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Section 10-1 The Byzantine Empire

Section 10-1 The Byzantine Empire. Why do you think Constantinople was a strategic capital city? (answer on next slide). Surrounded on 3 sides by water; good trade and defense. Control of Bosporus Strait made the city a shipping and trading hub.

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Section 10-1 The Byzantine Empire

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  1. Section 10-1 The Byzantine Empire

  2. Why do you think Constantinople was a strategic capital city? (answer on next slide) Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  3. Surrounded on 3 sides by water; good trade and defense • Control of Bosporus Strait made the city a shipping and trading hub • Walls only needed to be built on one side of the city • Protected by 13 miles of walls, watchtowers, and gates Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  4. 1. Byzantines 1. People who lived in the “city of Constantine” (Constantinople) by the early 500’s it had: *Large markets * Public Squares *Paved roads *Cathedral *Palace * Circus *Public Bath Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  5. 2. Why did Constantinople become rich and powerful? • 2. • The city was located at a major crossroads of trade between land (Europe and Asia) and sea (Black and Mediterranean Seas) • They taxed all goods that went through the city Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  6. Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  7. 3. Strengths of the Byzantine Empire 3. *Strong Fortifications *Excellent Army *Wise Rulers *Encouraged Education *Reformed laws and government Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  8. Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  9. 4. Greatest Byzantine Emperor in 527- was open minded to new ideas 4. Justinian Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  10. Byzantium’s most ambitious ruler • Head of church and state • Drove barbarians out of Africa , Spain, and Italy • Expanded Byzantine Empire but failed to capture Rome • Built bridges, churches, hospitals, libraries, parks • Justinian’s scholars revised laws and created Justinian’s Code • This code of Justinian influenced many Western legal codes • While alive Justinian was described as devout, determined, and energetic • After his death, a historian named Procopius referred to Justinian as two-faced and cruel Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  11. 5. Justinian’s Code • 5. • Organized Collection and explanation of Roman laws used during the Byzantine Empire • Basis for the legal systems of most European Countries Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  12. 6. What cultures influenced the Byzantine civilization? 6. *Greek *Roman *Christian Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  13. Cathedral’s size, thick pillars, and enclosed space show Roman influence • Largest of Justinian’s 25 new cathedrals • Plain exterior symbolizes earthly life • When Constantinople fell to the Turks, Hagia Sophia became a mosque • Ornate interior symbolizes spiritual universe • Today it is a museum • Intricate and ornate design shows Eastern influence Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  14. 7. Schism 7. Split in the Christian Church in 1054 Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  15. 8. Three differences that led to the schism in the Christian church 8. See next slide….. Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  16. Roman Catholic Church Pope Latin Language Banished Byzantine Emperor from the Church Eastern Greek Orthodox Patriarch- highest church official Greek Language Outlawed Icons of Saints or holy people from 700 to 843 West vs.. East Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  17. Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

  18. 9. Why did Constantinople finally fall? 9. The city was weakened by attacks from Muslim peoples from the east and Christian Crusaders from the west. It finally fell in 1453. Chapter 10 Lesson 1 The Byzantine Empire

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