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ZeroCool: Innovative Green Refrigeration Units

ZeroCool, composed of skilled students, aims to create ultra-efficient consumer refrigeration units to prevent carbon dioxide emissions. Using innovative technology, our solution harnesses local temperature gradients for optimal cooling. With a market analysis showing potential buyers in the US and significant energy savings, our business offers a unique and environmentally friendly product. Our team possesses the expertise in engineering, physics, materials science, and business operations to bring this innovative solution to life.

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ZeroCool: Innovative Green Refrigeration Units

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  1. Making the environment work for you

  2. Company & Mission • ZeroCool is an organization comprised of students with specialties in: • Engineering • Physics • Electrical Systems Optimization, • Materials Science with a passion for the engineering and implementation of innovative green technologies • Mission: • To design, manufacture, and sell ultra-efficient consumer refrigeration units • Promise: • For each of our units, approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide will be prevented from entering the atmosphere

  3. Problem • In winter, a refrigeration unit or standalone freezer operates in an artificially heatedenvironment. • A relatively large amount energy is required in order to create the large temperature gradient utilized to cool or freezehome refrigeration units. This energy use is wasteful, unnecessary, and expensive ($$$). Freezing winter months (freezer) Heatout $$$ in

  4. ZeroCool Solution • A residential ultra efficient refrigeration unit which combines the merits of conventional heat exchange technology with an extended, programmable heat sink appendage that takes advantage of locally available temperature gradients (outside air). Freezing winter months (freezer) Cool in

  5. Technology • DIY projects have proven concept, however there are no known commercially available products for the residential market • Our mission is to design, manufacture, and sell a simple, elegant, appealing product http://www.smegusa.com http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-an-ultra-efficient-fridge/ http://www.treehugger.com/kitchen-design/man-retrofits-freezer-to-make-an-ultra-efficient-fridge.html

  6. Market Analysis • Latitudes greater than 40th parallel north in the United states experience outside temperatures adequate for refrigeration and freezer functions for approximately 3 months per year. • The population living above this parallel is 114.5 million individuals, with 60% of individuals living in single-family (~2.5 people per family) detached homes. Of these 27.5 million households, almost all own refrigerators and an estimated 34% own a (separate) deep freezer (9.35 million households). • Assuming an appliance life expectancy of 10 years, this results in an anticipated 3.7 million buyers in the residential refrigeration market per year. • With an average cost per refrigeration unit of $500, this equates to a 1.84billion dollar refrigeration market in our target geography within the US.

  7. Business Validity • We offer dramatic energy savings and CO2 savings over the lifetime of the appliance’s use. • The average refrigeration unit costs the owner between $8 and $18 dollars a month depending on local climate and daily usage. • Over the lifetime of the appliance this equates to an average of $1,560 in energy costs. • With a refrigeration unit that is capable of operating 3 months out of every year on little or no power in excess of 1$ a month, this amounts to approximately $400 dollars in energy savings. • This estimate is conservative as it does not include savings from year-round night-time dips in temperature which would also be harvested to passively run the refrigeration unit. • This is about 1 ton of carbon dioxide prevented from entering the atmosphere per one of our units installed.

  8. Competitors • Add-ons exist for industrial freezers which allow cold air in during winter months (e.g. http://freeaire.com/how-it-works/). The manufacturers of these units do not posses the infrastructure for producing residential-sized insulating freezer structures. • Relevant intellectual property rights in this space have expired, removing barriers to entry

  9. Team • Geoff McConohy, Team Lead and Inventor • UW-Madison Engineering Physics Undergraduate Student • Matthew Starr, Product Development • UW-Madison Materials Science Program Graduate Student • Wilson Ortiz-Vega, Power Systems Optimization • UW-Madison Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student • AJ Meinig, Product Development • UW-Madison Chemistry Undergraduate Class of 2012 • Don Lavrenz, Business Operations • UW-Madison Entrepreneurship, Management, Operations Technology Management, and Supply Chain Management Undergraduate Student

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