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Department of Police: Strategic Plan 2010/2014

Department of Police: Strategic Plan 2010/2014. Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development. Strategic Plan 2010/14. Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics Legislative and other Mandates Constitutional Mandates Legislative Mandates Policy Mandates

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Department of Police: Strategic Plan 2010/2014

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  1. Department of Police: Strategic Plan 2010/2014 Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development

  2. Strategic Plan 2010/14 • Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics • Legislative and other Mandates • Constitutional Mandates • Legislative Mandates • Policy Mandates • Situational Analysis • Strategic Priorities of the SAPS • Long-term Infrastructure and Capital Asset Plan • Service Delivery Improvement Programme • Information and Communication Technology Plan • Human Resource Management Plan

  3. Constitutional Mandate • The mandate of the SAPS is derived from Section 205 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996). The objectives of policing are: • Prevent, combat and investigate crime. • Maintain public order. • Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property. • Uphold and enforce the law.

  4. Legislative Mandates - Administration • The SAPS is responsible for the administration of the following legislation, which has been taken into consideration during the determining of the strategic priorities and objectives for the SAPS: • The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police Service Amendment Act, (Act No. 57 of 2008). This Act states that “there is a need to provide a police service throughout the national territory to: • ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in the national territory; • uphold and safeguard the fundamental rights of every person as guaranteed by Chapter 3 of the Constitution; • ensure co-operation between the Service and the communities it serves in the combating of crime; • reflect respect for victims of crime and an understanding of their needs; and • ensure effective civilian supervision over the Service”. • Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 33 of 2004). • Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000). • Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No. 26 of 1956). • Tear-gas Act, 1964 (Act No. 16 of 1964). • Dangerous Weapons Act, 1968 (Act No. 71 of 1968). • Control of Access to Public Premises and vehicles Act, 1985 (Act No. 53 of 1985). • National Key Points Act, 1980 (Act No. 102 of 1980). • Intimidation Act, 1982 (Act No. 72 of 1982). • Second-hand Goods Act, 1955 (Act No. 23 of 1955). • The Private Security-Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act No. 56 of 2001).

  5. Legislative Mandates – Powers and Functions • The SAPS derives its powers and functions from the following legislation, which enables the activities undertaken in pursuance of its mandate in terms of Section 205 of the Constitution: • The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police Service Amendment Act, (Act No. 57 of 2008). • The Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977). • The Regulation and Interception of Communications and Provision of related Information Act , 2002 (Act No. 70 of 2002). • The National Strategic Intelligence Act, 1994 (Act No. 39 of 1994). • The Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998). • The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004). • The Inter-Governmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No 13 of 2005). • The Sexual Offences Act, 2007 (Act no. 32 of 2007) • The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008).

  6. Policy Mandates - The Medium-term Strategic Framework • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) by enhancing detective and forensic environments. • Modernize the CJS through the application of technology solutions. • Enhancing the skills and increasing the number of investigators and forensic experts. • Mobilize the population in the fight against crime. • Acceleration of efforts to reduce serious and violent crimes. • Intensifying of efforts to combat crimes against women and children and the promotion of the empowerment of victims of crime. • Establishment of a border management agency to manage migration, customs and land borderline control services and to efficiently coordinate other relevant departments in the ports of entry environment. • Combat corruption in the public and private sector.

  7. Policy Mandates – JCPS Cluster Priorities • Levels of overall contact and trio crimes. • Acceleration of efforts to reduce Contact Crimes by 34% and the Trio Crimes by 31% by the 31 March 2014 • Effectiveness and integration of criminal justice systems. • Corruption. • Crime perception management. • Effectiveness and integration of Border Management. • Securing the identify and status of citizens. • Integration of Information Communication Technology systems and the development of an integrated cyber crime approach.

  8. SAPS’ Strategic Priorities • The SAPS’ proposed strategic priorities were derived from the following sources: • Presidents’ State of the Nation Address – 11 February 2010 • The deliberations from the National Commissioner’s Strategic Planning Session - September 2009 • Critical analysis provided by Deputy National Commissioners, Provincial and Divisional Commissioners • The JCPS Cluster Priorities • Organisations such as Business Against Crime • The Conversation with the President • International relations, e.g. partnerships / relations with other international policing agencies • Issues identified by the National Commissioner • Please note: the strategic priorities provide a broad, 4-year direction • The strategic priorities will be implemented by means of specific key actions • The detail associated with performance management will be in the Annual Performance Plan.

  9. Operational Strategic Priorities and Key Actions • Crime Prevention • Reduction of crime levels • Specifically contact crime, including the “trio crimes” • Crimes against women and children (domestic violence) • Contact crimes have a social dimension • Addressing substance abuse as a contributing factor to the violent nature of crime • Increasing the visibility of SAPS personnel members • Ensure implementation of an intelligence-driven, integrated, comprehensive crime prevention strategy • Reduction of illegal firearms • Engage with other Government Departments • Crime perception management • Mobilization of the community in the fight against crime • Building a positive image of the SAPS • Victim empowerment, expand roll-out of victim friendly facilities, all new police stations to have facilities, existing police stations equipped with facilities • An annual victim survey

  10. Operational Strategic Priorities and Key Actions • Crime Prevention (cont.) • Effectiveness and integration of border management • Improving regional cooperation • Contribute to the establishing of a Border Management Agency • Policing incidents of a public disorder or security nature • Provide a rapid response capability for intervening in dangerous and potentially dangerous situations • Combating corruption • The prevention, detection and investigation of corruption in the SAPS • Complying with legislative obligations, i.e. the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 • Managing perceived and actual levels of corruption • Coordinated anti-corruption operations across the CJS • Medium-term Target: • Focussed on the reduction of levels of all serious crime between 4-7% • Reduction of levels of contact crime has been set at 34% • Reduction of trio crimes has been set at 31%

  11. Operational Strategic Priorities and Key Actions • Investigation of crime • Effective investigation of reported crime • Coordinated focus on apprehending and charging known criminals (across provincial boundaries) • The further capacitating of the Directorate of Priority Crimes Investigation (DPCI) • Securing the identity and status of citizens • Prioritise operations against perpetrators of identity theft • Focus on national priority crimes, including organised crime, commercial crime, drugs, people smuggling, human trafficking, cyber crime and corruption • Cyber crime policy developed • The improving of the CJS • Arrest and investigation process • Intelligence utilization • Coordination of delivery of quality and professional services • Improve capacity / professionalism of Detectives • Medium -term Target: Increasing the detection rate of contact crimes to 57.5% and for trio crimes to 31% • Support to the Investigation of Crime • Improve forensic services and fingerprints • The collection of evidence • Improving the procedures for the updating of records of criminals • Extend the capacity of the Criminal Record and Forensic Science Services Division • Medium-term Target: Extend the capacity during the next four years and the incremental increase of targets relating to the processing of forensic and fingerprint evidence.

  12. Operational Strategic Priorities and Key Actions • Crime Intelligence • Provide actionable intelligence on crime priorities to ensure prosecutions • Focus intelligence operations against syndicates involved in drug and people smuggling and human trafficking • Capacitate crime intelligence • Improve capacity and resource intelligence operations against crime syndicates • Enhance the analysis capacity to improve the quality of assessments • Improve coordination between Crime Intelligence and operational Divisions to enhance operational activities.

  13. Organizational Strategic Priorities and Key Actions • Human Capital Development • Skills development and the retention of skills • Focused recruitment of personnel • Health and wellness of the SAPS’ employees • Transformation • Racial discrimination, employment and gender equity • Budget and Resource Management • Improving infrastructure • The building of new police stations / offices and the refurbishing of existing stations / offices • Victim Friendly Facilities • Enhancing Information Systems and Information Communications Technology (IS / ICT) • Development of IS / ICT, including integration of systems across the JCPS Cluster, including inter alia: • System to be developed to ensure records and data on corruption crimes across the CJS • Database of victims across the CJS • Database that enables convictions and sentences related to identity theft • Integrated systems approach to combating cyber crime • Enhancing of asset management • Critical items, including vehicles, firearms and bullet-resistant vests

  14. Medium-term Plans within the Strategic Plan • Long-term Infrastructure and Capital Asset Plan • The purpose of the Long-term Infrastructure and Capital Asset Plan is to improve the infrastructure of the SAPS, in line with the needs of the community and the requirements in this regard that have been determined by the National Commissioner. • Information Systems and Information and Communication Technology (IS/ICT) Plan • The purpose of the IS/ICT Plan is to ensure the development (including systems within the SAPS and between relevant Departments), sustainability and implementation of IS/ICT in line with the constitutional, legislative and policy mandates and the strategic priorities of the SAPS. • Medium-term Human Resource Plan • The purpose of the SAPS’ Medium-term HR Plan is to manage the human resources that the department has at its disposal in line with the constitutional, legislative and policy mandates and the strategic priorities of the SAPS.

  15. Implementation strategies • Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP) • Purpose : to improve basic service delivery by ensuring the implementation of the Batho Pele principles within the SAPS • Firearms Strategy • Purpose : to eradicate the proliferation of firearms available for criminal use in crime and violence in South Africa • Crime against women and Children Strategy • To reduce crimes against women and children, as well as the impact of these crimes on women and children • Reactive measures - steps to be taken by the investigating officer • Preventive measures - initiatives undertaken by the SAPS with other departments, NGOs and the community to prevent crimes against women and children. • Implementation of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 - the Department has developed a National Instruction to ensure effective implementation of the SAPS’ responsibilities.

  16. Implementation strategies (continued) • Corruption and Fraud Prevention Strategy • Preventing corruption and fraud in the SAPS • Detecting alleged cases of corruption and fraud involving SAPS personnel • Effective investigation of cases of corruption and fraud • Implementing restorative actions aimed at dealing with potential shortcomings which may result in or contribute to corruption and fraud • Risk Management Strategy • Finalizing of the revision of the Enterprise Risk Management Framework, including the Risk Management National Instruction • Procurement of a Risk Management Information System • Establishing Risk Assurance (reporting) • Improving Risk Management capacity and knowledge within the SAPS

  17. End, Thank you

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