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Trust Board Committee – 25 th March 2011

Trust Board Committee – 25 th March 2011. Robust Action Plan developed. Performance Management and Monitoring. Improved Escalation Review of Cohort Unit. - Failure to deliver the 4 hour core access target for the year. - Failure to achieve C-Difficile target for the year. SUFFICIENT.

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Trust Board Committee – 25 th March 2011

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  1. Trust Board Committee – 25th March 2011

  2. Robust Action Plan developed. • Performance Management and Monitoring. • Improved Escalation • Review of Cohort Unit - Failure to deliver the 4 hour core access target for the year. - Failure to achieve C-Difficile target for the year. SUFFICIENT Note the Trust Performance to February 2011

  3. 1. Introduction 2. Emergency Care A&E 3. Cancelled Operations 4. LOS 5. Outcomes & Effectiveness – Clostridium Difficile 6. Patient Safety 7. Risk Assessment 8. Patient Experience 9. Conclusion Contents

  4. 1.& 2. Introduction & Emergency Care 1. Introduction:This report provides a briefing to the Board members on the performance against key targets up to February 2011. The paper focuses on the main targets, identified by the Department of Health and the Care Quality Commission. 2. Emergency Care – A&E Target: 95% of patients seen/treated/discharged within 4 hours The Trust did meet the 95% Target for the month of February 2011 (98.59%). Key actions:- EAU posts to be advertised in February. Integrated Action Plan agreed and monitored weekly, via weekly A&E departmental meetings. Review of medical commitments in morning and afternoon commenced. Job Plans are being updated. Bed Meetings reviewed and enhanced. Standard operating procedures commenced. Short stay beds introduced on ward G5. Trust will pilot Discharge/Transfer Lounge in March to assist with flow of patients and discharge planning. The updated detailed A&E 4 hour performance action plan is attached as a separate paper. Page 4

  5. 3. Cancelled Operations The target was not met for February at 0.85% A decrease in performance from last month.  Out of Theatre time (41%) and Lack of theatre time (29%) are the highest reasons for cancellation. Urgent Patients (18%) and Equipment issues (12%) follow. Target 0.8% Actual 0.85% (YTD) The Productive Operating Theatre project (TPOT) is in progress, and will be reported to the Board in March 2011. Page 5

  6. 4. Length of Stay (Spells) • The targets are from Dr Foster ‘Expected’ positions using 09/10 as a benchmark. • Non Elective LOS for Medicine is above target – Actions to improve this performance is linked to discharge action plans and implementation of EAU model and short stay beds. • Non Elective LOS for Surgery remains below the expected level, but has seen an increase in 2010/11. This is related to complex elderly patients. • Elective LOS for Surgery is similar to last year. Review of day case and day of surgery activity continues, especially in urology. The productive theatre will also focus on Urology. Page 6

  7. 5. Outcomes and Effectiveness Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio HSMR has been fairly consistent over recent months and is below the expected level as can be seen by the overall mortality shown in the graphs and the table giving a mortality rate for the five Dr Foster - How Safe is Your Hospital indicators. These tables provide information on relative risk, with red, blue and green traffic lighting. Blue indicates that the score is within the standard deviation. We continue to monitor the overall HSMR at the Patient Outcomes Group. We also monitor the HSMR for emergency patients and identify any individual  diagnoses that trigger any alerts. These are all investigated and reported to the Quality and Risk Committee and Patient Outcomes Implementation Group. Page 7

  8. 5. Outcomes and Effectiveness • Infection Prevention • The C. difficile stretch target for 2010/11 is 29 hospital cases. The PCT contract is 42 cases. In February there were a further 2 hospital attributed cases, bringing the total to 34. All patients were transferred to the F9 cohort unit within the time frame specified. • The Trust continues to achieve excellent results in other infection control KPIs. There were no hospital associated MRSA bacteraemia and High Impact Intervention performance has improved with scores ranging from 93-100%: • HII 1a: CVC Insertion scored 93% in the Critical Care Unit due to a documentation issue. This is being addressed by the Matron. • HII 2b: Peripheral cannula ongoing scored 97% due to VIP scores not recorded. • All other HII scored 100% compliance. • Antibiotic Prescribing • There was an improvement in performance to 95% in January. The revised drug chart which includes a specific antibiotic prescribing section requiring a medical review signature every 3 days has been implemented from the 1st March. Page 8

  9. 6. Patient Safety Pressure Ulcers The number of patients with ward acquired pressure ulcers decreased this month to 12 with 1 Grade 3 and 1 Grade 4 pressure ulcer reported Themes from RCAs: • Four pressure ulcers were considered avoidable and root causes were identified as infrequent assessment of patients and a lack of proactive pressure ulcer prevention plan. • Eight pressure ulcers were classed as unavoidable as all aspects of the pressure ulcer management bundle were implemented Actions: • The pressure ulcer prevention group will be driving improvement through the development of a strategy and workstreams focusing on identified problems from RCAs. • To ensure that appropriate action is taken from the risk assessment, the matrons will be moving their focus from incident management to risk management with an early warning system from the Ward to Matron.. • Pressure ulcer incidence will be reviewed at Directorate Performance Meetings. Page 9

  10. 6. Patient Safety Patient Falls The total number of falls in February was 51. 16 of these falls resulted in harm to the patient. Themes from RCAs: • Only minor harm was caused. • Of the falls with harm, all were elderly patients and 75% of these patients had delirium/dementia. • Five of the sixteen falls were considered preventable as 1:1 nursing staff were requested to “special” but were unavailable and one patient was inappropriately left alone on the commode by a physiotherapist. Actions: • Driving forward the dementia strategy may decrease falls in this patient group. A SWIFT bid has just been approved which will provide two trainers delivering dementia/delirium knowledge and practice development as well as a County project lead who willembed the change process and develop pathways of care, policies and guidelines in order to ensure that the practice development is embedded and sustained. • The Falls Group has updated the documentation as part of their action plan reported recently at the Operational Group meeting. • All completed parts of the documentation form our falls management plan: screening, risk assessment, medical review, high risk care plan and post-fall protocol. The Matrons audit 10 patients/ward area/month with a random sampling strategy to ensure that our falls management plan is adhered to. Page 9

  11. 6. Patient Safety Venous Thrombo-Embolism (VTE) Verbal update to be provided at the meeting by Dermot O’Riordan. 11 Page 10

  12. 6. Patient Safety Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Performance data: A total of 11 RCAs were undertaken in February: 6 SIRIs and 5 reds. These related to: 3 unexpected deaths, 2 Pressure Ulcers, 2 falls and 1 regarding discharge planning. 2/11 have an associated complaint letter. 2/5 of the RCAs (non SIRI) were late (both) by seven working days. No SIRI RCAs were late. A delay in receipt of the chronologies meant that the meetings attendees were not identified early enough to set the meetings up within the deadlines. The process has now been amended to ensure that the initial chronology request includes an "attendees required" question to ensure that delays in receipt of final chronology do not impact on meeting dates. In March all eight RCAs due have dates set within the 45 working day limit. All the 10 actions outstanding in last month's dashboard have now been completed. An additional 10 became due at the end of February all from one RCA. Of these 6 are still outstanding. The action plan from this RCA was the subject of in depth discussion at the Operation Steering group on the 28th February. As a result it was agreed to take an organisational approach to the issues raised rather than locally to the area. This has led to a review of the timeascales for implementation. The key issues identified include; a)The induction of Locums across the Trust, b) Consultation with the Consultant before all invasive procedures, however minor, and c) An update to the aspiration policy. Patient Safety Incidents resulting in harm: Please refer to SIRI report for details. 12 Page 12

  13. 7. Risk Assessments Additional Controls in Place 13 Page 11

  14. 8. Patient Experience Patient Satisfaction (Patient Experience Tracker) • Overall satisfaction was 95%. No questions scored a red performance rating. • Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires (PSQ) (paper) • All remaining clinical areas use this method for reporting and overall satisfaction remained at 82% although only 173 patients completed the paper questionnaire. • The questions with red performance ratings relate to noise at night and discharge advice re: who to contact/medication side effects. The noise at night is particularly an issue in the midwifery areas and also medical wards due to confused patients. • The low score re: discharge advice is related to the timing of the questionnaire rather than lack of advice as patients wait for TTOs and complete the questionnaire prior to being given side-effect advice. A number of wards also use volunteers to complete the questionnaires with patients prior to side-effect information being given. • Actions: • Increase the number of patient respondents. • Continue to advise ward areas to ask patients to complete the patient satisfaction questionnaires at discharge. • Advise the patient discharge lounge staff to ensure questionnaires have been completed. • Proactive management of sleep routines for patients with dementia. CQUIN Achievement of 2% patients surveyed this month was achieved by all CQUIN reportable areas. 14 Page 13

  15. 8. Patient Experience Same Sex Accommodation Same Sex Accommodation There were no breaches of same sex accommodation criteria during February. Environment and Cleanliness Page 14

  16. 9. Conclusion • The action plan remains in place and performance has improved in January with regard to the 4hr standard. • One of the major challenges for the Trust, was in adherence to same sex accommodation , the re-configuration in December has improved performance. • Performance with regard to C-Difficile, full RCA’s have been carried out and actions implemented specifically with regard to anti biotic prescribing and monitoring. • Progress on other KPI’s is being made. Page 15

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