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Inflammation. (Inflammatory Response). Damage to the body’s tissue through a cut triggers a general, non-specific defensive response called inflammation. .

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  1. Inflammation. (Inflammatory Response)

  2. Damage to the body’s tissue through a cut triggers a general, non-specific defensive response called inflammation. Inflammation has 3 main functions. 1. to destroy the agent causing injury, 2. limit the effects of the agent and 3. to repair and replace damaged body tissue.

  3. When tissue cells become injured they release a number of chemicals that initiate the inflammatory response. Examples of these are cytokinins, prostaglandins and histamines. Bacteria Chemical Signals Blood Vessel

  4. These chemicals work collectively to cause increased vasodilation (widening of blood capillaries). This leads to increased blood flow to the injured site. These substances also act as chemical messengers that attract some of the body's natural defence cells- a mechanism known as chemotaxis. Swelling. Dilation of Blood Vessels. (VASODILATION)

  5. Chemotaxis leads to the migration of certain white blood cells (leukocytes) to the damaged area. The leukocytes involved in the inflammatory response are phagocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. Neutrophils are first to the injured site and function by neutralizing harmful bacteria. Macrophages.

  6. Macrophages aid the healing process by engulfing bacteria and dead cells and ingesting them so that the area is clear for new cells to grow. Macrophages

  7. Macrophages work tirelessly to clear the damaged area and make space for the regeneration of new tissue. Tissue heals.

  8. References. S:\Curriculum\Year 12\Biology\Unit 3\Immunity animations\Inflammation\PLAY_inflammation.html Biozone international inflammation worksheet http://www.goodpsych.com/stress-psychology/ JASMINE SPILLER.

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