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Tab View

Tab View. Nama kelompok : Leni Marliana Bella Tergianti Fadillah Mega Sejati M. Gilang Ari Apriana. kelompok 7. View : tab ini berisi ikon-ikon untuk mengatur tampilan dokumen. Document Views. Document views - Print layout - Full screen reading - Web layout - Outline - Draft.

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Tab View

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tab View Nama kelompok : Leni Marliana Bella Tergianti Fadillah Mega Sejati M. Gilang Ari Apriana kelompok 7

  2. View : tab ini berisi ikon-ikon untuk mengatur tampilan dokumen

  3. Document Views Document views - Print layout - Full screen reading - Web layout - Outline - Draft

  4. Show • Ruler • Gridlines • Navigation pane

  5. Zoom • Zoom • 100% • One page • Two pages • Page width

  6. Window • New window • Arrange all • Split • View side by side • Synchronous scrolling • Reset window position • Switch window

  7. Macros • View macros • Record macros • Pause recording

  8. Sekian dan terima kasihCreated by :Leni MarlianaBella TergiantiFadillah Mega SejatiM. Gilang Ari Apriana

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