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The Largest mirror in the world. The Uyuni salt lake of Tunupa , covers 12.000 km², making it the biggest salt lake in the world . It is located 3.650 metros up in the mountains of Bolivia, and is considered as one of the seven natural marvels of the world.
TheUyuni saltlake of Tunupa, covers12.000 km², makingitthebiggestsaltlake in theworld. Itislocated 3.650 metros up in themountains of Bolivia, and isconsidered as one of theseven natural marvels of theworld.
After rain when covered with water the salt lake is converted into the largest mirror in the world.
Itiscomprised of approximately11 layers of salt of depthsvaryingfrom 2 to 10 meters . The superficial crustisabout 10 metersdeepwhilethemaximumdepth of thesaltlakeis 120 meters. Thecrustiscomprised of mushysaltbrinewhenwet.
Thesaltlake of Uyuni, isestimatedtocontain 10 thousandmilliontonne s of salt, of whichtheyextract25 thousandtonneseachyear.
The traditional extraction method is to make mounds from which the water evaporates before transporting.
These blocks of dry salt are used in construction of hotel buildings on the salt lake.