decision if modification by 50% of targets • Priority 1 'Fostering knowledge transfer and innovation' – horizontal priority • Environmental measures/sub-measures programmed to address more than one environmental issue (same hectarecounted against more than one target simultaneously)

  23. Ensuring efficient and effective policy delivery Other RDP information to be provided in SFC2014 • Limited number of general and EAFRD-specific ex-ante conditionalities • Performance framework: • Milestones established for each priority for 2019 and targets established for 2022 • Evaluation plan: • Overall framework evaluation plan by the MA, detailed enough to demonstrate that: • sufficient and appropriate activities are planned • adequate resources are allocated to these activities

  24. Support and Contact • Support for SFC2007 and SFC2014 web applications • sfc2007-info@ec.europa.eu • ec-sfc2014-info@ec.europa.eu • Support for SFC2007 and SFC2014 Web services • empl-sfc2007-ws@ec.europa.eu • ec-sfc2014-ws@ec.europa.eu • Conference web site • http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/sfc2014/agenda_en.cfm

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