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EU Support to Promotion of Agricultural Products Today and Tomorrow Vlassios Sfyroeras

EU Support to Promotion of Agricultural Products Today and Tomorrow Vlassios Sfyroeras European Commission. Promotion of Agricultural Products Brussels 1st April 2011. THE SITUATION TODAY. What?. The co-financing of Information and promotion programmes for :

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EU Support to Promotion of Agricultural Products Today and Tomorrow Vlassios Sfyroeras

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  1. EU Support to Promotion of Agricultural Products Today and Tomorrow Vlassios Sfyroeras European Commission Promotion of Agricultural Products Brussels 1st April 2011


  3. What? • The co-financing of Information and promotion programmes for : • agricultural products and their method of production • food products based on agricultural products Where? • on the internal market • on third country markets

  4. Goals • achieve market development • boost product image in the eyes of consumers • supplement and reinforce Member States schemes (multiplier effect on national and private initiatives)

  5. Legal Basis • Council Regulation 3/2008 • Implementation rules laid down by Commission Regulation 501/2008

  6. Some statistics:2000-2010 • Internal market: Quality Meat • 29 programmes accepted (1 multi products) • Total budget: +/- 64,8 million € • EU contribution: +/- 32,4 million € • Third countries: Beef and pig • 19 programmes accepted (10 multi products) • Total budget: +/- 42,4 million € • EU contribution: +/- 21,1 million €

  7. Programmes distribution per products

  8. Programmes distribution per Member States

  9. Internal market promotional programmes 2007-2010 – type of action used

  10. Third countries promotional programmes 2007-2010 – type of action used

  11. Essential elements of a good proposal 1 • Proposing associations have to be representative for the sector • Detailed market analyses • Practical knowledge of the markets, especially in Third Countries programmes • Highly detailed description of budget and actions

  12. Essential elements of a good proposal 2 • Coherent set of actions, linked to the objectives • Measurable objectives, with a clearly defined starting point for the measurements • Precisely defined method of evaluation of the programme • Synergy/complementarity of the programme with other initiatives in the sector, public or private

  13. www.DISCOVERTHEORIGIN.co.uk A real « Multicountry » programme Good example of a real multicountry proposal because: • actions common for all 3 MS, for all 5 types of products • real partnership sharing unique message of quality, authenticity, know-how • real EU dimension of programme • mutual benefit for the EU Quality Systems and for the product themselves • simplified management


  15. Importance • Globalisation – opening of markets creates opportunities and challenges • Market orientation of the CAP: less public intervention on the markets (eg. Export refunds) • EU is net exporter of food and foodstuffs

  16. Objectives • Raise consumer awareness on the quality of EU agricultural products • Increase sales on the global markets • Assist SME’s in their sales on third markets

  17. New EU Strategy • Distinction of the markets: (1) Local and regional markets (2) Internal market (3) External market • EU added value

  18. Local and regional markets • Developing new marketing strategies like for instance: - direct sales - creation of farmers markets in cities - short distance selling - direct contact between farmers and consumers • Tool: Rural Development

  19. Internal Market • Information campaigns on - CAP in general - Production standards (environment, food safety, animal welfare, water, climate) and quality - Nutrition Value - Fight against obesity • Slogans:“Taste of Europe”, “Taste of Tradition”, “Taste of Quality”, “Know How”, “Quality of Life”

  20. External Market • Technical assistance: market analysis; analysis of consumer habits • Targeting interesting markets (FTA markets, Japan, China, Russia, US) • Information • Promotion

  21. Open Questions • Product coverage of the new policy - status quo? - one strategy for all products? - one policy for all products • Use of private brands • Development of information and promotion tools (e.g.. Basket approach) • Set up of multi country programmes • Money

  22. Implementation • Either: direct management (eventually via an agency) • Or: shared management between Commission and Member States • Simplification of procedures • Assistance (guidelines, workshops, exchange of best practices)

  23. Next Steps • Green Book on promotion and information before summer 2011 • Communication on promotion and information before summer 2012 • Legislative Proposal before end of 2012 • First operational projects: 2014/2015

  24. And until then? • Improving the functioning of the current framework by: - streamlining procedures - giving more systematic assistance (templates, workshops, exchange of best practices) - encouraging multi country programmes • Result: reducing the refusal rate

  25. More information • http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/prom Thank you for your attention

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